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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. I've received one acceptance, but no news on an admitted students day... When do you usually hear about such things?
  2. My field doesn't really do interviews, so I guess this means I have to visit the schools on my own dime, right? For those of you who are in the same boat (or were in the same boat), how do you go about arranging visits? Do you contact your potential advisor? Arrange through a graduate coordinator? Will they help you find out about things like campus childcare, or are you on your own for researching those things? Thanks in advance!
  3. welcome! I have no idea about rolling admissions. I think it would depend on how many applicants they get and also if they try to make certain University-wide fellowship deadlines or anything like that... Good luck!
  4. thanks all. I've been checking obsessively of course, but really didn't expect to hear this early. Now I know I'll have to wait ages for anything else. Here's one for the "do you think this means anything?" list: one of the schools to which I applied has started sending me invitations to department talks, events, etc. Now, they could send these to everyone who applies, but in my fantasies I've been already added to some admitted student's mailing list and they just haven't notified me yet
  5. t_ruth

    Athens, GA

    Are there surrounding towns that are good for young families and very close (5-10 minute drive) from campus?
  6. UGA Funny thing is, right after I received the email dh signs on to linkedin and has an invitation to apply for a job in Atlanta!
  7. I just got my first acceptance! They are submitting a package for me to the graduate school for funding, so that's TBD (though the website says they fund every student either through the graduate school or the department, I think the amount will vary). It is a relief to have at least one, but it does just bring a craving for more so there can be some options!
  8. I did see one school that required it, but that seemed to be a bit of an oddity...
  9. Ah, that would make sense, setting them all to go out at the same time. Now, was that 1pm your time or the time of the school?
  10. So, another random question - what time do the emails come? Are they staying late to send them out? Doing it first thing in the morning?
  11. wow TeeDub, you have some pretty top-notch schools on your list there. Are you confident w/most/all of them? Have you contacted professors at all? Must be nice to know someone where you are applying...I feel the system is really slanted against returning students who won't have those contacts, which bums me out.
  12. here, found it: http://ed.stanford.edu/suse/admissions/ ... rview.html
  13. It's strange checking the results page, because on one hand I want to see something, but on the other, I certainly don't as that would mean other people got in and I didn't!
  14. I heard the same thing about Stanford. They have a flow chart on their website w/the order of their application process and timing, etc. It appears that the earliest they really notify is 3/1. I also jump from those status notifications TeeDub. I had an email soliciting me for my other business w/the subject line "our committee wants you to be accepted" - it had nothing to do w/grad school, but can you imagine the heart flutters I had!?!
  15. I'm guessing there are mostly women on here - I am!
  16. Congtats! Have you posted the results? If not, do you mind sharing what schools & programs?
  17. yep, I had that. What I was wondering is how people in the past had found out their acceptance/rejection status from the site...did they change the system so we won't be able to this year?
  18. I know there are some schools that post the results on their regular application status check website. In the results search, I see that people have found out from U. of Washington by just checking the website (before a notification). I'm looking at my status check website and can't see where it would be... Can anyone who has been through this offer some insight?
  19. thanks for the invite. I've been lurking but don't really have much to add.
  20. my field is ed psych - I have no idea what is expected.
  21. I am so jealous of all you political science people - your threads are always jumpin'
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