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Everything posted by TripWillis

  1. Well, I've always been a pretty working-class fella, so living low on the food chain ain't a problem for me. But the difference between a guaranteed 2/2 courseload over 5 years and a spotty adjunct/internship whatever thing is pretty big to me. It seems historically like they send out ECFs over the course of a few weeks, so I definitely am not in despair. I'm just frustrated I haven't heard anything. If you decide that you want to go to CUNY (because it such an awesome program), let me know if you need advice about living in NYC, finding an apartment, etc. I've been here about 2.5 years now and I've been living in the Northeast for almost 10 years. I know my way around the city now. If you decide to go to any of your awesome other acceptances, let CUNY know that you want your ECF to go directly to me.
  2. Wow, you are on a roll! Vandy, CUNY, Marylandy... Congrats! I think, at best, I'm hoping for a Maryland waitlist, but we'll see. Seems like the e-mails that went out were pretty systematic...
  3. I'm sort of sensing that this and Davis will be my first implicit rejections, but I'm still trying to remain in denial that I can go 10/10 on apps (I'm not doing a very good job convincing myself).
  4. Oo, cool. Congrats to your bf. Was it a POI or a generic e-mail or what?
  5. Who is claiming that e-mail acceptance? I got nothing yet. Gonna check the ASF now. Edit: No info there.
  6. UGH a 4/4 load along with coursework sounds... incredibly trying. I appreciate your confidence about my getting the ECF... I'm trying to stay optimistic, but it sucks that I haven't received the e-mail as of yet. I've been doing Brooklyn College on relatively low funds for the last year and a half and I'm making it work, so I think $18,000 isn't the worst thing I've ever heard. It's possible I could retain my tutoring job on the side for another $4000 or so a year.
  7. Congrats, Rainy Day!
  8. Congrats! If I don't end up going, I hope you get my spot. What's your focus?
  9. It's sort of... for lack of a better term interesting that CUNY admits so many and can fund so few, especially considering its location in downtown Manhattan. I basically cannot go unless I get funding. Guess I just gotta keep my fingers crossed.,, siiiigh nothing is free in this world, not even grad school acceptances.
  10. No problem, boss! Congrats on the CUNY acceptance! I hope we both hear about funding soon... I'm losing it with nervousness. I thought my early acceptance meant I could count on something, but... yeesh.
  11. Accepted last week, but no word on funding yet. Where is the "throwing up out of nervousness" emoticon? The tension never seems to end... Did the ECF e-mail seem like a mass e-mail, or a personally addressed one? I need some hope here.
  12. I agree. It was a very good e-mail. Thoughtful and informative.
  13. That'd be a pretty petty thing for them to dock you on. Wouldn't worry about it.
  14. Yeah, I understand that I'm in a totally privileged place here, but I feel the same way.
  15. I think CUNY is, actually... but I have some thinking to do. And I still have to hear about CUNY funding.
  16. Congrats, Isidore! Maybe I'll be seeing you in the Fall!
  17. I just remembered that UC: Davis forced me to take the SoP I was using for most other programs and split it into separate 500 word documents (SoP and Personal History). Reading them now, they do not even come close to matching the quality of my other ones. Shit.
  18. Thanks! I see we both got into CUNY. Congrats on that. If you don't mind my asking, what's your field/POI? You can pm me it if you want.
  19. I think that's a good move; you could even pursue a transfer in the first year to a program with better funding.
  20. And another dagger goes up on the results board. Ugh.
  21. Make funding go now please! CUNY was closed for Lincoln's birthday today. Hopefully we hear something tomorrow or Wednesday. If there's any school I really need good funding for, it's the one in downtown NYC.
  22. Maybe they could do pink rejections for Valentine's Day.
  23. Just got my official e-mail and it cleared up some things. Very thorough and pleasant -- I was impressed! Also, it looks like they upped the teaching stipend this year. Neat-o! Well, cool. Nice to know it's official. 18 acceptances out of 180 applicants.
  24. Hmm... starting to wonder if this is my first implicit rejection.
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