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1Q84 last won the day on October 7 2015

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    Los Angeles
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  1. Thanks for this reply! My situation is slightly different in that I would be holding the SSHRC at a Canadian institution while living in the US and doing a separate postdoc at a US institution. Basically I would be getting paid the SSHRC money through the Canadian institution, and then getting paid separately at my US institution. I would have US tax residency. My SSHRC faculty mentor said this is highly doable considering SSHRC has no residency requirements and the only real expectations in terms of work completed would be based on her and my collaboration together. Meaning I could do my work full time at the US institution and travel to Canada during the summers to do work at the Canadian institution. Hopefully this makes sense? It is indeed a very complicated arrangement!
  2. I got the SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship and an offer for a postdoc at a US university. I want to do both concurrently (with permission obviously), since SSHRC doesn't have any residency requirements, as long as you devote "full time" work to the research you're being funded for which is entirely possible to do. My question is more along the lines of tax: Does anyone who has gone through this situation have any info on being paid in both Canada and the US simultaneously? I'm quite sure it's possible, as there's a lot of cross-border business people who get paid in both countries but wondering if there's any significant wrinkles for academics. I am a Canadian citizen who would be working/living in the US on whatever visa I get for the postdoc and receiving the SSHRC while working remotely for that research. Thanks in advance!
  3. Sorry to yell about being funded and then run off... definitely echoing what others have said about it being a crapshoot. As you can see from my profile I'm an old timer round here. I failed to get the SSHRC doctoral award twice during my PhD and this is my second time around on the job market after a lot of rejection both last and this year, so I've definitely tasted my share of failure pie. I also was on the lower percentile of those funded this year (17th out of 23), so I kind of have a "just squeaked by" feeling. Sending my solidarity to all who weren't funded this year... but also echoing what Boudicca said, that the funding is really so terrible that I'm having some second thoughts myself. For transparency's sake and for future browsers: Committee 1: Literature and Fine Arts Challenge: 5.02/6 Feasibility: 4.90/6 Capability: 5.01/6 Score: 14.94/18 Rank: 17/81 Fellowships offered: 23 Not offered: 58 Score of last funded applicant: 14.71
  4. I didn't get anything?!?! Are they only letting successful applicants know first? EDIT: WAIT CHECK YOUR SPAM EVERYONE. I GOT THE AWARD!!!!
  5. Joining in the crazy waiting crew here! I think they operate on EST? It's 1pm EST now.... assuming they will send it out during business hours today?!
  6. So much this. I'm freaking out because my visa expires in May meaning I may have to pack up my entire life, say goodbye to my friends of 10 years and move back to Canada with very little notice so I'd really like to have the next few months of my life figured out. I honestly don't see a reason why SSHRC should take nearly 6 MONTHS to judge? This thing was due September 15, 2022!!
  7. In the same boat as everyone else, solidarity to all! I have no idea why I had written in my calendar that today was SSHRC announcement. I must've been in a real daze!
  8. I had a friend from the EU say after 4 years in the PhD, their fellowships stopped getting taxed. Canadian here and I've been taxed for 7 years now. I am gonna eventually talk to a tax accountant but just wondering if anyone here has anecdotes/experience/confirmation.
  9. I'm post-quals so SSHRC is not open to me anymore (I struck out 2 years in a row anyway). I tried googling but pretty much all the results were for US citizens only or Canadians studying in Canada. TIA!
  10. Ugh so there's a possibility of one more weekend of no news. How terrible is this system... CONGRATS!!! Edit: Sigh got my letter. Bad news for me... I'm joining the "preparing for next year" club! Congrats to all who got it this year.
  11. Nothing in my Informed Delivery email... hoping we both get ours today, though!
  12. Sorry to hear! I'm inspired by your positivity though Edit: mail just came and nothing for me. Am I literally the last person on earth waiting?
  13. Mmm oh right. I must've breezed over those... only saw waitlist and successful apps.
  14. Same in LA... Um, so have we confirmed that unsuccessful applicants also receive mail notifying them of that (especially at the same time as success applicants?) Or do they either not mail anything, or mail it at a later date?
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