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Everything posted by LLajax

  1. Haha my motto for this whole thing has been "once more into the breach!" I find grad apps and Agincourt have a lot on common ...alternately "Certainty of death, small chance of victory- what are we waiting for?"
  2. I would wait for a bit before worrying about it. (Read: Please don't worry cokohlik, because you're great and you are going to get into places and so you shouldn't be causing yourself any ulcers this early in the game!!!) Confidence, up! I think information about admissions might be a bit like a particularly smelly toot- leaking slowly out and torturing all of us
  3. Silence from schools = Twilight Zone?

    1. bdon19



    2. rainy_day


      It is such a special kind of hell.

  4. I swear I'm not hallucinating this time- it popped up on the board! Still no news from any of the NINE schools I applied to. Sigh. I suppose I should count that as a good thing.
  5. Dead, irrelevant field? What nonsense! Exciting, vibrant, active fields! Woohoo! Of course, my field is medieval...so maybe I'm not the one to talk about dead fields....
  6. I know! What's with all the silence from Art History departments? We're all in suspense here!
  7. Gah me too! I swear they're coming with more frequency, like they're trying to drive me off the deep end.
  8. LLajax


    ...I don't see one on the results board? Haha, I'm getting a feeling of deja vu.
  9. YES. You, me, cokohlik- we should do it! I am completely convinced that this is brilliant. Now... how do we start a website? We would have the BEST companions. Giselbertus, check. Reubens, check. Maybe a brief stint with Manet for kicks. And the world could finally have an architectural plan for the TARDIS!
  10. "Submitted?!" Why isn't it "Complete?!" Ohmygosh, is my application incomplete?! Are they going to automatically reject me?! I have to call! Why haven't I heard anything?! Aahhhhh. I like this. Its cathartic. I get to make fun of myself.
  11. Caught myself baby-talking the copier at work...i need a break.

  12. YES. It will be like Van "Goff" all the time! Hrm, how do we make this happen? Edit: Could we call ourselves "Art Whostorians"?
  13. I like all of these suggestions. I tried to upvote it, but I've reached my positive votes quota for the day. I'm already looking for my local Star Trek group. If I can't find any, I'll start inventing my own language for when an away team lands and tries to talk to me- they're translators won't know what hit 'em!
  14. Had a dream where I got a rejection email from NYU, and was very sad. But it wasn't actually one of the places I applied, so it's okay?

  15. Looks like it disappeared! It showed up right under the UW-M one with the fellowship note. Huh.
  16. Anybody want to claim the Yale acceptance on the results board? Congrats whoever it was! Edit: it seems to have disappeared. Thats what I get for obsessively checking the results board. My apologies for potentially launching someone into a downward spiral of nerves (including myself)!
  17. This made me think of: We are the CyberGrad. You are compatible. Prepare to be upgraded. Maybe I should find myself a Dr. Who board to hang out on.
  18. This. Also, after getting the typical "Of course you'l get in somewhere!", I was trying to explain that mine is a small field, it IS hard to get in, etc., and someone said "Well, can't you just apply in a different, easier field to get into, and then transfer?" Also, my grandma, who is super excited about the idea of someone in the family going to grad school ("We've never had a Dr. ___!") keeps trying to "help" me by trying to get me to contact her friends. "Well, I once met the wife of Dr. So-and-so (in completely unrelated field), and I think he's emeritus (she's forgetten he's a little bit deceased)- you HAVE to call him and tell him you know me. He'll get you in!" I love her, but I've given up trying to explain how admissions works, and that art history and phschiatry aren't likely to be done by they same post-emeritus (late) professor. Edit: also today I got "My friend just got into every law school she applied to- Harvard, Yale- all of them! You're as smart as she is, so you should be fine."
  19. LLajax


    Got an email from Williams (MA)- apparently they didn't get my transcripts. Alas, will have to send them again. Maybe this means they're starting to look at apps?
  20. Blue Ball is totally legit, I've driven through it. Intercourse, PA is also legit.
  21. Bespeckeled, I'm right there with you. The gremlin of self doubt getting at both of us. I just keep thinking "I should be happy that I haven't heard anything back, since I'm only going to hear bad news. I should feel happy- silence is positive because it isn't negative!". Could be the Sunday blues... I also get the friday blues though, too. ("another week where I didn't hear anything, better settle in for the long haul.") On a funnier (?) note, I had a thought about the waiting game today- have you ever caught a bee in a jar, or accidentally closed one in a room? You know how they keep flying head first into the glass... I definitely feel like that. *refresh results page*bzzzzzzzz-oofh!*refresh results page*bzzzzzzz-ouch!*refresh forums*
  22. I received some good advice for your first question: try looking up the faculty page for the school an look at what the faculty are wearing in their pictures. It can be helpful to base your outfit off of theirs. That way you should be in the optimum casual/formal range for that particular department.
  23. Hey, for the most part I think we're just trying to find something to talk about that isnt "omg, I still haven't heard anything! It's only January! My head is going to explode! What if I get in nowhere and have to re-evaluate my life." There's a lot of stress going around and the boards (whatever their topics may be) are a way for a lot of us to release some of that pressure.
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