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Everything posted by t_ruth

  1. I seriously just want to be able to post something to the darn results page here, lol!
  2. Some info for you here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=14714
  3. So...do you have them? It sometimes seems to me that everyone has them...
  4. I saw someone post for WashU & social psych...not sure if the timing is the same. Thanks!
  5. for some reason it seems that Stanford is more competitive - is their program smaller? that would account for it... I have no idea about the international student thing though, sorry. Good that you have publications already! I have none, and my GRE is 650/760 (v/q), which I guess isn't that bad, since 650 is 93rd percentile in verbal I believe. What specific program are you applying for?
  6. I'm so jealous of all the Psychology peeps who aren't Ed. Psych and are hearing things. Why oh why do Colleges of Ed. have to notify later than everyone else?
  7. I'm feeling very apprehensive. My numbers are ok, but there are a million other reasons someone else might get chosen over me.
  8. ugh! there is still one school who still hasn't sorted through their holiday mail, so my application is without transcripts well past the first of the year fellowship deadline
  9. these results are pretty much as expecter so far - at least what I expected.
  10. i was trying to entice ETA: though it does seem that most of the people who post on this board have pretty strong apps... I do have to say I was feeling better about my score (in the 1401-1450) cat before this poll, lol.
  11. yes, I've used chatzy before, but the mods could set something up on here linking to a gradcafe room...
  12. for nights like this when everyone seems to be on. Board mods, think it is something you maybe could hook up?
  13. yes, I meant the results section, the results posting is a lot slower than here.
  14. applycorner doesn't seem all that active, does it? I check it out every day, but gradcafe is my main home.
  15. I'm really looking forward to sharing some good news w/my husband. but the facebook network thing will be fun too - thanks for sharing that!
  16. no need really since it is anonymous, right?
  17. miratrix, just finished my last two 20 mins ago!
  18. Just looked at last year's results. There were some schools sending emails and making phone calls on MLK day.
  19. peapod is very worth the delivery fee for staples once a month or once a fortnight (I would just walk to the store for fresh fruit and meats, etc.). As far as the snow, when you are taking the T you don't have to factor in the time to shovel out your car which I'm learning can take forever!
  20. I just looked at the *very* limited data for my programs and schools (aside from two I already can assume I didn't get) and they all pretty much notify first week of March. Thank goodness February is a short month!
  21. this poll makes me feel better about my grades
  22. Hopefully I can make people happier w/my categories by "post college" I'd include anything that would be equivalent...something that would look relevant and professional to an adcom
  23. I guess when you get over 30, 21 doesn't seem much different than 24, lol
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