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Michelle Santa Cruz

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4 hours ago, _redrabbit7 said:

Has anyone heard from Columbia?

@_redrabbit7 @1800goodluck @lamentyung I applied a couple years ago at Columbia. Applications were due Jan. 15, and then on Feb. 18 they sent an email asking me to interview. All interviews were on the same day, March 12, either in person or online. This was for New Genres; my memory is that the other disciplines' interviews were also on the same day. So, if they are on a similar timeline this year, you might hear in a week.

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On 1/31/2022 at 8:03 PM, eatyoveggies said:

Hey everyone ? another long time lurker here to join the fun. I wonder how many more lurkers are out there!?? I’ve been considering applying for a few years now and decided this is the year. Applied to FSU, GSU, UArk, UNCG, UofU, ASU, and Indiana. So far I’ve interviewed at FSU and it seems like an amazing place.

So many interviews were sent out this same time last year so I am dying with anticipation!!! ? good luck all!

Which program at Indiana did you apply for?

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hello fellow hopeful humans, has anyone heard anything from UC Irvine Studio Art?

This is the only school I applied to and the anticipation is killing me. I emailed them about a month ago with questions about the timeline for our application because the website had two different dates, then again with concerns about not being able to upload images to the portfolio portion, and then later with a question about a letter of recommendation... crickets since day one...

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On 2/1/2022 at 1:03 AM, eatyoveggies said:

Hey everyone ? another long time lurker here to join the fun. I wonder how many more lurkers are out there!?? I’ve been considering applying for a few years now and decided this is the year. Applied to FSU, GSU, UArk, UNCG, UofU, ASU, and Indiana. So far I’ve interviewed at FSU and it seems like an amazing place.

So many interviews were sent out this same time last year so I am dying with anticipation!!! ? good luck all!

Hey eatyoveggies! I'm also applying to UArk ?. What program did you apply to and have you heard anything yet?

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16 minutes ago, starcrumbz said:

hello fellow hopeful humans, has anyone heard anything from UC Irvine Studio Art?

This is the only school I applied to and the anticipation is killing me. I emailed them about a month ago with questions about the timeline for our application because the website had two different dates, then again with concerns about not being able to upload images to the portfolio portion, and then later with a question about a letter of recommendation... crickets since day one...

Aw I feel you, I only applied to Hunter and the anticipation is overwhelming! Feels risky putting all my eggs in one basket but it was the school that seemed like the best fit so I didn't see the point applying to school that didn't feel right! Best of luck to us both!!!

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25 minutes ago, starcrumbz said:

hello fellow hopeful humans, has anyone heard anything from UC Irvine Studio Art?

This is the only school I applied to and the anticipation is killing me. I emailed them about a month ago with questions about the timeline for our application because the website had two different dates, then again with concerns about not being able to upload images to the portfolio portion, and then later with a question about a letter of recommendation... crickets since day one...

Hey there, I had an interview with them on Tuesday. I'm sorry that you haven't heard back from them yet, I hope you do soon. That's so frustrating when you reach out and don't hear back at all. That happened to me with another school. 

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12 minutes ago, Jar_of_Mayonnaise said:

Hey eatyoveggies! I'm also applying to UArk ?. What program did you apply to and have you heard anything yet?

Hey there! I applied to the painting, and nothing yet … although someone from Fayetteville was looking at my website in mid Jan ??what about you? Around late Jan they sent out interview invites last year so fingers crossed they’re just running late this year …

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6 minutes ago, Strawberrycat said:

Hey there, I had an interview with them on Tuesday. I'm sorry that you haven't heard back from them yet, I hope you do soon. That's so frustrating when you reach out and don't hear back at all. That happened to me with another school. 

It's good to hear they are getting close to making decisions... i just want to know! How did your interview go? Any advice?

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16 minutes ago, Forms Without Formula said:

Aw I feel you, I only applied to Hunter and the anticipation is overwhelming! Feels risky putting all my eggs in one basket but it was the school that seemed like the best fit so I didn't see the point applying to school that didn't feel right! Best of luck to us both!!!

