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Everything posted by Timshel

  1. UIC for the reasons you listed AND because Chicago is an AWESOME place to live. I miss it!
  2. Okay, I emailed anyway. I need to have some closure on this whole process so I can move on with my life!
  3. You should email to find out when we will hear. I would, but I already had correspondence with them earlier to some errors with transcripts...I feel weird emailing again...
  4. I didn't use my Master's thesis as my writing sample since my interests shifted a bit after I started working on my thesis.
  5. Just remember that starting July of this year, grad students can only get unsubsidized loans.
  6. Only if I had no other options. Since getting my Masters, I have worked adjunct at a community college and a university, and I am ready to move on. It was this experience that made me realize that this isn't really for me. I am not interested in teaching introductory composition courses for the rest of my life. I understand that a lot of people enjoy that, but it's just not for me. That is why I am concerned about placement records. However, I am trying not to worry too much about it because I know that placement is ultimately up to you, and I had many TT professors that got their PhDs at schools that aren't even top 100 schools, so it's doable.
  7. Okay, this isn't going to be very helpful, but reading your post reminded me of something. Last summer my husband and I were at the Flannery O'Connor house in Savannah, and we met a couple who were also touring the house. The husband was a "new left Baptist" minister/preacher (whatever Baptists call them) as he called it, and he actually had a PhD in Literature. I can't remember specifically, but he did some sort of double emphasis thing with religion and literature, and he was telling me how he did his dissertation on O'Connor's work as religious parables, or something like that. It was very fascinating. For the life of me, I can't remember what school he said he went to, but for some reason I feel like he said it was somewhere in California. Either way, it can be done. He said he uses O'Connor and other literature to reach out to his parishioners, and he said he was very successful. He has his own church in Decatur, Georgia. So yeah, I don't know what you could do with that, but I thought I would share that anecdote.
  8. Well, that doesn't look/sound very professional.
  9. Have you visited UCR yet? I'm not going to be able to make it, as I am on the east coast and the timing and trek are too much. I'd be interested to hear your thoughts...
  10. I mean, I am pretty sure I will still choose UCR. I have already been planning everything, and it's way more money in a nicer location. However, I guess I am a little concerned with the placement rates. From looking at both schools, it seems that UF has placed more people in TT university jobs than UCR (they still have a very high placement record, but a lot of them are at CC) over the last couple of years. I just don't know HOW concerned I should be about that.
  11. When I had assumed that I was rejected, I had convinced myself that I wouldn't take UF's offer even if I got it. Now that I'm wait listed, and I have looked back over the program, I can't help but get my hopes up about the wait list. Ugh.
  12. Has anyone heard anything positive from Albany? I see that a bunch of rejections went up, but that's it.
  13. Hmmm, it sounded formulaic. It states, "While we are unable to offer you admissions at this time, you are near the very top of our waitlist."
  14. Well, mine seemed like a form letter, but it stated that I was "near the very top," and I was curious if that was said in everyone's email. I'm assuming it was, but wanted to ask.
  15. I finally got my wait list email. Did anyone else's email say where on the wait list they were?
  16. Someone on the results board said that they were told on the phone today that anyone who hasn't been contacted yet is basically on the wait list.
  17. Yeah, let me know if you hear anything because I have yet to hear anything.
  18. I actually applied to the PhD program.....Oh well. I would have turned it down, anyway.
  19. So, have they notified everyone, because I haven't heard from them at all.
  20. They just went on spring break, right? I am assuming that means it's over....
  21. Actually, they do admit at least 1-2 people to PhD directly, but they have to have an MA in hand. Anyone else is automatically admitted to the MA.
  22. Good luck getting a respond. As I've previously stated, I emailed him regarding my application status over two weeks ago and never got a response. I've heard that some people had success calling, though, so I think that might be a better option.
  23. Yeah...I'm starting to think I don't exist to them, though, since neither her nor Wegner returned my emails. I'm not expecting anything.....
  24. What street did you hear this from? lol
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