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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. Rooting for Indiana (non HPS), UNC and Arizona waitlists this week.
  2. There's a UC Davis accept! A new week begins. May the odds be ever in your favor.
  3. Stanford sent me an email the other day... about their distance education programs. God damn it Stanford!
  4. Where the berkeley waitlisted at? Ppl keep posting WLs on the acceptance thread! (shameless thread bump to keep everything ordered on their individual threads).
  5. Think it means anything that all of the berkeley accepts on the results pg are claimed by international students? There's only one result from an American and its a WL. Am I reaching? I'm probably reaching. Signed, Hopeful American clutching a dream
  6. the berkeley admit is the same person -- they reposted bc their gre scores were inputed wrong edit: just kidding, it looks like two total (didn't see the earlier one on the list)
  7. Jac -- any particular reason you predicted Arizona for Saturday (as opposed to today?)
  8. we should be allowed more than 5 daily upvotes >:( Thanks!
  9. pshh cost of living there is sweet. the stipend would go far.
  10. Has anyone been straight accepted to Indiana HPS? It almost seems like they just waitlist until funding becomes available... no accepts on the results page at least. Good luck!
  11. I'm out of up votes but thank you for doing this!!!
  12. Someone just posted an accept for Berkeley dated Feb 3rd. Any takers? Do we think it's legit?
  13. This is the quietest first week of february in application history.
  14. Oh! I definitely thought you meant UCLA. Good luck w/ LMU -- it's in such a nice location.
  15. Yeah, I think I'd freak if I got that email. They clarified that they only needed your unofficial for now? I can't remember if I sent them officials... I think I did. Their app was really vague and said that the unofficial might be ok "depending on department."
  16. Me too! I really want to learn formal epistemology/logic. I've been reading some primers on my own but it would be great to get in somewhere that has a class.
  17. Same, UNC, Arizona and Berkeley this week (hopefully). Come on Berkeley! I'm dying.
  18. You could always call, then there's no identifying feature. They likely won't ask your name, they'll just let you know whether or not they've been sent out.
  19. Hi folks, I thought I would go ahead and round things out, since we already have the acceptance and rejections threads for this cycle. I'm hoping that this will be a place where 1) we can anxiously discuss our fate and 2) where people who are turning down offers will be able to let us know (and give us some hope). I'll start -- I'm currently waitlisted at Northwestern.
  20. It's almost as if they have a department meeting the first monday of february to settle things. That would explain it!
  21. You should just call up the department/admissions office and ask these questions. It's better to get answers from the source. There's no harm in calling -- they expect it -- and it's an instant and accurate way of clearing everything up. Good luck!
  22. I suspect that because it's technically not a result, the moderator may have deleted it as spam
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