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Everything posted by sansao

  1. Day Tripper
  2. "Oh really, you got in? Wow!" says the person who was, "sure I'd get in everywhere."
  3. If you're rejected, it can be much later than April 15 before you find out, too... if they tell you at all. One school never did bother to let me know. Not even an email. Other rejections took well into July. Idk if I was internally waitlisted, or what, but it was demoralizing as all hell, and I think it was really tacky on the part of the one that never notified me.
  4. Green Lantern
  5. I hate to bear potentially bad news, but my understanding is that accepting an offer is a binding agreement (corrections to this understanding are welcomed). You may have to get a written release from school A before you can accept any other offer (legally). You need to read the fine print, and contact them right away.
  6. Mars Bar
  7. Hmmm.. I think I'd take school B. It sounds like the better choice for fieldwork, networking, and proximity to your research topic. How are the individual departments ranked at each school? And what's "low"? Do you want to drop names, or get the most out of grad school?
  8. I refuse to practice ageism, especially on myself. I'll start my PhD program right around my 36th birthday, and it's the best birthday present EVAR, lol.
  9. up early
  10. Roll Over
  11. I think I've finally stopped hyperventilating, haha. Thanks RubyBright, and I agree, or one where the head explodes into confetti, lol. I feel so much less embarrassed about not getting in last year, and one of my friends said the stipend is really good for the area (he used to live there). Ok, I might not be done hyperventilating, but it's a joyful hyperventilation, lol.
  12. out loud
  13. I had just finished a phone interview with the POI. I was telling my mom that I thought it went pretty well, for as awkward as I am with interviews, and then my phone lit up and there was an acceptance letter. I'm still kinda reeling. Please forgive me while I go and comment all the threads about acceptances that I didn't get to comment last year.
  14. At last, my first fully funded acceptance! Tuition, health insurance and a $1600/month stipend. I am so happy right now. I just interviewed a few hours ago, and the letter was in my inbox shortly afterwards. YAY!!!!
  15. Cup Holder
  16. I'm under the impression that some schools/professors will use your composite score. But in general, I don't think it hurts anyone to have a strong showing in quantitative. But more than that, I'd try to be in contact with faculty early on, and maybe have a professional staffing person go over your CV and statement with you (boss, advisor, or something like that). Maybe there's some quirk in it that's putting people off.
  17. I'd look at your comment about the dgs trying to find a faculty match. If you do decide to try again, I would, in addition to Taco's suggestions, work on contacting faculty to determine matches earlier, then you'll have someone who's a good fit and knows your name. You can also write a completely new statement, and of course you'll have your thesis on your CV as well. Unless you have extremely high GRE scores, you can always improve those as well. I can't say if it's worth it to do round three, as I'm not you, but those are a few ways you could improve and/or rethink your file. That's where I would start if I were going to apply again.
  18. paddle wheel
  19. I like this as part of plan B, lol.
  20. long recovery
  21. Three quarters of the story would be the student staring blankly at an unresponsive email account.
  22. They must have fantastic self-esteem.
  23. Yeah, in that situation, you should probably call. I'd consider waiting until closer to 4/15, though.
  24. casino boogie
  25. kings highway
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