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    lunalune got a reaction from nervoustunes in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Got invited to an interview by POI at Drexel for the Community Health and Prevention program! 
  2. Like
    lunalune reacted to bmore_epi in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    I rejected JHU's offer. The stipend is not great and the environment is very stressful here. Do what is best for you and go where you will be happy! JHU is a soft money school so mentorship is NOT great. 
  3. Like
    lunalune reacted to anxiousphdapplicant in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Is anyone else REALLY struggling to stay calm/positive during this process? I hate just anxiously waiting and checking my email every ten minutes and looking at every update on the results page and overthinking everything and it is just taking a toll on me 
  4. Like
    lunalune reacted to LauzzaMon in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Apologies if someone already posted this (couldn't see it), but I received an interview request (Zoom) for Indiana DrPH program. Best of luck all (and alllll advice welcome!)
  5. Like
    lunalune got a reaction from spiralingepi in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Yall I'm losing it? I saw the director of a program I'm waiting on tweeting about something random and I was so tempted to tweet her and be like "ahem... pls give us decisions" ? I need this cycle to END
  6. Like
    lunalune got a reaction from globalMH in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Yall I'm losing it? I saw the director of a program I'm waiting on tweeting about something random and I was so tempted to tweet her and be like "ahem... pls give us decisions" ? I need this cycle to END
  7. Like
    lunalune reacted to crookedblaze in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Just got an interview invite from UNC for the PhD in Health Behavior! ?
    Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear back. I know that this process is so agonizing, but I hope that we can all hold space for the amazing feats we've already accomplished and will continue to accomplish, with or without admittance to a program. You are enough and you are worthy, no matter what. 
  8. Like
    lunalune got a reaction from DrPhDFall2023 in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Got invited to an interview by POI at Drexel for the Community Health and Prevention program! 
  9. Like
    lunalune got a reaction from PublicHealth123 in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Got invited to an interview by POI at Drexel for the Community Health and Prevention program! 
  10. Like
    lunalune reacted to bmore_epi in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Officially received admissions to University of Pittsburgh BCHS! ? so happy
  11. Like
    lunalune got a reaction from DrPhDFall2023 in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    just finished up a series of interviews with Dartmouth Health Policy. the typical why this school, why a PhD, but they were also very interested in specifics about a problem i've encountered in quantitative research and how i solved it, just adding to the conversation about interview questions!
  12. Like
    lunalune got a reaction from spiralingepi in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    just finished up a series of interviews with Dartmouth Health Policy. the typical why this school, why a PhD, but they were also very interested in specifics about a problem i've encountered in quantitative research and how i solved it, just adding to the conversation about interview questions!
  13. Like
    lunalune reacted to Leget in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    I saw on Vanderbilt's website that the interview date is February 16 and invites will be sent out early February. I have not heard back too though
  14. Like
    lunalune got a reaction from bmore_epi in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    That's amazing, congrats!
  15. Like
    lunalune reacted to globalMH in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Congrats! I received an NYU GPH SBS invite today too!
  16. Like
    lunalune reacted to olivecords in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Got an interview invite from NYU GPH this morn!! looks like they are having an interview day 2/9. From program admin, says its a 30 min chat with 2 faculty, but doesnt say who.
    Also- emailed Brown to even see if they got my app and they said yes, I'll hear back in March, so likely a rejection.
    Still no word from Drexel or Rutgers. Anyone heard from Rutgers?
  17. Like
    lunalune reacted to ASA15 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Last year’s thread had a really handy stipend list for a lot of public health PhD programs before it disappeared... did anyone happen to save it? Or does anyone want to contribute to a new one? I found that really really useful when applying because some of the info (esp for specific programs) is hard to find.
    I can contribute two-
    BU Epi is $36,000 over 12 months, + tuition + all fees and free health insurance. 4 years guaranteed, no TA required. 
    Yale EMD is $38,050 over 12 months + tuition + fees and health insurance. 5 years. 2 terms TA required. 
  18. Like
    lunalune reacted to ASA15 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Officially in at Yale EMD! My dream program, and I’m so excited!
    This is my second time applying to PhD programs. The first time (2 years ago) I applied to like 11 schools... was accepted to a few, but none of my first choices, and none with great funding (UW was a love of mine, but couldn’t deal with their funding situation). I chose to get 2 years of additional experience in order to really clarify my interests and goals, and applied to only 4 schools this time (something I was really regretting like a month ago) but ones with better fit matches. Was accepted to 2/4, including my first choice! 
    So for anyone who didn’t get into the program they wanted this year... don’t lose hope! Everything happens as it’s meant to!
    Also will be declining by spot at BU Epi... so hopefully it goes to the person who asked about BU waitlist here last week  
  19. Like
    lunalune reacted to phdhopeful14 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hi all - I just heard back, and was admitted to UNC's PhD program in Health Behavior (first and only acceptance)! I'm wishing you all the best as you begin to hear back! 