I hear you! Wishing you all the luck and positive vibes ☝️

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11 minutes ago, eatyoveggies said:

Hey there! I applied to the painting, and nothing yet … although someone from Fayetteville was looking at my website in mid Jan ??what about you? Around late Jan they sent out interview invites last year so fingers crossed they’re just running late this year …

I applied to photography! I have that someone in the last month in Bentonville AR looked at my webiste, but I have a friend that lives there that I think is the culprit haha. 

That's what I'm nervous about is this year's timeline compared to last year! I toured the facilities in June and the faculty member I spoke with had said that they normally send out interview invites in late January too :(

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2 minutes ago, starcrumbz said:

It's good to hear they are getting close to making decisions... i just want to know! How did your interview go? Any advice?

It was definitely my most intense/critical/in depth interview so far, which wasn't a bad thing, just a little intimidating. There were 4 of the professors and it lasted 25 minutes and was very structured. They asked me to introduce myself and my work, then asked why I was interested in UCI and grad school in general. Then they had me screen share my portfolio and asked me to pick a few pieces to talk about in some depth. They asked some really specific and thorough questions about the individual pieces, materiality, influences, etc. Sometimes it would be like a series of 3 or 4 questions all at once from one of them and to be honest, I was kind of deer in headlights because of it, so I don't remember exactly what they were or how I answered because it went so fast, but they seemed responsive, I think. They also asked if I was interested in critical theory and research because of the nature of the program. Then they let me ask a couple questions at the end and asked if I applied anywhere else. 

I have no idea if they think I did well or not or if I'll get in, but I did my best. But my idea of the school based off of the interview is that they are kind overall, very deeply curious and critical, and would push students to think very critically too. It seems like a strong, but very challenging program. 

In contrast, I had interviews other places that were very casual and the interviewers asked a couple questions, but basically just praised my work in comparison. (Which I'll admit felt really nice in the moment, haha.) UCI noted some positive aspects and seemed interested and engaged in having a conversation about my work, but they definitely weren't there to stroke any egos. 

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20 minutes ago, starcrumbz said:

It's good to hear they are getting close to making decisions... i just want to know! How did your interview go? Any advice?

Oops, forgot to add the advice part! I guess it would just be to be prepared to be grilled a little. Have specific influences for aspects of your work ready to talk about if asked. Like I was asked by one of them who am I influenced by who works with the object and ideas of the artifact, because of some of my pieces. Really study your portfolio and be comfortable talking about it in any ways you can think of, because they came up with some questions that I really hadn't thought about. Which makes them seem like great people to work with, but made me panic a bit trying to answer them on the spot! 

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21 minutes ago, Jar_of_Mayonnaise said:

I applied to photography! I have that someone in the last month in Bentonville AR looked at my webiste, but I have a friend that lives there that I think is the culprit haha. 

That's what I'm nervous about is this year's timeline compared to last year! I toured the facilities in June and the faculty member I spoke with had said that they normally send out interview invites in late January too :(

Oh noooo! well it’s been quiet on this thread so that’s my only solace.. fingers crossed for us both. Keep me posted if you hear anything! 

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Wow! that sounds ... scary lol.  Good on you for going through so many interviews. You should feel like a rockstar! I have to remember that if it doesn't happen for me with UCI, its just not meant to be. when i met with a student to tour the facility, I didn't get the type of feeling you described in your interview at all. The students seemed very relaxed and supportive of one another and when I asked them about the culture they described it as open minded and supportive and not overly intimidating. But that interview sounds pretty nerve wrecking, though I have proved to need that sort of energy to really grow... I went to MICA for my undergrad and it was pretty competitive and I was definitely not one of the stronger students when I began, but that's what really pushed me to expand. I guess I'll just have to wait and see! Best of luck with everything and thank you so much for taking the time to write back to me in such detail, it really helped put my mind at ease for the day❤️

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1 minute ago, starcrumbz said:

Wow! that sounds ... scary lol.  Good on you for going through so many interviews. You should feel like a rockstar! I have to remember that if it doesn't happen for me with UCI, its just not meant to be. when i met with a student to tour the facility, I didn't get the type of feeling you described in your interview at all. The students seemed very relaxed and supportive of one another and when I asked them about the culture they described it as open minded and supportive and not overly intimidating. But that interview sounds pretty nerve wrecking, though I have proved to need that sort of energy to really grow... I went to MICA for my undergrad and it was pretty competitive and I was definitely not one of the stronger students when I began, but that's what really pushed me to expand. I guess I'll just have to wait and see! Best of luck with everything and thank you so much for taking the time to write back to me in such detail, it really helped put my mind at ease for the day❤️

