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    EMWC reacted to Odyssey417 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Try not to worry yet as hard as that is. They don’t seem to be alphabetical this year. I was also waitlisted last year and just got in an hour ago. I hope you hear soon!
  2. Like
    EMWC reacted to DD2021 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Like others mentioned, it should be on the front page when you log into Acorn (this is the front page on my phone). 

  3. Like
    EMWC reacted to miniteakettle in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Just got the deposit and an invitation!! found out on acorn, first time applier for the 2 year MSW program. Super excited to go there next year, especially since it was my first choice. 
    Last name is K, was stressing when others were finding out yesterday. Just stay patient!! Good luck everyone
  4. Like
    EMWC reacted to saintsaens22 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Checked my ACORN account last night, and I got into the UofT 2 year program!! Super excited. My last name starts with K, I’m a domestic applicant. Haven’t received any emails or updates on my SGS profile yet. It was my first time applying, and this is my top choice. 
  5. Like
    EMWC reacted to HopeisthewaytoCope in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Decided to check Acorn as well! I have been accepted to UofT's 2 year program!!! Last name starts with B.  For all those waiting, wishing you the best!!!!! Positive vibes!!
  6. Like
    EMWC reacted to T.O.hopeful in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got in to UofT's 2-year MSW program!! So happy as I was starting to doubt my experience reading all of everyone's stats on this site (y'all are so impressive!!). Praying everyone else who applied in this forum hears some good news!!
  7. Like
    EMWC reacted to T.O.hopeful in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I just checked Acorn and it shows invited with the $500 deposit and April 13th deadline to pay. No email yet! I checked Acorn earlier today and it showed $0, so it was definitely only added within the past few hours!
  8. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from stack in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    For anyone debating Carleton - I emailed Stephanie at admissions to ask for an acceptance extension and she let me know I could go ahead and accept and pull out on a later date if I needed by emailing her
  9. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from sweetpotatorollgirl in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    That is super weird! I also applied to the 2 year FT stream.. Strange, must just be an administrative blip!
  10. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from tturtle in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    For anyone debating Carleton - I emailed Stephanie at admissions to ask for an acceptance extension and she let me know I could go ahead and accept and pull out on a later date if I needed by emailing her
  11. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from WhoDat in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Of course! I do think my background is unique and could be encouraging for some. Last year I didn't apply to a single MSW because I thought I was unqualified.
    My background is in the arts and cultural sector, I have a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) and graduated with a 3.6-3.7 GPA (4.3 scale). I have over 6 years professional working experience as an arts administrator/programmer - about 8000hrs. I also have over 1000 hrs of volunteer experience (various social justice, environmental, and arts related initiatives). I am 30 years old so I am sure I am coming in at an older age then some  
    I have no formal social service experience, but there are overlaps with the work I do in cultural programming and my past volunteer history.
    I think the strength of my applications have been from my experiences outside school (again - I’m 30 years old) and a strong personal statement (helps when your friends have PhD's and can review your work!). My area of interest is also a little unique, which I also believe has given me an edge (I’m interested in the social service potential of cultural institutions through a specifically post-colonial lens).
    I am so proud of everyone on here for their commitment to themselves and their education, I found this forum to be really encouraging and I am excited for how diverse the student body in social work seems to be. If anyone else is applying from the cultural sector I would love to chat!
  12. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from WhoDat in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got into Carleton - and with a funding package, that's a first for me! What's the deal with funding packages, do some schools do it and others not? 
  13. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from WhoDat in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    It does feel strange - but I guess if there are many applications it would take a lot of administrative energy to get everything out at once!
  14. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from WhoDat in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I'm sorry to hear this  I hope you hear back soon about your other applications!.I have a friend who had to apply to Carleton three times before getting in - it's a hard one!
  15. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from T.O.hopeful in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    @T.O.hopeful will you be my social worker? You are making me feel much better!
  16. Like
    EMWC reacted to mskiwi in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I GOT INTO CARLETON!!! I got my email at 3:17pm.
    Good luck to everyone still waiting! I believe in you all 
  17. Like
    EMWC reacted to tturtle in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
  18. Upvote
    EMWC got a reaction from roughclub in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Of course! I do think my background is unique and could be encouraging for some. Last year I didn't apply to a single MSW because I thought I was unqualified.
