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Say you're invited to an interview at your top choice school. When/Do you convey that they are your top choice?


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Let's say you're invited to a school that you would love to attend. A school you would love to attend because you think it's better than the other schools you were invited to -- not just any program that just accepts you. A school where you would instantly accept if they offered you admission, even before hearing back from other schools' decisions post-interview.

How would you convey this information to them without seeming desperate? Would you even communicate this?

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51 minutes ago, JoePianist said:

Just “state the fact” that it’s your #1 choice. Mention it only one time to each interviewer at your school of choice and on your thank you emails/notes

What about grad students?

8 minutes ago, dancedementia said:

I told my top choice school point blank that it was my top choice when they asked, "Why do you want to attend this program?" And obviously explained why.

And if they never ask this? I've been to two interviews already, only one out of nine interviewers asked me this question, and it wasn't the person I applied to

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My POI made it easy during the interview when they asked me "realistically, where does our program rank?". Definitely say "first choice" or else they may not consider you at all. 

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4 minutes ago, Mickey26 said:

My POI made it easy during the interview when they asked me "realistically, where does our program rank?". Definitely say "first choice" or else they may not consider you at all. 


1 hour ago, higaisha said:

Tell any choice they're your top choice at any opportunity possible. PCE

I see the utility of doing this, and am very tempted to do so. How do you respond if you receive invites to more than one program and have to turn down your fake "first choice" school?

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2 minutes ago, 21ny14 said:


I see the utility of doing this, and am very tempted to do so. How do you respond if you receive invites to more than one program and have to turn down your fake "first choice" school?

That is precisely the predicament I'm in right now haha I'd turn down that school asap when your accepted to your actual 1st choice school. A simple "Thank you for the offer, however I must decline as I have accepted another offer" will do. The POIs (I would assume) are generally very understanding as they know how competitive and how many factors come into play for clinical psych programs. Honestly, they probably won't have any hard feelings, but notifying them in advance of the April 15 deadline would be considered good practice--that way, they can still provide an offer to a waitlisted student and not be left scrambling last minute. I hope that helps :) 

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8 hours ago, 21ny14 said:

How do you respond if you receive invites to more than one program and have to turn down your fake "first choice" school?


9 hours ago, higaisha said:

Tell any choice they're your top choice at any opportunity possible. PCE

I'm letting every. single. program. know they are incredible/amazing/my top choice (without really explicitly using the word "top choice"). Periodt. I'll have already spent $300-$400, per interview, at the end of this whole damn process.

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You have to play this game in the application process and you definitely should because you are not bound to any ranking or match system. For example, when you apply for internships, you can't even say that a site is your top choice because it would violate against the policies of the ranking system.

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2 hours ago, checkingmyemail said:

I'm letting every. single. program. know they are incredible/amazing/my top choice (without really explicitly using the word "top choice"). Periodt. I'll have already spent $300-$400, per interview, at the end of this whole damn process.

I tell my programs they are "one of my top choices" so I'm not explicitly lying ;)

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