Thank you, this is my third year applying, so it took me some time to get to the point where I'm getting the interviews I want. Definitely try not to feel bad if you don't get in there this time. I also applied to UCI a couple of years ago and didn't get an interview then, so sometimes it takes a couple of tries and has to do with timing and all sorts of stuff, but I wish you the best of luck!

It could be that they were unsure of me and my work and wanted to really question it critically to see if I could back it up. It didn't feel like they were trying to be intimidating, I am just easily intimidated. ? And didn't expect such in depth questions after my other interviews weren't like that, so the comparison was what got me. I think they would be very supportive, just also challenging and intellectual, so that's good to hear that the students feel that way! 

And no problem! ❤


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1 minute ago, Strawberrycat said:

Thank you, this is my third year applying, so it took me some time to get to the point where I'm getting the interviews I want. Definitely try not to feel bad if you don't get in there this time. I also applied to UCI a couple of years ago and didn't get an interview then, so sometimes it takes a couple of tries and has to do with timing and all sorts of stuff, but I wish you the best of luck!

It could be that they were unsure of me and my work and wanted to really question it critically to see if I could back it up. It didn't feel like they were trying to be intimidating, I am just easily intimidated. ? And didn't expect such in depth questions after my other interviews weren't like that, so the comparison was what got me. I think they would be very supportive, just also challenging and intellectual, so that's good to hear that the students feel that way! 

And no problem! ❤


Just a random curiosity as first-time applicant, as I'm considering if I may need to apply again next year... If you're applying to the same schools more than once, do they acknowledge your previous year's applications? Especially if you've also interviewed in the past, does that ever come up? And say if you were accepted and for whatever reason declined the offer and then reapply next year, I wonder how the admission looks at that.

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Has anyone heard back from FSU, UF, USF, Bard, or Syracuse yet? 

I got accepted to LCAD with a 10,000 a year scholarship and potential ta position. I don’t think that’s too bad for a two year program. And then MECA offered me 5,000 a year and a potential ta position. Was really hoping for a better offer from MECA so I don’t think I can attend. I’m really hoping FSU, USF, UF, Syracuse or Bard come through with some better offers. UF is fully funded and I can commute from where I’m currently living so I really hope I get in there.

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Just now, HJAn said:

Just a random curiosity as first-time applicant, as I'm considering if I may need to apply again next year... If you're applying to the same schools more than once, do they acknowledge your previous year's applications? Especially if you've also interviewed in the past, does that ever come up? And say if you were accepted and for whatever reason declined the offer and then reapply next year, I wonder how the admission looks at that.

So, I can only speak to the situations I've been in, and the answers for each of them are different, so that makes me think it could be different each time. Most of them didn't acknowledge my applying previously. UCI didn't mention it at all, but I'm sure they have access to it. UC Santa Barbara did acknowledge it, though. They said they were able to see I applied a couple of years ago and said they looked back at that portfolio in comparison to this year's and commended me on my growth since then. 

I didn't have any situations where I got interviews and wasn't accepted and then got an interview the next year. All of mine were instances where I didn't get an interview and then got one. (And one where I did get an interview, then the next year did not get one, I think because I did very poorly in the interview the previous year and dashed my future chances.) 

Last year I applied to USC and got in, but couldn't attend. After speaking to them, they said that I would be accepted for this year if I wanted to be, but that I would have to submit a new portfolio and interview again to be eligible for any funding or scholarships. This will vary based on school. Some will not defer acceptance and will ask applicants to completely apply again. But it's pretty standard to give up whatever funding they may have offered you and to have to go up against the new round of applicants for it once again. If you end up in that situation and want to try to go somewhere the next year, I would really try to keep in contact with the school and the faculty and keep a good rapport with them. 


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1 minute ago, Antisocialprintmaker said:

Has anyone heard back from FSU, UF, USF, Bard, or Syracuse yet? 

