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MFA 2022 Freak Out Forum

Michelle Santa Cruz

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May I ask a question?

Is it important to keep the constancy of your portfolio? I mean, should all the works be done in one style or focus on one particular field? If the portfolio contains 3-4 series, which are done in different medias ( including installation or films)or focus on different area or context, will the committee be less likely to pick?


Thanks a lot

Edited by JQK
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31 minutes ago, JQK said:

May I ask a question?

Is it important to keep the constancy of your portfolio? I mean, should all the works be done in one style or focus on one particular field? If the portfolio contains 3-4 series, which are done in different medias ( including installation or films)or focus on different area or context, will the committee be less likely to pick?


Thanks a lot

I don't think that it's a problem to have different mediums and a variety of different work as long as it still looks like it was done by the same hand. I think that it is good to show that you are constantly thinking and expanding and showing, but they might be hesitant to pick someone who is truly all over the place. I think that if you can group the work in a way that shows a trajectory or overall narrative in the way that the work shifts between materials then that would be the best way for the review panel to understand how you got from point A to point B.

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2 hours ago, katfude5 said:

I don't think that it's a problem to have different mediums and a variety of different work as long as it still looks like it was done by the same hand. I think that it is good to show that you are constantly thinking and expanding and showing, but they might be hesitant to pick someone who is truly all over the place. I think that if you can group the work in a way that shows a trajectory or overall narrative in the way that the work shifts between materials then that would be the best way for the review panel to understand how you got from point A to point B.

Thanks a lot! Seeing many artists like Gerhard Richter, Richard Prince and Thomas Ruff who change their topic and style depend on what they want to express,     Which makes their works kind of diverse, especially Richter. And I am sort of still exploring and not quite settling down  makes me feel not mature enough, in this case my portfolio probably doesn’t “look good”. Anyway, thank you for your answer, it is very joyful to discuss these issues. Good luck for your application 

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3 hours ago, JQK said:

May I ask a question?

Is it important to keep the constancy of your portfolio? I mean, should all the works be done in one style or focus on one particular field? If the portfolio contains 3-4 series, which are done in different medias ( including installation or films)or focus on different area or context, will the committee be less likely to pick?


Thanks a lot

I have wondered this too! My situation I think is a little different than others because my background is in graphic design, so a lot of the work in my portfolio reflects that, but I’m applying for studio art programs. My instinct is that ultimately it’s like anything else.. you want to find a program that fits for you. A portfolio with variety will probably be attractive to a program that encourages exploration across mediums. I didn’t even bother applying to places that seemed like they wanted applicants very committed to one medium, but after reading this forum I’m actually wondering if that was a mistake and there was more flexibility than I realized! I’ve seen a lot of people saying they applied for disciplines that are different than what their portfolio shows. 

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18 hours ago, Frank14 said:

I just saw on VCU's website that they conduct interviews in February, but also got an email a few weeks ago that they extended the application deadline from Jan 15th to Feb 1st.

So, I emailed them today asking if the application deadline extension would have any effect on interviews/admission timelines really just as a sneaky way to hear back from them on something ? 

Now I'm worried they're going to think I'm annoying for emailing them lol 

I just got an email from the program director for an interview! MFA Design with a concentration on graphic design.

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22 hours ago, Luch said:

Hi there! I have an interview with RISD GD on Feb. 8, nervous and excited at the same time! I wonder how many students were selected for the interview.

Haven't heard back from Parson's neither.

Very cool. Best of luck on Tuesday. Thinking 2x the number they admit but could be wrong(!) 

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For anyone else interviewing with Stanford, I had mine last night. I think it went really well??!! *knocks on wood*

9 people on the zoom call (which is kind of a lot in my opinion). 4 current students, the director of the program and 4 faculty members. They asked the basic questions:

  • why do you want to go to grad school
  • why Stanford
  • who are your influences and why (they didn't ask it in this manner, this question sort of felt like the contextualizing yourself in art history question by explaining who you look at)
  • then they spent a lot of time asking me about concepts within specific pieces in my application, and how I planned on expanding on them if I were to get into their program. 

Everyone on the call was very nice, and though it was 9 people I didn't necessarily feel overwhelmed. Anyway, good luck to everyone else on your interviews. 

I have UCLA on February 11th and Yale on February 14th. Hopefully they all go like this one lol, crossing my fingers!!! 

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5 hours ago, JQK said:

May I ask a question?

Is it important to keep the constancy of your portfolio? I mean, should all the works be done in one style or focus on one particular field? If the portfolio contains 3-4 series, which are done in different medias ( including installation or films)or focus on different area or context, will the committee be less likely to pick?


