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9 minutes ago, mk-8 said:

I love both; but they’re so different I just consider them completely different works of art/interpretations of a universe. 

I've heard this quite often, as well. I really enjoyed the movies (like pretty much everyone else); however, each time I discuss them with my family/friends, they invariably say, "Yes, they're awesome, BUT ... [insert cut plot point here]." 

As an aside, I find it kind of humorous that I've read more of Tolkien's ME scholarship than the fiction for which he's famous. But, when you take a Chaucer seminar, these things happen. 

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On 1/17/2018 at 6:15 PM, FreakyFoucault said:

In addition to keeping up with The Good Place

My sister has been begging me to watch The Good Place since it came on. I started watching it yesterday and have since rolled through season 1 LOL Such a good show- and anyone else looking for a distraction should check it out! Season 1 is on Netflix!

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2 minutes ago, mk-8 said:

My sister has been begging me to watch The Good Place since it came on. I started watching it yesterday and have since rolled through season 1 LOL Such a good show- and anyone else looking for a distraction should check it out! Season 1 is on Netflix!

Maya Rudolph just guest starred in the most recent episode. So you know it's good. 

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21 minutes ago, FreakyFoucault said:

Now if only we can convince academia to be as fashionable as Chidi. I'd totally wear his pastel chinos. 

I love his glasses! So cute

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43 minutes ago, jadeisokay said:

my proposal was accepted for the english undergrad conference at my school and i'll be writing/presenting a paper about stefan zweig and frame narratives! i'm very excited. 

Congrats! It's paper proposal acceptance time! Which university is it? Happy times :) 

On the LOTR matter: I'm currently reading Game of Thrones because 2019 is so far away. I am finding that although it's not grand literature, I'm quite hooked. It's very close to the first season this first volume, but there's just a little more detail that helps me understand some conflicts better, like Jon being a bastard and Ned being upset when people say he cheated on his wife. Also Tyrion is a lot more developed I think. So I'm pretty happy I'm reading these after binging the shows n times, because I enjoy having the big picture and putting faces on names, and learned additional info instead of trying to transfer a lot of info on a very fast script. I want to read LOTR as well, one day!

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thanks! i'm at university of florida. 

i've only ever seen the first season, but have friends hooked on both the show and books. i can imagine that it's nice to go through that world at your own pace. 

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13 minutes ago, jpbends said:

Some slightly good news to distract me from all of the admissions anxiety: I was just notified by my English department that I was chosen as a winner of the 2017 Scholars' Book Fund Award, a $250 award presented to undergraduate students who propose a course to be taught by the department. I don't know if this means that my course proposal will actually be taught (because I doubt any of the professors at my university study exactly what I proposed), but it's nice to know that they appreciate the work!

heck yeah, congrats my guy

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On 2/1/2018 at 11:42 PM, Yanaka said:

Congrats! It's paper proposal acceptance time! Which university is it? Happy times :) 

On the LOTR matter: I'm currently reading Game of Thrones because 2019 is so far away. I am finding that although it's not grand literature, I'm quite hooked. It's very close to the first season this first volume, but there's just a little more detail that helps me understand some conflicts better, like Jon being a bastard and Ned being upset when people say he cheated on his wife. Also Tyrion is a lot more developed I think. So I'm pretty happy I'm reading these after binging the shows n times, because I enjoy having the big picture and putting faces on names, and learned additional info instead of trying to transfer a lot of info on a very fast script. I want to read LOTR as well, one day!

I could never get into the Game of Thrones book! Props to you. 

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41 minutes ago, Yanaka said:

Ha! Why not?

I just don’t like the way they’re written. I love the TV show, and I read LOtR, so I feel like I should be able to do it but I read half the first book and.... didn’t feel it. Maybe I’ll give it another try!

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42 minutes ago, mk-8 said:

I just don’t like the way they’re written. I love the TV show, and I read LOtR, so I feel like I should be able to do it but I read half the first book and.... didn’t feel it. Maybe I’ll give it another try!

Oh yeah. That’s what I was saying, the writing is pretty poor. But I’m hooked anyway!

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7 minutes ago, Yanaka said:

Oh yeah. That’s what I was saying, the writing is pretty poor. But I’m hooked anyway!

Yeah, whenever I say that to others, they're like "What are you TALKING about!" and I'm just like uhh... it's just not good. I got into an argument about it once because someone was like "but he's creating a UNIVERSE!" which I guess is true, but the writing doesn't have to be bad!

My roommate owns all the books, so maybe I'll give it another go.

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50 minutes ago, mk-8 said:

I just don’t like the way they’re written. I love the TV show, and I read LOtR, so I feel like I should be able to do it but I read half the first book and.... didn’t feel it. Maybe I’ll give it another try!

Same. My husband loved them; it drives him crazy that I just stopped reading them about halfway through. 

I honestly think that the TV show moving away from the books was the best thing. The last two seasons have been stellar IMO. 

Edited by JustPoesieAlong
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I’m reading them very slowly because I only read before sleeping, so I don’t know how far I’ll go. But I think they’re a good complement to the series—and so far I kind of enjoy what HBO changed... haha. His writing is also excessively macho, but well it’s relatively old

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