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Everything posted by Timshel

  1. You can also make it so that your facebook profile is not searchable.
  2. Penn State takes 1-2 people with an MA each year, if at all. They prefer someone with only a BA.
  3. I'm at UC Riverside. What is your area of interest?
  4. Have you looked at the Arizona schools? I can't remember which ones, but I had a friend who did the same area and he applied to a couple of schools in Arizona.
  5. Look up Rob Latham at UC Riverside. Also, UC Riverside has a huge special collection of science/fiction fantasy. It is a prominent area of study in UC Riverside's program.
  6. Have you looked at WUSTL? There are a lot of people who do British modernism, and there is a lot of interdisciplinary courses that deal with art and visual culture. I would recommend looking at the program and the courses that were taught the last couple of semester, including the current one.
  7. My classes don't start until the 26th, so I am feeling bored.
  8. I think UCR is an excellent choice for your interests. I am in the program if you have any questions.
  9. I have had many professors recommend that you do not get your graduate degree at the same place you get your undergrad.
  10. I am so jealous of all of you who get to start classes next week. The quarter system is going to take some getting used to for me.
  11. If you are interested in Hispanic studies, I would definitely recommend looking at the UC schools.
  12. Have you applied or looked at UC Riverside? Katherine Kinney does a lot with war literature. She teaches a lot of classes that involve war literature, too.
  13. I'm driving from NC to CA. I'm in for it......
  14. I'm sticking to stuff in my field. I still have a lot to learn in my field, and although there are soooo many classes I would love to take, I feel like my first priority is to become more knowledgeable in my own field.
  15. I am feeling completely overwhelmed and anxious. Not about school. That is all going well and I got into the classes I wanted, and I am super excited to take them, so all is well on that front. What is hard for me is the 2500+ mile move. We are having to make all of our moving arrangements without ever visiting there. Ha! I'm also super nervous about my husband finding a job soon once we get out there because Cali ain't cheap!
  16. I'm heading to UC Riverside this fall. They are good for your interests, and the location is great. The location was one of the factors for me, too, because I needed somewhere that would work for my husband, too. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask.
  17. I am spending what I consider my last summer of freedom watching horrible TV and reading breezy summer books and things I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm reading. I have the next 5+ years to read brain-splitting stuff. P.S. I do want to clarify that the books I am embarrassed to admit I'm reading do NOT include the 50 shades books. *shudders*
  18. Have you looked into UC Riverside? Some of the faculty are Riverside would work well with most of your interests.
  19. I LOVED The House of Sand and Fog.
  20. Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men. Oh, and I love the movie version of East of Eden. James Dean. *swoon*
  21. I also think that you can get into a department that has good multiethnic lit, and then just take classes in other departments. In fact, many state schools let you take classes at other state schools, too, if the particular school you end up at doesn't have a Scandinavian department. As for multiethnic in general, look at the UC schools. That is my area, and I am headed to UC Riverside in the fall. They have a great department for that.
  22. For sure! I won't be presenting, so I won't be nervous. I just want to hear some great panels, meet some great panels, and definitely have some drinks with some GCers!
  23. My husband has come with me to conferences before, and he never registered himself, he just walked in, but those weren't MLA. I thought MLA might be different. Plus, MLA is about networking, too, so it might be better to be official and have a name tag and what not.
  24. This may sound like a stupid question, but I am planning on attending the MLA conference in Boston in January even though I am not presenting. I have never attended a conference where I was not presenting, so I'm not sure about the protocol. Do I still have to register? Is anyone else planning on being there?
  25. Congrats! I hear you, though. I am relocating from NC to CA. Eek!
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