Thanks a lot

I don't think its that important depending on whether your program is pretty medium specific or not. I think its more important to make sure your work is visually arresting in your portfolio. Most universities will do a mass purge of applicants based on their portfolio to narrow down the 100 or so applicants they get for a department to a short list. Often times, taking no more than 1-3 minutes per applicant. I'd recommend making sure your most visually arresting work is towards the front and really build a flow into your portfolio so everything feels engaging. 

I totally wonder this too, because I'm traditionally trained in printmaking but my work has evolved to include photography, drawing, installation, book arts, digital printing, textiles, etc. At times it can feel like I'm not very focused in my practice because I take multiple approaches to making that I haven't quite married (my website is a total mess that verifies this). But there are programs out there that want people that are transdisciplinary or work with interdisciplinary media.

The hardest part is not letting your inner self regret the work you are proud of. 

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22 minutes ago, slickjaketheruler said:


The hardest part is not letting your inner self regret the work you are proud of. 

Your last line hits in painful soft flesh.  We should always create what speaks to us and learn to not regret that.  In my opinion if I am creating to fit a graduate program the only person who fails is me.

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4 hours ago, Pickle95 said:

For anyone else interviewing with Stanford, I had mine last night. I think it went really well??!! *knocks on wood*

9 people on the zoom call (which is kind of a lot in my opinion). 4 current students, the director of the program and 4 faculty members. They asked the basic questions:

  • why do you want to go to grad school
  • why Stanford
  • who are your influences and why (they didn't ask it in this manner, this question sort of felt like the contextualizing yourself in art history question by explaining who you look at)
  • then they spent a lot of time asking me about concepts within specific pieces in my application, and how I planned on expanding on them if I were to get into their program. 

Everyone on the call was very nice, and though it was 9 people I didn't necessarily feel overwhelmed. Anyway, good luck to everyone else on your interviews. 

I have UCLA on February 11th and Yale on February 14th. Hopefully they all go like this one lol, crossing my fingers!!! 

Thanks for sharing! I'm so excited to see where you end up!! 

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Hello all, 

I was rejected at Northwestern but I got an interview at SAIC MFA painting! I haven't heard anything from Alfred. 

I was wondering if anyone has any prior experience interviewing with SAIC and would be willing to share any advice? 

I also was wondering how people usually introduce themselves? What information do you give? 

Any tips for interviewing for a school that has encourages an interdisciplinary approach? I am very focused in painting. 


Hoping for good luck for everyone in their interviews. ?

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7 hours ago, slickjaketheruler said:

I don't think its that important depending on whether your program is pretty medium specific or not. I think its more important to make sure your work is visually arresting in your portfolio. Most universities will do a mass purge of applicants based on their portfolio to narrow down the 100 or so applicants they get for a department to a short list. Often times, taking no more than 1-3 minutes per applicant. I'd recommend making sure your most visually arresting work is towards the front and really build a flow into your portfolio so everything feels engaging. 

I totally wonder this too, because I'm traditionally trained in printmaking but my work has evolved to include photography, drawing, installation, book arts, digital printing, textiles, etc. At times it can feel like I'm not very focused in my practice because I take multiple approaches to making that I haven't quite married (my website is a total mess that verifies this). But there are programs out there that want people that are transdisciplinary or work with interdisciplinary media.

The hardest part is not letting your inner self regret the work you are proud of. 

Very good advice, thanks! 
The last line makes me feel so much.

I don’t want to make a portfolio for making a portfolio, it should be for ourselves.

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10 hours ago, MMING said:

Hello, I'm international applicant, applied for





nyu (itp)


I done interview with SVA.

But I am waiting for other schools, do anyone have recent news about interviews?


Also an international student coming from Canada.

I got accepted to SVA photo!

I have an interview with parsons fine art next week and Saic photo next weekend.


still waiting to hear from

Hunter ( apparently they reach out mid month)



Pratt ( someone in the forum said they would be sending interviews mid month) 

if anyone has any good info on what any of those programs are like I’m all ears ?


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Hi, thank you for the information you all provide! They were super helpful and let me know I'm not the only one freaking out there. So here is my info and timeline: 
I'm an international applicant applying for a photo MFA. I turned in everything before Dec 31th, 2021. 
Applied to five schools: 
Calarts(got an interview in late February), 
UW Seattle

So far, I have heard nothing from UCLA and UW Seattle yet. But I read something saying that the photo department at UCLA would release interviews from Feb 14th(old info like five years ago); not sure whether it's still the same this year, but I did hear someone already got interviews. 
The UW website said they would release results in late March, not sure whether interviews should be part of the process.

