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    Art History PhD

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  1. I appreciate this insight, thank you for sharing! The absence of the "score of the last application..." part is the most frustrating. I remember when I was rejected by SSHRC for the Doctoral award back in 2022, I at least knew my ranking and had a sense of how to improve for my (successful) application for the next cycle. I wonder if it might end up being possible to crowdsource this information, if enough people from the different committees chime in.
  2. This is my first time applying. I'm in art history, so committee 1. I scored 14.72 / 18 and was "recommended for funding" but was not funded. Bummer is that I scored higher as an applicant than on the project itself 😅 I'm torn on whether I want to know the cut-off score or if it will bum me out. I'm finishing my PhD this year (either June or in the fall - the decision was going to be partially dependent on the result of this) and I'm in my 4th year at a US state school. I have 4 peer reviewed articles in the bag, with 4 forthcoming (2 book chapters and 2 journal articles, one in a top journal in my field). I also included 5 conference presentations and 1 chaired panel at CAA. Feeling pretty bummed but already have thoughts on how to retool the project. I'm taking this as a positive sign that I scored decently, despite writing the app in a fever state after a summer of research. Planning to tweak/refocus it and resubmit this year because the committee clearly had issues with the project more than me.
  3. I would encourage you to look into the University of Calgary in Canada! My partner is a PhD candidate there and he will get a PhD in English and Creative Writing (so not a formal MFA/PhD hybrid but his dissertation is a novel that is informed by critical research + he has to write an article-length critical work relating to it at the end). You may want to also look into the concept of "research creation", as it is known here in Canada more broadly. Natalie Loveless' book How to Make Art at the End of the World: A Manifesto for Research-Creation (Duke UP, 2019). Hope this is useful! Good luck!!
  4. Current art history PhD here. I emphathize with you and relate to some of the sentiments. Without knowing more about your situation, my instinctive advice (which may not sound great, so please take it with a grain of salt) is to get through the MA and stop after getting the degree. This advice would change though depending on your circumstances, ex. if your relationship with your advisor is unhealthy in a way that might be considered "abusive" by the academy, so to speak. Feel free to DM me if you are comfortable/would like to share details. My program has also turned out to be not what I expected in many ways and my department is toxic in many ways. Because I want to stay in academia, my coping strategy has been to survive it without getting into unnecessary fights/unpleasant situations with people while also taking notes of things I would want to do differently in the future if I ever achieve my dream of becoming a professor myself and have to work as part of a department culture and take on mentees. Reminding yourself that the academy is a quagmire in many ways but that it does not have to be this way, nor that you are chained to this option, is something myself and several of my classmates do to get through, if that makes sense. That separation will also help prevent you from seeing all of art as always, inherently, through the academic lens. There's also just more practical advice, like ensuring you're taking care of yourself and maintaining a few hobbies, etc. Again, happy to chat further if that's of interest. I hope whatever you're going through works out!
  5. I would encourage you not to waste time and money on the application and not apply to the University of Oregon for an MA. The program has had its funding significantly cut back by the university. The last time MAs were fully funded was in 2019. Now, PhDs have all the priorities. On the rare case that an MA receives funding, it is on a case by case basis and is tied to teaching. If you receive a teaching position that term, you get funding. If not, then no. There is also no one who would be able to properly supervise a project on your topics of interest. I hope this does not sound too scary and discouraging, I just really don't want anyone to be disenchanted with the program, especially not MA students. Good luck with your other applications!
  6. The advice I kept getting is that "the sooner you start studying languages, the better." I got into a PhD program having a moderate reading knowledge of French and being fluent in Russian (speaking + reading) because I am a native speaker in the latter. I have heard over and over that German is an important language, especially for Western Europe, and am planning to begin taking classes this summer to learn it from scratch. I have a classmate who is learning Italian from scratch to satisfy her language requirement but she has the luxury of doing that because she has two years do to coursework whereas I have one. As soon as you can start, the better! Based on the info you gave, French/German/Italian/Spanish would probably be the most applicable for you, depending on what you narrow your focus to!
  7. Congrats! I'm a first-year PhD in a US school, so I applied directly to SSHRC. This is my second time applying. Fingers crossed but trying not to think about it since the wait is so long
  8. I think the posters above really covered it. I just wanted to add my two cents for a bit of perspective: the two profs that did respond to me were also from the only two programs that seriously considered my application. While silence is not a rejection, the kind of response you get still sets the tone. One of the responses I got came half an hour later, not addressing me by name and worded like a text that basically said "it's more competitive this year but apply and we'll see how it goes." They did not even bother removing the "sent from iPhone" signature. So trust your gut on whether you should apply based on what you hear back, if you hear back!
  9. Glad I could help! The only information I was told/found on my university's website was that two weeks must pass after my second shot before I am considered fully vaccinated and therefore allowed to enter. I think since the vaccination schedule here in North America is ramping up so that students can get it in time for the school year to start, they're not yet setting the kind of time limits you mention. It might be a good idea, when you are contacting departments, to ask graduate directors about this? Even if they respond by saying they don't know and directing you to someone else, it would probably be good to double-check just in case. Good luck!
  10. The school I will be attending on the West Coast has made COVID-19 shots required and list which vaccines they accept/recognize (Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson-Johnson). I recently got my second shot and did not have any difficulties (yet, fingers crossed) of having them recognized by the institution. So it will really depend on the school you apply/get into. I found this a while ago, I hope it's helpful as you think ahead: https://www.bestcolleges.com/blog/list-of-colleges-that-require-covid-19-vaccine/
  11. When I applied last year I focused on outlining my research interests/proposed PhD project and only mentioned where I'm from, ie. that I'm doing an MA at X institution. I will say that my MA supervisor went very heavy on telling me that I NEED to be talking to POIs, as in they should be having a Zoom/phone call with me, not just an email exchange. I found that his advice was not only unrealistic, in some ways, but also seems to be directly opposed to the fact that most profs....just didn't have time to talk. Out of the 7 that I contacted, I only had Zoom calls with 2, and these were the ones where I made it farthest (waitlisted in one, accepted into the other). 2 profs from prestigious schools completely ignored my emails, 1 sent me a generic "thanks for your interest, apply and we'll see how it goes!" without even addressing me by email, 1 told me she doesn't speak to students until they're accepted, and another generic email. Notably the more prestigious the school the more likely they are to brush you off, so I thought I'd mention this just so that you know what might probably happen, as a lot of people make contacting POIs sound like a "make-it-or-break-it." Ask them if they'd be willing to speak with you about the program/their research. I hope you have better luck than I did in hearing back and speaking with people!
  12. Sending solidarity hugs!
  13. So scared of getting my hopes up lol
  14. Hello! Longtime lurker, first time poster. Also just got my rejection. Scored 14.53, committee 1 (art history). I'm a second-year MA, got into an American school for PhD, so this is my first time applying to SSHRC. I got CGS-M before and have 3 forthcoming peer-review publication (at the time of applying I listed only 2). Am curious what others in my field/committee 1 got and congrats to everyone who was successful! Planning to reapply in the fall.
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