I got accepted to LCAD with a 10,000 a year scholarship and potential ta position. I don’t think that’s too bad for a two year program. And then MECA offered me 5,000 a year and a potential ta position. Was really hoping for a better offer from MECA so I don’t think I can attend. I’m really hoping FSU, USF, UF, Syracuse or Bard come through with some better offers. UF is fully funded and I can commute from where I’m currently living so I really hope I get in there.

You can politely tell MECA about LCAD's offer and try to negotiate with them. They may match it, especially since the difference is only 5k per year. 

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15 minutes ago, Strawberrycat said:

You can politely tell MECA about LCAD's offer and try to negotiate with them. They may match it, especially since the difference is only 5k per year. 

Thank you I think I’ll try to do that. Because I don’t really want to leave the east coast and I like Maine a lot

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18 minutes ago, Strawberrycat said:

So, I can only speak to the situations I've been in, and the answers for each of them are different, so that makes me think it could be different each time. Most of them didn't acknowledge my applying previously. UCI didn't mention it at all, but I'm sure they have access to it. UC Santa Barbara did acknowledge it, though. They said they were able to see I applied a couple of years ago and said they looked back at that portfolio in comparison to this year's and commended me on my growth since then. 

I didn't have any situations where I got interviews and wasn't accepted and then got an interview the next year. All of mine were instances where I didn't get an interview and then got one. (And one where I did get an interview, then the next year did not get one, I think because I did very poorly in the interview the previous year and dashed my future chances.) 

Last year I applied to USC and got in, but couldn't attend. After speaking to them, they said that I would be accepted for this year if I wanted to be, but that I would have to submit a new portfolio and interview again to be eligible for any funding or scholarships. This will vary based on school. Some will not defer acceptance and will ask applicants to completely apply again. But it's pretty standard to give up whatever funding they may have offered you and to have to go up against the new round of applicants for it once again. If you end up in that situation and want to try to go somewhere the next year, I would really try to keep in contact with the school and the faculty and keep a good rapport with them. 


Thank you for such a thoughtful insight! I will definitely keep your advice in mind should I end up reapplying next year. :)


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5 minutes ago, Antisocialprintmaker said:

Thank you I think I’ll try to do that. Because I don’t really want to leave the east coast and I like Maine a lot

No problem! When do you have to give them an answer by? Are you able to wait until you hear back from the other schools? I would ask for an extension if they gave you a deadline and you need it. Getting into a fully funded program would help a lot with negotiation too. (Unless you'd rather go to UF anyway!) 

Congrats on your acceptances and offers so far! 


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2 hours ago, Strawberrycat said:

So, I can only speak to the situations I've been in, and the answers for each of them are different, so that makes me think it could be different each time. Most of them didn't acknowledge my applying previously. UCI didn't mention it at all, but I'm sure they have access to it. UC Santa Barbara did acknowledge it, though. They said they were able to see I applied a couple of years ago and said they looked back at that portfolio in comparison to this year's and commended me on my growth since then. 

I didn't have any situations where I got interviews and wasn't accepted and then got an interview the next year. All of mine were instances where I didn't get an interview and then got one. (And one where I did get an interview, then the next year did not get one, I think because I did very poorly in the interview the previous year and dashed my future chances.) 

Last year I applied to USC and got in, but couldn't attend. After speaking to them, they said that I would be accepted for this year if I wanted to be, but that I would have to submit a new portfolio and interview again to be eligible for any funding or scholarships. This will vary based on school. Some will not defer acceptance and will ask applicants to completely apply again. But it's pretty standard to give up whatever funding they may have offered you and to have to go up against the new round of applicants for it once again. If you end up in that situation and want to try to go somewhere the next year, I would really try to keep in contact with the school and the faculty and keep a good rapport with them. 


do you have a website we can check out to view your work? (if you're comfortable with that)

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9 minutes ago, starcrumbz said:

do you have a website we can check out to view your work? (if you're comfortable with that)

My website has too much personal info on it so I'm not comfortable sharing it here, I'm sorry! A few people have asked, though, so I'll post some of my work on a throwaway instagram I use to test posts and link it here in a little bit. 

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