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Everything posted by TripWillis

  1. And while I'm on the subject of Stephen Merritt, has anyone heard the new one, "Andrew in Drag?" Excellent. I never knew that so many great words ended in "-ag."
  2. Stephen Merritt, Bradford Cox, Calvin Johnson (and Beck when he's working with Calvin Johnson), later David Bowie (Lodger & Scary Monsters in particular), Dan Bejar, David Byrne, Jarvis Cocker, Wayne Coyne (I'm serious -- listen to "Suddenly Everything Has Changed"), Tobin Sprout (not as big on Bob Pollard), JEFF MANGUM, ... and then the super canonical ones: John Lennon, Leonard Cohen, Lou Reed, Neil Young, Tom Waits, Bob Dylan,
  3. Every school except ALL OF THE ONES I APPLIED TO.
  4. Hmm. Seems like this is still out, but what does that weird waitlist comment on the results board mean?
  5. Only here would this be funny.
  6. When I lie awake at night, I am mostly wondering why I didn't go into nursing/accounting/plumbing.
  7. Thanks for the tip! Maybe if I don't make it this time around...
  8. I haven't heard a single thing yet, but none of my schools have reported. Regardless, I had a lot of feelings of low self-worth today. So, I moped for about an hour, then I did laundry and read the most boring book I've ever read in my life. I guess the short answer is to stay active? I dunno. It's not working that well for me, because I still have those lingering thoughts of, "Oh God, what if I don't get in? I have no other job skills! I'm ruined! Student debt! Goodbye, cruel world!"
  9. I applied for American Studies at SUNY: Buffalo. Hopefully I'll hear something soon. All my schools are still unreported at this point. Crazy.
  10. Total silence so far. Seems as though none of my schools have reported, so I'm basically in total limbo at this point. I'm about to lose it.
  11. It's not me. Weird that they called on a Sunday.
  12. I wish death upon all telemarketers who call me in the following 4 weeks. Damn your unrecognized numbers!
  13. This was the top choice that I didn't apply to. Congratulations! Looks like an awesome program. Say hi to Dwight A. McBride for me.
  14. And if you're liberal, you will need even more money *ba-dum KISH!* Is this thing on?
  15. I am almost a bit sad that I am responsible for creating this very dark, sad thread. I don't think most of my schools typically report until at least mid-February, so I have two weeks before my panic starts to set in.
  16. The thing is, there's not really any safety schools... which sucks.
  17. Oh man, I have to bite my tongue whenever anyone says this empty, cliché sentiment.
  18. I am now officially totally and completely done.
  19. For some reason, I've come to be really at peace lately with the idea that I might not get in. I think I'm over worrying about this. Now I'll just go about my business and play the waiting game, and when things happen, they'll happen. And if I don't get in, I'll just find a job I like and try again next year. I'm done being so overly emotional about all this.
  20. You wouldn't look like a fool. People who put Butler in their SoP for Berkeley maybe will get the ax because of an oversight.
  21. I bet you'll get closer than I ever will, and I'm actually in grad school (M.A.).
  22. Call it "Duke Sucks: An Ecclesiontological Vaccination of Structural Subversive Bodily Entities in Emergent Proto-Queer Cycles in Stephanie Meyer's Twilight"
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