  20. Like
    lunalune reacted to ArtistinHealth in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    I have heard back from all my schools, and will be accepting at UMass Amherst for CHE PhD. I have not yet confirmed this with the school. I am waiting to speak with my prospective mentor next week about the specifics of the fellowship I was awarded, so I have a better understanding of what I'm getting myself into financially. While not an "elite" school, it's a great fit for me as an arts-based researcher in Public Health and Arts in Health and I want to stay closer to home (New Jersey) because of some family matters. Nevertheless, I'm super excited! This was my first application cycle and only applied to 3 programs (it's really hard as an arts-based researcher in PH finding a good fit). Posting here in case others get accepted or decide to attend UMass, as I'd love to connect off the forum! Also happy to connect more generally if you're interested in how the arts can compliment public health research and programming. You can find me on IG @dramatichealtheducator. Good luck to you all. What is for you, is already yours. It might take a little work, but it is yours. This forum has been helpful, and I appreciate the grace you all share with each other. 
  21. Like
    lunalune reacted to spatial_epi in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hi all, I've been lurking for about a month and finally decided to say hello. Here's what I've got so far:
    Rejected: Harvard PHS-SBS (did not interview), UW-Health Services (interviewed, but not surprised at the rejection as I don't think it was actually the best fit) Wait-listed: Johns Hopkins-SBS Interviewed and waiting: UCLA-CHS, UNC Chapel Hill-Health Behavior, CUNY-Epi No word: Columbia-Epi, Berkeley-Epi, NYU-SBS, Yale-SBS And then I sort of have good news from the University of Minnesota Epi program. They don't seem to do interviews, but they're being really transparent about the process, which I love! They were the first school to contact me in January; they told me that I had moved on to the second stage and would now attempt to find an advisor and funding for me. They said they would let me know exactly what stage my application was in if/when I was curious. I reached out the other day and they told me I had an advisor match who was currently awaiting but optimistic about a grant decision. It's nice to be able to see into the process because I imagine similar things are happening with lots of folks on here at other schools - we just don't see it. Given that things could break down at any step of that process, it's good to remember that often these decisions are at the mercy of external factors. Just thought I'd share.
  22. Like
    lunalune reacted to mr444 in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Hi everyone, I don't know how to process emotions well and I am still in shock but I just received notice of my acceptance from Johns Hopkins into their Mental Health PhD program. For the past week I have been feeling so much anxiety waiting for their response to the point where each time I slept, I had a dream that I received a response (both good and bad) from them. I'm happy to say I can finally sleep in peace after this! Lol Anyways, before I tell the rest of my friends, I felt the need to come on here and share this news with you all. I just want you all to know how grateful I am to have found a community as supportive as yourselves. You have all been so encouraging through this process and it made it easer for me to handle each rejection I faced (UWashington, Boston, Michigan, and Brown). You all taught me to handle rejection as a redirection, and I was beginning to come to terms that if this year wasn't my year then I would simply have to try again. This is my second time applying to doctoral programs btw. Nonetheless, I appreciate you all and hope you all receive great news soon. May the universe bless you during this time. 
  23. Like
    lunalune reacted to publichealthPhD in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    Just got my rejection from Brown's HSR program. This was expected as I wasn't interviewed. 3/4 rejections so far. The 4th will come soon, as I haven't been interviewed there. I'm going to need to regroup and re-strategize for next year's cycle.
    I've been working in maternal and child health space for 12 years, am a returned Peace Corps Volunteer, I graduated with my MPH from Johns Hopkins where I won an award for my capstone research project. I worked on monitoring and evaluation of global maternal and child health programs for a few years post-MPH, and for the last three years I've been working as a researcher at a Harvard SPH lab. I have first authored 2 papers, second-authored 3 papers, and am a middle author in some others. I did not submit my GREs unless required. I'm interested in the intersection of MCH quality of care and implementation science. My recommenders are well-known in the field.
    I'm writing all of this to contribute to the ongoing conversation on this forum to de-stigmatize rejection. I'm trying to view this as an opportunity rather than a failure. I only applied to schools that were geographically close this year due to covid, so next year I'll get to expand my search a bit more. Hopefully that will make it easier to find a better match.  I'm using this year to regroup, gain more experience, and to identify programs that might be a better fit. (And maybe try for a kid pre-PhD!).
    This has been a great forum! It's good to know that there are so many up-and-coming, qualified, passionate public health researchers. We need it! Good luck to you all!
  24. Like
    lunalune reacted to fingazntoescrossd in PhD/DrPH Applicants: Fall 2021   
    *Brown HSR Rejection Email Arrives*
    Me: Proceeds to unfollow every single Brown HSR-affiliated account on Twitter
  25. Like
    lunalune reacted to Leget in PhD/DrPH (Public Health) Fall 2023   
    Got admitted to UTHealth Epi and Rutgers Epi today.
    No funding info from UTHealth. Rutgers gave a full funding 
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