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11 minutes ago, Coconutagua said:

Hi, thank you for the information you all provide! They were super helpful and let me know I'm not the only one freaking out there. So here is my info and timeline: 
I'm an international applicant applying for a photo MFA. I turned in everything before Dec 31th, 2021. 
Applied to five schools: 
Calarts(got an interview in late February), 
UW Seattle

So far, I have heard nothing from UCLA and UW Seattle yet. But I read something saying that the photo department at UCLA would release interviews from Feb 14th(old info like five years ago); not sure whether it's still the same this year, but I did hear someone already got interviews. 
The UW website said they would release results in late March, not sure whether interviews should be part of the process.

Coconut! Finally another person who applied to UW Seattle. I am seriously thinking of starting a thread just about UW Seattle to gather all the applicants there - there's like no clear timeline for them getting back to us and so few of us have applied there? I only know of 1 other sweet person on here who has applied - you guys are unicorns. 

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7 minutes ago, whitewhales said:

Coconut! Finally another person who applied to UW Seattle. I am seriously thinking of starting a thread just about UW Seattle to gather all the applicants there - there's like no clear timeline for them getting back to us and so few of us have applied there? I only know of 1 other sweet person on here who has applied - you guys are unicorns. 

I know UW grad admission is actually working- someone I knew just got rejections but not for MFA. Starting a thread is a good idea, but I literally feel like so few people applied there. 

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4 hours ago, RyanV said:


Also an international student coming from Canada.

I got accepted to SVA photo!

I have an interview with parsons fine art next week and Saic photo next weekend.


still waiting to hear from

Hunter ( apparently they reach out mid month)



Pratt ( someone in the forum said they would be sending interviews mid month) 

if anyone has any good info on what any of those programs are like I’m all ears ?



Great to hear that you got accepted. 

When did you got the mail that you accepted? I did interview with SVA product design and waiting for the decession.


Thank you for sharing!

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On 2/4/2022 at 4:49 PM, hibiscusleaves said:

Congrats to you too!! I guess I will be talking about projects from my submitted portfolio as well. Are you in the preliminary program or the 2 year program?

Tbh i have no idea about how the informal interview will go, if you learn something lemme know. :)

Thank you☺️! I’m in the preliminary program, wbu? My interview will be a bit late Feb. 23rd -I got too excited and somehow thought it’s a good idea to schedule the interview in my bd lol-


we’ll see how it goes… anyone with interview tips please share ❤️ 

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5 hours ago, MMING said:


Great to hear that you got accepted. 

When did you got the mail that you accepted? I did interview with SVA product design and waiting for the decession.


Thank you for sharing!

It was in a phone call, I haven’t gotten the formal letter yet. I think the photo program is quick relative to other programs . 

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6 hours ago, Faxma said:

Thank you☺️! I’m in the preliminary program, wbu? My interview will be a bit late Feb. 23rd -I got too excited and somehow thought it’s a good idea to schedule the interview in my bd lol-


we’ll see how it goes… anyone with interview tips please share ❤️ 

Preliminary as well, hope we both pass the interview and can meet in September :) my interview will be on 22nd, happy early birthday!!

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On 2/4/2022 at 8:10 PM, blueviolet said:

I am currently a post-bacc there [VCU] and also waiting to hear back on mfa admission but just talked to some grads in my department today and they said last year they were accepted by the 22nd of Feb so the interview was earlier than that, they remembered it being about two weeks after the deadline before hearing anything (deadline was extended last year too so i assume its around the same).

@blueviolet @Frank14 @artcat Yeah, that timing sounds right. I graduated from VCU's MFA program last year. My department always (or at least every year I know of) had some current student(s) in on the interviews. Last year those interviews were Feb. 16 to 19. Things could be different from department to department and year too year, of course. When I interviewed I was invited to the interview on Feb 6, and I interviewed on Feb. 11. I hope that helps.

Great to see this forum full of activity! It's good to see some people reporting good news. Good luck everyone.

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Sup gangsters. 

USC, (University of Southern California) Roski interviews are going out. I got mine this week. I hope they offer better funding this year.

I've taken on painting, over the past few months. Been doing Hopi and Apache inspired canvasses. I've also enjoyed studying the way that color patterns develop on southwestern desert rock, and how it can look a lot like rust. I've also been working in the world of animated gifs. I've always made them, but lately I've really been trying some new directions. Kinda wish I would have started earlier so I could have put them on my art resumés.

Tomorrow I'll be back in the sculpture shop/studio working metal. Got an unveiling for my pubic art coming up soon. I'll post some pix when the pieces are installed in a couple weeks! ?

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