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Everything posted by philosophe

  1. I hate this game. I wish they'd just send us rejection emails and get it over with.
  2. ooo, that's great. thanks for that!
  3. So much silence today. *cricket, cricket*
  4. Why are you guys worrying about it. No other posts and no claimant = take it with a grain of salt.
  5. I'm wondering about this as well. Anyone want to claim it? Otherwise, seems very early and I probably won't give it much weight until I see a second post.
  6. Good to know! Though personally I hope they have more calls to make
  7. So much for not worrying on Sunday... According to the results page Arizona's calling today. (Or maybe it was yesterday on the west coast and the pg had already changed over?)
  8. Nice! I have a 9-5, so I have to do the weekend.
  9. Congratulations!!!! Was going to take a shower, but seriously cannot move away from my phone right now just in case. ^^
  10. FYI folks, my call was from a South Carolina number. I suspect the director of grad admissions at Rochester called on her cell phone, since the office is closed.
  11. Holy shit guys, I just got into Rochester! Phone call from the grad admissions director, fully funded for five yrs, up for a fellowship, and they'd pay me to visit. Going to go cry tears of joy now, excuse me.
  12. So much activity today! And yet none from the schools I applied to. All in good time, but boy am I antsy.
  13. In higher ed, a university is the term for the entire school, whereas the college just refers to the undergrad portion. If it's only an undergrad institution, the whole thing is called a college. Versus, for example, Harvard University, which has a law school, med school etc. but also Harvard College, where the undergrads are. I bet BC originally had no grad students, and then they never changed the name (because Boston University was already taken).
  14. I've reached my quota of upvotes, but lol. I enjoyed this comment.
  15. I have reached my quota of positive votes for the day (what nonsense), but I appreciate your post! Very nice.
  16. what's with all the downvotes from wildc4t? I'm upvoting you guys so you're neutral, because you're making perfectly reasonable, sociable comments. also, no idea what's up with chicago.
  17. I'm hoping for Indiana too. Good luck!
  18. Looks like there's a Northwestern accept!
  19. That's kind of how I feel about Berkeley, though obviously no official news yet. I've got only two shots to end up anywhere near my family. (Stanford's the other, but no real hope there either).
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