    My background is in the arts and cultural sector, I have a BFA (Bachelor of Fine Arts) and graduated with a 3.6-3.7 GPA (4.3 scale). I have over 6 years professional working experience as an arts administrator/programmer - about 8000hrs. I also have over 1000 hrs of volunteer experience (various social justice, environmental, and arts related initiatives). I am 30 years old so I am sure I am coming in at an older age then some  
    I have no formal social service experience, but there are overlaps with the work I do in cultural programming and my past volunteer history.
    I think the strength of my applications have been from my experiences outside school (again - I’m 30 years old) and a strong personal statement (helps when your friends have PhD's and can review your work!). My area of interest is also a little unique, which I also believe has given me an edge (I’m interested in the social service potential of cultural institutions through a specifically post-colonial lens).
    I am so proud of everyone on here for their commitment to themselves and their education, I found this forum to be really encouraging and I am excited for how diverse the student body in social work seems to be. If anyone else is applying from the cultural sector I would love to chat!
  19. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from roughclub in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I got into Carleton - and with a funding package, that's a first for me! What's the deal with funding packages, do some schools do it and others not? 
  20. Like
    EMWC got a reaction from roughclub in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I was actually wondering the same! I thought only Dal sent physical letters now I am thinking other schools do as well..? I found some information online for a few schools.
    Carleton: Successful applicants will be notified by email from the Dean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs. You can check your application status in Carleton Central. The School of Social Work will submit admission decisions by the end of February.
    WLU: Admission into a graduate program is a competitive process. Notifications of offers of admission are sent via email to the email address you provided in your application.
    UofT: Admission offer letters will be sent out from mid-February to mid-April. As decisions are mailed out, your status on the On-line application will be changed to 'Decision made'. By mid-April all decisions will be sent out.
  21. Like
    EMWC reacted to MSW2022MM in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Hi Everyone,
    Congrats to everyone who has been accepted to a program, hope to those still waiting, and courage to those who did not get accepted this time around - it will happen!
    This might seem a bit random to pop into the conversation at this time but just in case there is anyone looking at this thread who is wanting to apply to Laurier for their ONLINE program January start, the application opens on March 1 (the first part - OUAC application) and I recommend doing it ASAP. It says the application is open until April 15 but has a disclaimer that it can close any time. They seriously mean this. I applied for the September start (still waiting to hear back) and the application opened October 1 and said it was open until December 1 but they closed it by October 15th because they had already reached their maximum capacity for applications (they said in an info session they were limiting it to 200 applications). I don't know if they will be doing the same thing this time around or if January start is as popular as September (I was told by the advisor it wasn't). You only have to do the OUAC part and then you have the rest of the time to do part 2 even if they close part 1 applications. I hope that makes sense - I'm happy to clarify any of this if there are questions. I just didn't want anyone to miss out on applying because I never expected it to close so early.
  22. Like
    EMWC reacted to SocialWork123 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Hey y'all! I just got accepted to Carleton's Advanced Standing (1 year) program!!! My last name is in the first half of the alphabet and my status changed to Decision Being Made by Post Doctoral & Graduate blah blah either late last night or this morning. Movement is happening!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
    For reference, I have a BSc in Psych and I'm finishing up my BSW currently. I had about 8900 total hours on my "portfolio" they have us fill out. I'd say about ~700 of my ~1200 volunteer hours were direct and hard to say with my paid work because it varies from super direct mental health work to stuff that only certain reviewers may consider relevant (like customer service). Maybe about 50/50 for that. I think I have about a 3.95/4.0 scale but I'm not completely sure because both of my degrees use different scales. 
    Please let me know if I can answer any other questions. Reading this thread is the only thing that keeps me sane so I'd love to be that for someone else. Going to go scream now
  23. Like
    EMWC reacted to ESloan3 in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    I applied to Laurier last year and didn’t find out until the beginning of May about their decision. They also had a later application deadline so perhaps that’s why. It wasn’t due until Feb 1st
  24. Like
    EMWC reacted to Mikaa in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    Hi guys! I just got accepted to the MSW program at Ryerson!! Im so excited. I was really confused at first though because they called me and for some reason I thought it was fake LOL because I didn’t think they would call you.  
    I guess their process involves them calling you and then you will receive an email with your acceptance letter! 

    I am still waiting from other school like Uoft but Im wishing everyone the best of luck! ??
  25. Like
    EMWC reacted to BingBongBingBong in MSW 2022 CANADA APPLICATION FORUM   
    It sounds crazy coming from me but I was in the same boat last year with checking everything.
    Try to take breaks from the crazy refresh cycle (e.g. checking emails 24/7), the letter/email will come, give yourself some space away from it all.

    Good luck.
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