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    2yr MSW UofT

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Casey, my heart goes out to you. I can only imagine how difficult the decision to decline was during this season's circumstances. May you find peace around the decision and see opportunities that life unfolds for you from here on out. Also, biggest congratulations on your hard work being officially recognized by UofT ?
  2. Does anyone have any intel about the number of UofT's MSW applicants this year from a rejection letter? Curious to know if it was as unusually high as last year's applicant pool!
  3. I hear a very valid part feeling the heaviness of uncertainty & it is truly difficult. Is there possibly a strategic part that has some backup action plans regardless of the results? Is there possibly a part that can feel the excitement in your body when thinking about a potential backup next step? I trust we'll all end up where we exactly ought to be at the exact time we ought to be??? Sending every soul reading this calming energy? We'll all be ok if not more???
  4. Um I still haven't submitted!? been doing everything last min for both UofT & UBCO since I was not planning on a Masters at all & it suddenly literally hit me last min that this is what I ought to do/it's my calling!! Ahh thanks for sharing your thoughts! I shall include those questions in the referee request email then! I assumed they'd probably ask for a general letter of reference too??‍♀️ Oh My Goodness! I'd want a partner for my future trauma-informed private practice once I graduate.. working with highschool & college students & their parents!! Esp immigrant students! Would love to find out if we have complementary skills/strengths, once we get accepted to start setting the foundation???? Which trauma-focused modalities are you planning to get trained in?
  5. Ahh a potential classmate/fellow clinical enthusiast! Yay! Btw is there no reference form for UBCO like UofT to be sent out in advance to referees? Or is the reference format going to be just a general letter without the philosophical questions? Also, which population/s & setting/s do you aspire to work with your MSW? P.s. I Really am not a fan of how UBCO makes us submit our application before sending out emails to referees ugh? Glad I did the UofT application beforehand!
  6. Can anyone confirm that if with a MSW degree from UBCO, one can become a RCSW with the Ontario College? Just want to be sure! I've already emailed the Ontario College but due to high volume they'll get back to me in a week (if even!) & I'd appreciate getting this affirmation earlier to feel more confident about the decision of applying to UBCO - the deadline is on Jan 10th, 2022! Thanks in advance!
  7. You Rockk! What an exemplary social worker you are!? As a result of sharing your research, I'm planning to apply for UBCO and Laurier (in Jan) too as back up clinical options.. As a Torontonian I can't see myself living in Calgary tbh!? I'd deeply appreciate it if anyone would share any other clinically-focused accredited Online MSW options for non-BSW applicants, other than Laurier!?
  8. Thanks for the invitation! Do you find it's easy to build relationships with UofT profs? I read somewhere that they're mainly busy with their own research so the interactions aren't as tight-knit? How true is that? How many students are in each class usually? Also, curious if you're comfortable sharing and remember, what you answered (in short) for: "how do you think that you can contribute to the program?"
  9. Thanks for sharing your experience! Do you find it's easy to build relationships with UofT profs? I read somewhere that they're mainly busy with their own research so the interactions aren't as tight-knit? How true is that? How many students are in each class usually? Also, curious if you're comfortable sharing and remember, what you answered (in short) for: "how do you think that you can contribute to the program?"
  10. Also curious about UofT's admissions team.. does anyone know who besides Angela sifts through the applications or is it just her? I couldn't find anything online about this! Maybe I've missed a gradcafe past years comment on this!?
  11. I'm curious to hear from those who applied to UofT, since every one of us has unique backgrounds & ambitions, I wonder how different individuals answered (in short) "how do you think that you can contribute to the program?" We never get to peak behind the scenes so this might be nice to get a better sense of the individuals (possible future classmates) who applied! P.s. I applied to Mental Health & Health - domestic
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