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Everything posted by TripWillis

  1. By big crimson program, you mean the University of Phoenix, yes?
  2. Whew! Okay. I was a bit worried about it being a mass email. Relieved now. CONGRATS!!
  3. Who is claiming that post on the results board? God if I hope they email individually. I've got nothin' yet.
  4. On and around this day last year, three of the schools I applied to (Davis, CUNY, and Amherst) reported acceptances, and now that weird Tufts email is making me even more apprehensive. I thought I would stop constantly checking this site and worrying once I got an acceptance, but that's definitely not the case. I crave more external validation!!
  5. I would be surprised if they do not call with acceptances, as that is historically what has happened. Then again, maybe this is something new. At any rate, I'm weirdly obsessed with my not getting the email... I will take it as a sign that I'm in with a gazillion dollar fellowship and no teaching responsibilities. How's that for brilliant exegesis of an email I haven't read?
  6. So who of us will be the first to e-mail the department and ask them for the meaning of getting/not getting the email?
  7. I applied but did not receive this e-mail... I'm not sure we can interpret much about people receiving/not receiving having anything to do with admission/rejection. Historically, they notify acceptances by phone. There are these posts of rejection where people got the e-mail about finalization in the last couple years... as someone who did not get the e-mail, I'm sure I am applying some highly subjective reading methodology here.
  8. I mean, they do NOT POST THAT on the site, right? Am I right? How did people know this? Ridiculous. Well, I feel it should not be held against me. There. I said it.
  9. Obviously (UCR), you have nothing to worry about.
  10. TIMSHEL AND BDON! Oh my god! Congrats! If we were all in NYC, I'd say we should all go get blitzed on champagne! I'm almost more psyched for the regulars getting in than for me.
  11. REALLY? Damn! I wouldn't have sent it!
  12. I did. There's this thing on there that says "GRE Subject Test" and then to the right of it there's a date for when it's received, but it's just blank... but, I mean, that would be impossible since my general and subject were sent together on the same score report, so there is absolutely positively no way they didn't receive it... same score report.
  13. I'm not like 100% positive they have my GRE Subject score... their online materials site is a little tough to read.
  14. Thanks, Bespeckled! I hope you hear back soon and I hope maybe we both get into Yale AS! 100% Confidence club... I should start that thread specifically for people in here. BTW, all that stuff about leaving the country definitely went through my head when I was still waiting on an acceptance. Also, I thought a lot about applying for all kinds of jobs in order to avoid going back to waiting tables. It was pretty unsettling. In hindsight, I think joining the Peace Corps could've been really cool. But I will definitely take what I got.
  15. Did anyone in here apply to/get into SUNY, Buffalo?
  16. I created this thread, but I can no longer be in it. I really hope everyone in here gets in!
  17. Thanks to everyone! I think I'm just going to relish not going 0/10 before I start worrying about funding... which I haven't heard anything about yet. That's definitely still a huge outlying factor.
  18. Totally! I'm really pulling for all us regulars -- you, timshel, cquin, grunty, the whole gang. I'll be sad if we don't all get in somewhere.
  19. I just found out I was accepted! No word yet from the department on funding or anything else. Anyone else hear back?
  20. I just found out I got accepted to the American Studies program at Buffalo, so maybe I'll see some of y'all there! I'm sure that because of the interdisciplinary nature of the program I'll wind up in a literature course or two. Wow, this is the first program I've gotten ANY notification from, so it's such a relief to have an acceptance come in before any rejections. Here's hoping for the other 9 apps so I have choices! Whew! I just needed one, so the pressure is off... yeesh.
  21. Losing My Edge is my personal favorite.
  22. YES to that thesis thing; I feel like there's no point unless I get into a PhD program. It's weird.
  23. Hilarious! This is also good: http://www.theonion.com/articles/freshman-term-paper-discovers-something-totally-ne,1657/
  24. I wanted to say, "Why the long face?"
  25. I thought about putting him. Especially on Random Spirit Lover. She had a name, she had a spirit, She had a line in the play if you wanted to hear it. But, a master of disguses, her demise was her design, they said. Was it the mending of the gown? Or the running and the running and the running it around? She said, "My name and my spirit are both corrupt and if you hold me close you gotta hold me up."
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