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Everything posted by slate

  1. Got an emailed letter of offer to Uvic for MPH last week Congrats to everyone with offers and best wishes to those who are still in limbo.
  2. tiger lily
  3. Yay! Way to go
  4. Been a good week: got an acceptance and a fiancee
  5. Got an email today: Lakehead's MPH Admissions Committee recommended me for admission Very happy! Now to hear from UVic
  6. Yeah, but do you have your cereal?
  7. A boring journal, coupons and spam from the federal government. Blarg.
  8. Haven't heard anything
  9. Wow, that's frustrating!
  10. 26. Did a B.Sc. program that takes at least 5 years and worked in public health for 3 years before applying to MPH programs.
  11. Schools in Canada with bigger names are probably U of T, McGill, Queen's, Waterloo, UBC, McMaster. It depends on the program, really. I think Canada's universities are all pretty darn good, just depends on your area of interest.
  12. I also have to wait until April...
  13. cold read
  14. Way to go obrera!
  15. "Your application has been received by Lakehead University. Once we receive all required documentation, an assessment will be made. Please refer to the "My Documents" section of your "myInfo" account for a list of required documentation." Annoying, because when I click on "My Documents" it says I've submitted everything.
  16. Grrrr... after I applied at the end of Jan., my top choice program extended their deadline another two weeks. That means I'll have to wait even longer I'm wondering why they extended the deadline? Trying to get more applicants? Better calibre applicants?
  17. It doesn't help that my boyfriend's aunt and uncle are both renowned university professors with PhD's. I made the mistake of mentioning at a family gathering that I was applying to MPH programs; apparently I showed that I was nervous. Their responses were along the lines of '*dismissive sound* you will get into grad school!' Not entirely helpful, given that the uncle is the recipient of a research grant worth a dollar amount with way too many zeros and I am but a clod. Should have told them about it after getting accepted (if I get accepted?). Anyhoo...need sleep now.
  18. Thanks misgengen! Maybe now I can get a good night's sleep...
  19. Thank you all very much! Offices should be open tomorrow, so I'll try to explain my situation.
  20. Yes, I'm kicking myself. A few weeks after submitting MPH applications to two schools, I realized I calculated my GPA wrong--and included the error on my resume in my application packages. My alma mater uses a different grading system (marks in percentages, not letter grades or GPA) so I asked my coworker (a current grad student himself) how to convert my average to a GPA on a four-point scale. Guess we were both wrong. Gah, I put GPA of 3.4 on my resumes, when it should actually be GPA of 3.7. I included my official university transcript, so they can see my real grades. I can't help but worry that they looked at my low GPA listed on my resume and will toss my application in the reject pile. Wonder if it's too late to contact the universities and explain my mistake, maybe submit a corrected resume?
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