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Everything posted by ktrunner9922

  1. My best friend was accepted into midwestern (DG) in this cycle. Do you have any questions? I could forward them to her and message you back some answers
  2. Hello! Anyone on here who was accepted into the Johns Hopkins SOE this upcoming fall of 2021?
  3. Omg thats so funny! I wonder if we were in the same interview group
  4. Congrats on your acceptances as well!! Wishing you the best in making your decision Hopkins was the second cheapest option for me and they are more than likely going to be CACREP accredited starting again this summer. Money was a huge factor for me so Hopkins really seemed like too good of an opportunity to pass up on. I was ecstatic to be accepted into UPenn's program, but as you know, it is pricey and I just didn't think I could afford that.
  5. I was accepted to Vanderbilt, UPenn, UConn, Boston U, Boston C, and Hopkins. I've decided on attending Hopkins this fall!
  6. I was interviewed February 8th and I was accepted into their program February 23rd
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