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Status Updates posted by Neuronista

  1. hmmmm. Is it normal to get random e-mails with faculty publication lists and videos about the program from the school that accepted you? I mean, why would they?

  2. Accepted to SUNY Buffalo Biomedical Sciences! Anyone else going there (or already attending?)

  3. back after such a loooong time :) miss u ppl!

  4. what is the best online flashcard site to study GRE vocab?

    1. snes


      vocabulary.com lets users make lists of words they want to "learn" and will quiz you on them...not quite flashcards but helpful nonetheless.

    2. eco_env


      freerice- help starving people while studying! but not all the words are GRE type words.

  5. POI spelled my name incorrectly in an e-mail! HA!

  6. Now, any tips on how to stop making stupid, careless mistakes on the GRE math section.? It's driving me nuts!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hatem


      when are you going to take the GRE?

    3. Neuronista


      November 15. You?

    4. Hatem


      Don't worry,you still have time to prepare.I haven't register for the revised test yet,I hope to take it by early december.but I took the old test in the last summer.

  7. Technical question plz: one of the programs I'm applying to requires transcripts to be uploaded online in PDF (or doc) format, but they say the file should not exceed 600 KB. I tried so many different ways to make my file smaller, but I couldn't get it to less than 800 KB. Any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Neuronista


      I convert them into PDF using Adobe Acrobat (the full program, not the free reader). Or, depending on your scanner, you can directly scan them as PDF! This school I'm applying to strictly states they need them either pdf or doc. I chose pdf because doc seemed too messy :)

    3. Hatem


      Thanks,that's very helpful.

    4. Neuronista
  8. nightmares about applications, AGAIN!!!

    1. Kitkat


      I know exactly how you feel, ;P.

    2. Neuronista
    3. bdon19


      Yep, yep. I had a terrifying nightmare about missing the literature subject test last night. Awful. :(

  9. tired tired tired :s

  10. OK. so what about the professor who sends me a form response to an e-mail in which I asked him about research opportunities?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MoJingly


      hmmm... red flag?

    3. newms


      Not necessarily red flag...they could be too busy to respond to individual emails from prospective students.

    4. gellert


      i agree with newms. i wouldn't read too much into it. it's the start of a new semester. professors are busy, and if this one is famous, he/she is probably even busier than most.

  11. thinking of quitting my current job (research assistant). Will it hurt my CV (and PhD applications) if I don't find another job till then?

    1. fuzzylogician


      aside from the obvious "n+1 years of experience are better n", quitting by itself shouldn't hurt you if your leave on good terms.

  12. paper rejected! Oh well, we'll try again.

    1. newms


      That's the spirit.

  13. My heart has been broken a lot. Now if you break it too, I'm afraid the damage will be irreparable.

  14. getting replies from students. So it works! And they're helpful too :)

  15. sent a couple of e-mails to current students.

  16. lost, anxious, and exhausted.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neuronista


      oh it's just application season stress + some personal relationship stress. I hope both work out this time!

    3. MoJingly


      Haha, it all happens at once doesn't it? I understand! Rooting for you!

    4. Neuronista
  17. like the new layout of the site!

  18. what are the best US cities for an international female student?

    1. Neuronista


      in terms of safety, cost, and acceptance of diversity. Given all programs in those cities are equally good fits.

    2. eco_env


      every city has safer an less safe parts, and stipends are often based on cost of living. I don't think it makes sense to choose schools to apply to based on these criteria. in any case, you can use this to look up cost of living in cities with programs that interest you: http://www.bestplaces.net/col/ Someone also shared a link to crime data by address, but i don't remember what it was.

  19. studying for biology GRE even before my book arrives...

    1. newms


      That's the spirit:)

    2. MoJingly


      woot! DO IT!

    3. Neuronista


      thanks for the encouragement :)

  20. my parents just won't let me apply anywhere I want! I'm afraid that means I won't apply at all :'(

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. kaykaykay


      Well, you will have to stand on your own someday. I am sure if you are planning to go to grad school they raised you well and you will not get into trouble willingly. Other than that there is skype (you can promise to skype every day) cell phones with what they can reach you any time etc.. Usually good universities have their own security too. I am not sure what a nearby uncle could do more to protect you...

    3. kaykaykay


      Also I would probably try to mix their universities with yours. That way when you get in and actually there is a choice to be made you can evaluate choices on their own merit. for instance if you can get them to visit the school. My parents got so much more relaxed when they saw that I am in a "good place."

    4. Neuronista


      Thank you so much for your support. It really means so much to me. I'll try my best!

  21. i think I need a smart phone. Apple or Android?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Zouzax


      love my iphone too! i live overseas & thanks to it ive been able to keep in touch with my family as if we were only a city apart. i cant praise it enough.

    3. Neuronista


      Thanks iPhoners! Several of my friends outside the forum also recommended the iPhone. Each seems to have their +s and -s. This makes me even more indecisive. Which one?

    4. eklavya


      android. better yet, android on evo 3d - check it out.

  22. OK how about a subject GRE?!!

  23. best prep books for revised GRE?

  24. Yes that includes the AW section. I got a 5.0!

    (V+Q alone = 1110)

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