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Fall 2021 Theater/Performance Studies PhD


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Hello Everyone!

A fellow applicant tired of the waiting game here :D

Has anyone heard back from Berkeley (I know there was a first round of rejections, do they send them gradually? I did not hear back) 

And Northwestern IPTD or CUNY's Theatre and Performance Program?

Wish you all the best of luck!

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@Lounmou9I got a rejection a couple of weeks ago. I find it so strange that you haven’t heard anything, as I saw an interview logged around the same time as all the rejections were flooding in. Weird. I’d maybe reach out to the department. 

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15 hours ago, sadficus said:

@Lounmou9I got a rejection a couple of weeks ago. I find it so strange that you haven’t heard anything, as I saw an interview logged around the same time as all the rejections were flooding in. Weird. I’d maybe reach out to the department. 

Yeah I thought so. Not sure what the issue is. I sent them an email earlier. Thank you for responding!! 

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@Lounmou9 I haven't heard anything from Berkeley either... it's still somewhat early, so I've just been assuming that they'll give me an answer eventually. Let me know how they respond to your email though! 

Congrats to everyone with NU interviews!! Haven't heard anything from them yet, but I had an interview with Stanford last Friday. 

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13 minutes ago, sampsun said:

@Lounmou9 I haven't heard anything from Berkeley either... it's still somewhat early, so I've just been assuming that they'll give me an answer eventually. Let me know how they respond to your email though! 

Congrats to everyone with NU interviews!! Haven't heard anything from them yet, but I had an interview with Stanford last Friday. 

I got a response today saying my application is one of the 20 still being considered. They sent out offers to 4 people so depending on how that goes they will update others. He also mentioned that they sent out 68 rejections already.

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So Northwestern got a full 30 more applications than Berkeley? Is that typical? I always thought that Berkeley was the more “competitive” program. I guess you can’t really gauge that kind of thing well with grad programs. 

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On 1/29/2021 at 7:07 PM, DDM22 said:

I got a call from DGS at Northwestern tonight at 7pm EST! He let me know that I made it to the final round (8 of 124 applicants) and that I am invited to interview / attend a virtual "campus visit" in late February. I am absolutely shocked. I really thought I was going to receive straight rejections from every school I applied to. 

Note: I am @sadficus. I somehow logged into an old account and can't get back into the one I've been using this cycle, lol. 


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On 1/30/2021 at 1:20 PM, theatremeg12 said:

Congratulations everyone! This is so exciting.

Does anyone know if the interviews for Northwestern’s IPTD have come out yet? I wasn’t sure if PS and IPTD were together, or if there are two separate processes. 

Just got an email from IPTD Northwestern asking to join the interview weekend end of Feb. 

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Hiya! In case anyone else was curious too -- I had an interview with Stanford TAPS on Monday. It was quite short, and their questions ranged from general questions like "why TAPS?, and why Stanford?" to questions about areas of critical research I'm interested in. They also asked me to describe a performance I enjoyed recently (albeit virtually), and they also asked what I would do if I were given a small budget to create a performance.


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Just checking in to say that I got an interview at University of Maryland for the PhD Program in the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies! I am on a "short list" of applicants they are still considering for admission, but no word on how many people applied and how many slots are available. I'll try to remember to ask. Did anyone else apply there? I can't remember.

Wish me luck, and congrats to everyone so far! And still hoping everyone gets some positive news soon if they are still waiting to hear from programs ❤️ 

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10 hours ago, ladymatre said:

Just checking in to say that I got an interview at University of Maryland for the PhD Program in the School of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies! I am on a "short list" of applicants they are still considering for admission, but no word on how many people applied and how many slots are available. I'll try to remember to ask. Did anyone else apply there? I can't remember.

Wish me luck, and congrats to everyone so far! And still hoping everyone gets some positive news soon if they are still waiting to hear from programs ❤️ 

Congratulations ladymatre! Wishing you many "broken legs" during your interview process!  

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Heard from Northwestern DGS that they have funding to accept three students this year but are applying for more funding in hopes of raising that number. That would mean their acceptance rate dropped from 11% to 2% in a year. 

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Congratulations @ladymatre!! Have a great interview, we're rooting for you ❤️ 

@Boxedwine I basically agree with what @PSward13 has said– both of my interviews were short and sweet, asking basic questions like "Why are you interested in [this program]?" "What are your research interests?" "What is a performance you've seen recently?" Stanford also had that special question about creating a performance under a budget, and (true to the program's mission) they spent more time asking after my artistic practice, while UCLA was more interested in my analytical skills and asked more follow up questions about my research. Overall both programs' faculty were pretty friendly!

Also a warning: I had a lot of professors on the Zoom call for Stanford so the video feed got kind of slow... I hope you guys all have access to strong wifi. I've heard a rumor that it helps to be on "Speaker View" rather than "Gallery View" so Zoom only has to process one big video and a few thumbnails, rather than a dozen medium-sized videos.

@sadficus wow, thanks for the info and best of luck with your interview later this month. Don't worry too much about the numbers, I'm sure you had a really strong application and they'll be so lucky to have you in the cohort. 


Edited by sampsun
changed "extremely friendly" to "pretty friendly" since that wording felt a little... extreme lol
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12 minutes ago, Boseph16 said:

Just got my official rejection from Northwestern PS.... and now awaiting NYU but I don’t have my hopes up ?

Me too! Didn't have high hopes for Northwestern. Cornell is a snowy dream but considering that they are only accepting 2-3 applicants, it's a long shot for anyone. Warm wishes to all! Now just waiting for CUNY. Congrats to those moving forward - please keep us posted! 

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