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Everything posted by cunninlynguist

  1. Thanks! Seems to be the case, although one of the international acceptances on the results survey indicated an e-mail notification. Either way, this upcoming week should yield a fair number of decisions for Michigan. Less than 3 weeks remaining for Yale, which is, unsurprisingly, a common thread amongst most of us.
  2. Accepted to Michigan! Received a letter in the mail from SNRE -- no financial aid info disclosed.
  3. Congrats curlie-sue on the Michigan acceptance. With regards to international water management: I'd surmise that Yale is more connected to global and international issues. That's not to say you wouldn't obtain excellent scientific and technical training at either school, but Yale could present a few more relevant international pathways (and cases to examine) with a more established global network. Additionally -- related to taking courses at UNC while at Duke -- I'm very intrigued by the opportunity to take a class or two at Duke Law, as my concentration and track would allow. I don't know how flexible the other schools are in this regard, though. Michigan is ambiguous, stating that your electives must be a 400-level graduate course or higher, so that may span across all programs there, which sounds good.
  4. Straight answer: No idea. Would be a cool "problem" to have, that's for damn sure. In terms of curricula and distinctions between the two: Duke is more quantitatively-oriented while Yale is a bit more scattered, and in some cases, research-based. You could conceivably shape your Yale degree to suit your individual interests while you'd be tethered to a selection of courses and paths at Duke. Personally, I don't perceive either to be better than the other in an objective sense -- both offer some great courses and marketable skills. Subjectively, however, I'd give Duke the edge. Based on employment data (starting salaries), both programs are virtually equal. Duke's career services staff is lauded; not sure about Yale, and don't know how helpful the alumni networks are at either school. There is the Yale/Duke recruiting fair which tacitly suggests that employers consider the pool of Nicholas and FES students to be of similar caliber.
  5. A bit weird, right? SNRE also sends letters via mail, so there are a few variables at play. And since tomorrow is a national holiday in the U.S., it's doubtful we'll hear anything until Tuesday at the earliest. The more I consider Duke, the more appealing it is, despite the 2 prerequisites I need to take.
  6. Good catch -- appears to have been on Friday and the concentration is Sustainable Systems. Judging from prior years, SS seems to be a few days ahead of the other concentrations. Nonetheless, this should be a big week for SNRE decisions based on past results!
  7. Only yesterday was I notified of the first decision -- and my applications were submitted in late October (although one of my letter writers submitted close to the deadlines). PhD programs rely more heavily on interviews and funding needs to be secured, so I assume the timetable for most Masters programs isn't as urgent. If there's one thing I've learned from this ordeal, it's that every program and every school operates uniquely. Some can release decisions every week for 5 straight weeks and others will release all decisions on one day. Hopefully you'll hear something soon!
  8. Welcome MrWilderness! I see you're a fellow victim of Brown. The Duke decision is located on the website -- first I received an e-mail prompt stating that the decision had been posted on ApplyYourself. A subsequent e-mail arrived shortly thereafter that included my password to ApplyYourself (in case it was forgotten, I presume). @tiredwaiting: Thanks! Here's to hoping you get a notification in the very near future.
  9. My first decision is finally in... accepted to Duke. $5K scholarship in the Environmental Economics and Policy concentration.
  10. We're still a month away from Yale. Whomever is posting these results is a troll or someone trying to make a point in an extraordinarily passive-aggressive manner. At least March 15th is a Thursday, so even if FES doesn't adhere to their deadline strictly, it's probable that we'd learn our fates on Friday the 16th. And some of us are still toiling in the misery of no-decision-land.
  11. Welcome, curlie-sue! Congratulations on the Duke acceptance -- is that your post on the Results Survey with the $14K scholarship?
  12. Congrats harawzx! Seems Duke was somewhat active this past week. And now it's the weekend. Great. See y'all on Monday! Maybe a few Michigan decisions will be dispatched...
  13. IIRC, all decisions pertaining to Masters-level (MEM, MF, MESC) applicants are released simultaneously. (In less polite terms: no chance in hell that's a legitimate posting). There's no logical reason to believe their schedule has changed this year, and here's a recent blog entry confirming that: "We do release all decisions at the same time, around March 15." EDIT: Appears that PhD decisions were released by FES today. In that case, the entry in question was likely just an oversight and whomever filled it out didn't check off PhD.
  14. The Ivy League is an athletic conference. It doesn't automatically denote an excellent program, particularly at the graduate level, in a given discipline. If you've received admission offers from 2 schools and are likely to pursue a PhD in the same field, go with the higher-ranking program. The admissions committees reviewing your PhD application will not assume the Ivy program is better -- they'll be aware of the distinction between a top 10 and top 20. (Congrats on the acceptances!)
  15. Sounds like you have the right idea. Well done -- must feel great to be 2/2 so far!
  16. Congrats once again! Just curious: when did you submit your FAFSA? I'm wondering if their aid, and admission, offers are made after they receive financial information from the applicants or if it's an independent process.
  17. Awesome. My cat can do practically anything and I'll still find it endearing.
  18. There are a few results from March 18-22 last year. Irrespective of that, I'm sure they've released decisions in April, and we've all got several weeks of fun ahead of us.
  19. ... And, as a product of boredom, here's a calendar illustrating all reported results from all years from the survey. Blue is Duke and yellow is Michigan. (Sorry to the other programs -- however, we also know Yale and UCSB will be March 15th, give or take a few days).
  20. I don't know if there's a common deadline for all states and schools, but generally it's recommended to file before March 1. Yale stipulated a February 15 deadline, for instance. The sooner it's done, the sooner the program can consider you for aid (and the sooner you'll figure out what you need in terms of loans).
  21. Finally completed FAFSA and Yale's separate financial aid application. Yale had a field for Trust Funds.
  22. Perspective: Everyone here is fortunate to even have the opportunity to apply to the graduate programs of their choice.
  23. The fact that the scholarships are internal means something, IMO. How specific were the e-mails? Several days after I applied to Yale FES, they provided a password to a scholarship database (all external, and available to all applicants). If you received personalized e-mails directing you to pursue a select number of departmental scholarships, it would appear they want to provide a financial incentive before you start leaning toward a different program.
  24. It won't hinder you, that's for sure. Any effort you make toward grounding yourself in your field before you would matriculate is a bonus, especially if it's grad-level work. A potential overlap in introductory coursework won't be a major issue.
  25. Another funding-related one, particularly since most professional Masters programs aren't well-funded. "Why can't you get more money? My [sibling/friend/imaginary person] went to [totally random university] for [any discipline] and got a full ride. I'm sure it's like that everywhere."
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