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Everything posted by TripWillis

  1. This was my video for submitting an application:
  2. I think from now on if either I or anyone else gets an acceptance, they should post this video:
  3. They must be e-mails; I was never able to go anywhere to check my status of materials or anything.
  4. The H and the Y schools scare me...
  5. They just called me back... I didn't quite have the guts to ask if this meant I was accepted, but I guess it's implicit. My interview for the TAship (a very reasonable 1/1 load for 14,000 and a tuition and fee waiver) is 02/24. Already nervous.
  6. Or we'll just both get accepted. Pullin' for ya. It's looking pretty good. I don't want to make the official announcement yet, but it is looking VERY good. Tentative congrats! Guys... this is starting to freak me out... now I don't know where to go to school... and like... what if I get into... the H-school? #PhDAdmitProblems #humblebrag
  7. Yeah, I think I read about that plotline somewhere and then thought back to my 0/3 applications to MFA programs and it made me want to kill the creator of that show.
  8. If it makes you feel any better, I'm originally from a one-horse town in rural Michigan. And I am not particularly fond of New York.
  9. Um, so I just got a voicemail from the writing department asking me to set up an interview for a teaching assistantship... so... does this mean I got accepted??? I mean, if I'm 3/3 at this point my head is going to explode.
  10. Sorry to hear that, Seafoam. I'm still decisionless. Interesting. Make up your mind, Tufts!
  11. By the way, let's not forget Antony Hegarty. Not sure whether to post this or "Bird Gerhl." I'm willing to admit that his sale of the lyrics is a huge factor. I believe every single thing he says:
  12. Someone posted a rejection this morning. I checked my app and there is no decision posted yet. Hanging in there I guess! I wonder if this fits into my ludicrous theory about the e-mails...
  13. Ughhh Little Steve's. I have heard all kinds of horror stories about that place... like the one about them mopping the flattop with the floor mop and the one about cigarette ash in the submarine sandwich... yeah... gross. Had a good date there one time though. Got laid, anyway.
  14. BTW, did you know they filmed a scene from Mystic River in Costello's? I was working that day.
  15. I just remembered Cappy's. I used to live on Westland across from the Whole Foods... ahhh... memories... that was almost 10 years ago now.
  16. According to Google Maps, Jack's is now a block of plywood, Piano Forte is a "Berklee Music," and Costello's liquor (who sold to my underage self multiple times) is a T-Mobile. What the F happened to that block?
  17. This. I have 3 pairs of jeans.
  18. Thankful to hear it. Curious what has popped up in place of Jack's though.
  19. I love Crazy Doughs... the potato skin pizza... ridiculous. If you lived on Hemenway Street, I'm sure you walked by Jacks's Drum Shop once or twice. I worked there for a year and a half. It's gone now. Bought by Berklee. They probably turned it into a fucking WalMart or something...
  20. I used to live near Q Division and I'd always fantasize about the Pixes recording Surfer Rosa there.
  21. Yeah -- he is the original American Studies scholar.
  22. No funding, and I already got accepted to one of my top choices -- not likely I'll accept.
  23. Yeah, for sure. Eager to see how this plays out. Amherst is actually a great fit for me.
  24. BTW, to add to the fact I got a 530 on the subject test, I also want to mention that my B.A. is from UMass Boston and I transferred from Berklee. So I am hardly a traditional English major in any respect. Just goes to show it is definitely all about your writing sample and your SoP.
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