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Everything posted by Timshel

  1. Hmmm....They are being so slow about contacting people, and they are about to go on spring break? How many people are they admitting??? Geez....Talk about leaving people hanging.....
  2. Yeah, I mean, I'm not sweating it too much because I already have one great offer, so if I don't get in I'll live, but I'd still like to know and I'd like to get some closure so I can start moving forward.
  3. Yeah, another thing that seems confusing is that the results don't seem to be consistent from year to year, so I don't know if not getting a rejection today could be considered a good thing.....
  4. Yeah, by the time I realized they weren't going to email me, it seemed too late to call to get confirmation.
  5. This actually makes me feel better, Venti. I thought I was the only one who couldn't get anyone to respond.
  6. Also, I just wanted to note that there seems to be several rejections on the board today.....Wonder what that means for those of us who haven't heard anything.
  7. I would assume that any email would be unsolicited since I have emailed TWICE in the last 3-4 weeks and have gotten no response.
  8. I had also heard that, which is why I inquired about a month ago to make sure they had everything. I kept waiting for them to respond, but I feel like, at this point, it would be fruitless to check since they most likely have already made their decisions, right?
  9. I am very frustrated with Florida. I emailed the grad office person (the person they list on the website) over 3 weeks ago to make sure all of my materials were received, and I got no response. Then about a week ago, I finally emailed the DGS and told them the situation and stated that I hadn't head back from the office person, and the DGS never emailed me back, either. I know I should just call, but at this point, I feel like it's a little late to make sure they have all of my materials....Grrr....
  10. Do they notify by mail or email?
  11. I almost presented but had to bow out at the last minute due to money issues (I'm in North Carolina), and now I'm really glad that I did because it's really going to be expensive for me to move from the east coast to the west coast! Eek! I will be at the CEA conference in Richmond, though, at the end of the month.
  12. UC Riverside actually offers courses that combine art /art history and literature. If you go to their website, check out their recent course descriptions to see what I mean. In fact, I think their winter 2012 section had a course that looked at african american art, for example.
  13. Yes, as a lecturer. Basically, you can teach the lower level courses. You can teach the basic studies classes like the required composition courses, introduction to literature courses, things like that.
  14. I graduated with my MA two years ago, and I teach and I'm a writing tutor trainer. I teach at a university now, but I also taught at a community college last year. A couple of my friends who graduated with me work at non profit organizations doing various positions.
  15. Just remember that you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like you!
  16. Yeah, it looks like, historically, they always notify all the acceptances on one day and all the rejections on a separate day. I guess we can assume that if we didn't hear anything, we're out. (Not that I thought I had ANY chance of getting in, anyway.)
  17. That seems awfully early since the results history shows that responses never went out before March...
  18. A professor of mine was a Children's Lit/Victorianist, and she got her PhD at UConn.
  19. What???? Why did they take back your offer? That is terrifying!
  20. From looking at past years, they are overdue for the notifications. it seems that they notify all the acceptances in one day and then all of the rejections a few days later.
  21. Ahhh, then sorry, I am of no help. The English department is just having a visit day where people who were accepted can come and check out the program.
  22. I was accepted into the English program, but there was no interview, just an open house in April. What program did you apply to?
  23. I think I remember that person posting on one of the threads, and they said they were actually accepted for the MA.
  24. It's mysteriously quiet today....
  25. I am totally here. I've gotten one acceptance and then a bunch of rejections. Although I am excited about the program I was accepted at, I'm beginning to feel like perhaps they made a mistake and I actually suck. ugh.
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