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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. I'm not sure but I didn't get anything... hoping this is a good sign? But lets not get our hopes up because they could just be rejecting in waves.
  2. @jacbarcan do you think the usc rejections are just first round rejections? trying to figure out if that means I'm still in the running or if I should brace to be rejected at a later time.
  3. Just when you say that... BROWN
  4. I just want to know if it's currently happening or if the emails were sent during business time.
  5. Brown?!?! Anyone want to tell me more? I thought the day was done!
  6. Only three schools! ballsy. Hope it works out for you!
  7. Horrible thought: If we don't hear from anywhere in the next two hours we'll have to wait THREE DAYS until we have the potential to hear from anywhere else.
  8. I got not 1, but 2 spam calls this afternoon.
  9. Take it or leave it, the end date is April 15.
  10. 9am-3pm: It's too early to hear 3:pm-6pm: *eyes glued to email* 7pm and/or weekend: WHY. WHY DID I NOT HEAR.
  11. Congrats! Welcome to purgatory.
  12. I'm going to be so on edge if Brown makes us wait all the way until next Friday...
  13. Oh i'd think the opposite. Positions are extremely difficult to get, just the fact that he got an interview I'd say is a plus for your application because of the positive name recognition. Just because someone was ultimately unsuccessful doesn't mean they left a negative impression on the committee.
  14. Can I just say, venting thread = favorite thread Shit is real here.
  15. do you think chanting "Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown" under my breath for the next 4 hours will do any good?
  16. If you call you don't have to identify yourself (whereas email obviously has your name). In my experience administrators are happy to let you know if all of the acceptances have gone out (or not), if they know. I think it might be worse to publicize that you're posting the results on Grad Cafe. Better to have a casual chat with the department administrator and schmooze to see if they're willing to mention what they know. EDIT: I just wanted to add, I wouldn't ask about when rejections will be sent out (because we can infer rejections from lack of news). I would ask about whether or not all offers have been made and whether or not there is a WL.
  17. On a different note, how great would it be for the results page to be automatically refreshing? Why the hell don't they do that
  18. p.s. I was sneaking grad cafe in my class yesterday and my worst fear was accidentally pressing play on one of those german youtube videos :X
  19. Would give you rep if I had rep to give. hella cute
  20. Word. Why yes, that does say "feels like -7"
  21. I am honored to receive 1/5 of your allotted rep votes for this 24 hour period.
  22. When you get this message 1 hour into the new day >:L
  23. I'm also wondering about this... I think it's weird that 1) no one claimed it, 2) it's just the one, and 3) there were no stats or comments listed. I know of at least 2 other people that applied (in addition to myself) that also haven't heard anything. I'm assuming that even if it is legit that they're not done making offers. I might call tomorrow to ask if its still crickets by mid-day.
  24. I don't know what's happening on this thread anymore. Ps why has it been so quiet this week? Hope Friday is a landslide of decisions. I can't wait all the way until Tuesday.
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