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Everything posted by perrykm2

  1. Oh wow, that program is so competitive! My friend applied to it and said it is, like, the most cutting-edge and awesome program. That's awesome!
  2. Congratulations, Timshel and Bdon! I want to say congratulations to everyone who has gotten in anywhere, but it is hard to keep track. So, yay for everyone who has gotten good news.
  3. Seems like a lot of schools are notifying, but not the ones I applied to. I've been distracting myself by editing my Tumblr, but now it is done and I've gone back to mutilating my nails.
  4. It seems like some schools are allowing monkeys to choose when to send out their notifications.
  5. Probably a delayed posting. I doubt anyone notifies over the weekend.
  6. I don't think they've notifiied anyone yet. I'm anticipating knowing by the beginning of the week. I'd really like to get into this program because it would mean going to a grad school I'm totally okay with and staying with my boyfriend, friends, and family.
  7. I went to Miami of Ohio for undergrad. One winter, I fell into a snow drift and had to dig myself out and go to the hospital. Those winds from Canada can really get you.
  8. I love Austin. If I lived there, I would go to Alamo Drafthouse every week.
  9. Also, if anyone wants to be Last.fm friends, post your username and I will add you.
  10. You should try a tea latte. I'm drinking a lavender tea latte with soy creamer right now. Tastes way better than a latte with espresso, but doesn't have the same kick (unfortunately for me.)
  11. I love so many music videos. It is hard to even say which one I love best.
  12. Hope no one gets angry if I spam 3 more music videos, but they are all excellent.
  13. I always liked the lyrics to The Clash "Lost in the Supermarket," and I think Joan of Arc/Cap'n Jazz have consistently good lyrics. I like bands with good music videos, which I think most Lit majors appreciate too. This song has pretty good lyrics and a nice cutout animation music video. It's about the songwriter's grandfather after his wife died from cancer; it's pretty touching.
  14. Yes, me too. I imagine the acceptance email for the MA program being like, "we accept you to our MA program and invite you to fund our other more worthy students."
  15. AND, are you more certain that a PhD is what you really want after fininshing your MA?
  16. I know there was a thread in which everyone was concerned about applying with an MA. For those of you who have masters degrees, would you say that it was worth it or do you wish you would have gone straight into PhD programs?
  17. Wellspring is totally right. I think that if you're looking for an admission board to tell you that your GPA or GRE scores weren't up to snuff, that probably isn't going to happen. As horrible as it sounds, most members of an adcomm probably wouldn't be able to look at your application again and remember exactly WHY your application was dismissed in the first place. Except in a few circumstances (like a GRE/GPA too low for university funding,) I'm sure almost all admissions departments will tell you that they had 100000000 qualified applicants but only X amount of spots, and that is why they couldn't offer you admissions. I don't think that anwer will be particularly satisfying, either, because you already know this process is competitive. Still, it's probably the truth. I doubt any admission commitee looks at an application someone spent a lot of time on and says "well, this person isn't good enough at all." The application just doesn't get selected.
  18. Oh, you want only memoirs. Never mind, then.
  19. You should read Asterios Polyp or City of Glass (from Paul Auster's NY Trilogy.) Both are illustrated by David Muzzucchelli. They're pretty high quality. I think a lot of popular graphic novels are kind of shitty, but these are great.
  20. Oh no, but if you are invited and don't go, is that a huge deal? I'm NOT getting ahead of myself. I don't anticipate any good news from Duke. I am almost definitely 100% sure I couldn't go to an interview weeked, though.
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