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2011 Theology Application Results!!!

new mexico

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i got the scholarship!!!!

Congratulations! Time for bigger and better things than sitting and waiting! Now the hard part of moving....finding housing....getting a local bank account....filling out oodles of paper work....etc.

Well, I guess you'll have a few months for these things, but I will stay stressed until I 1) make a decision, 2) get a house, and 3) MOVE (and I will be moving a minimum of 2300 miles), and 4) unpack!

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Hey everyone!

I've been lurking for a few months, but finally decided to share my anticipation with you all. Thanks for all the posts so far!

I've applied to Candler, Duke, Yale (and the ISM), Union, Wesley (in DC), and possibly Earlham in Indiana (Quaker)

I'm currently a United Methodist Youth Director in Mid Missouri, but have had seminary and pastoral ambitions for years. I'm pursuing candidacy as a United Methodist (although I'm not 100%).

I've been accepted to Candler, Duke, and Wesley. Duke hasn't given me diddly squat in scholarship info, and wanted me to put down a deposit. I didn't get accepted to Leadership Candler, but I'm still waiting for the Methodist Scholarships.

Wesley Theological Seminary is actually flying my out to interview for scholarships in less than two weeks!

My heart is set on Yale and Union, but not for the normal reasons. Union has a boat-load of unusual classes, and access to the Jewish Theological Seminary...

And what is with seminaries that don't teach anything about communication skills? One homiletic course doesn't do the job in my opinion. Union is the only school I looked at that had a large number of communication and preaching courses.

Does anyone know of schools that focus on communicating/preaching? What good is having a great education if you can't relate or communicate with everyday folks?

More waiting!


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thanks, everyone, for the kind words! i'm very excited.

so, if anyone else gets into and decides to attend HDS or BU (i think they're like 2 miles apart or so), and does NOT want to live in on-campus housing since it's usually very expensive, maybe we can PM each other and get a few people to rent a place close to BU STH and HDS?? thoughts?

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accepted U Chicago MDIV!!!


I'm currently a United Methodist Youth Director in Mid Missouri, but have had seminary and pastoral ambitions for years. I'm pursuing candidacy as a United Methodist (although I'm not 100%).

I've been accepted to Candler, Duke, and Wesley. Duke hasn't given me diddly squat in scholarship info, and wanted me to put down a deposit.

Hi endingtheletter,

Man, it's such a relief to see your message. I've been waiting to hear back from Duke on scholarship info as well, and I was worried that maybe all the Methodists had already gotten their scholarships, and all the rest of us were left in the dust 0=). So that's a helpful bit of info.

You applied to the MDiv, I presume? When do you think Duke will get back with us? You should also see my other thread on this exact topic: "At what point do you break down and call/email them?"

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Hey everyone!

And what is with seminaries that don't teach anything about communication skills? One homiletic course doesn't do the job in my opinion. Union is the only school I looked at that had a large number of communication and preaching courses.

Does anyone know of schools that focus on communicating/preaching? What good is having a great education if you can't relate or communicate with everyday folks?

Yeah, what is that? I am very much about communication skills and fostering dialogue and cross-cultural communication. It appears that if I want to work on those things as practicalities, I'll be taking classes outside of the MTS coursework. OTOH, I have met plenty of scholars who simply do not "get" my focus on communicating ideas, so it's clearly not the norm. Curious!

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Yeah, what is that? I am very much about communication skills and fostering dialogue and cross-cultural communication. It appears that if I want to work on those things as practicalities, I'll be taking classes outside of the MTS coursework. OTOH, I have met plenty of scholars who simply do not "get" my focus on communicating ideas, so it's clearly not the norm. Curious!

Glad I'm not the only one!

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accepted U Chicago MDIV!!!

What an amazing acceptance!!! I hear the M.Div. program at UChicago is EXTREMELY competitive!!! Congrats!!!! I love the campus so much. I have very fond memories of being on the campus when I was younger and my father was a student there.

Is this your top choice?

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BU and HDS are pretty far apart by Boston standards. I lived in Brookline near BU for a couple of weeks, it's like a 20 minute bus ride between the two.

I do recommend living with grad cafe people. I live with folks I met here :)

thanks, everyone, for the kind words! i'm very excited.

so, if anyone else gets into and decides to attend HDS or BU (i think they're like 2 miles apart or so), and does NOT want to live in on-campus housing since it's usually very expensive, maybe we can PM each other and get a few people to rent a place close to BU STH and HDS?? thoughts?

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BU and HDS are pretty far apart by Boston standards. I lived in Brookline near BU for a couple of weeks, it's like a 20 minute bus ride between the two.

I do recommend living with grad cafe people. I live with folks I met here :)

According to mapquest, depending on the route one takes, it's only 2.72 to 3.06 miles from BU STH to HDS. I live in NM, and I commute 72 miles (round trip) to school and back each day!!!! Ha ha. But yes, it would be really cool to live with grad cafe people that will be attending one of these schools, and finding a place that works for everyone!!! I'm glad to know someone else has done it. Thanks, LisaTO!!!

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What an amazing acceptance!!! I hear the M.Div. program at UChicago is EXTREMELY competitive!!! Congrats!!!! I love the campus so much. I have very fond memories of being on the campus when I was younger and my father was a student there.

Is this your top choice?

I found out via email yesterday. They said that they would be mailing me more information at the end of the week.

To be honest I never imagined getting in so I hadn't really considered it as a real option. I also really don't want to move to Chicago... but this offer would be silly to turn down. I guess I will have to wait and see once I hear from other schools.

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According to mapquest, depending on the route one takes, it's only 2.72 to 3.06 miles from BU STH to HDS. I live in NM, and I commute 72 miles (round trip) to school and back each day!!!! Ha ha. But yes, it would be really cool to live with grad cafe people that will be attending one of these schools, and finding a place that works for everyone!!! I'm glad to know someone else has done it. Thanks, LisaTO!!!

I commute to HDS every T/Th for class. I live right near BC, which is maybe 4 miles away from HDS? On the bus it takes about 30 minutes, give or take. If I end up transferring to HDS next year I'm going to stay in Brighton. It's fairly affordable, clean, and really safe...while Cambridge is pretty nasty (imo) and way too expensive!

You might be able to find cheaper housing near BU.

good luck.

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It's too quiet!

In other news, I found a blog of someone who got accepted to Yale last year... on the second Thursday of the month...


I'm really hoping for that e-mail!


I created a separate thread for us to fuss and pass time until there are results to post here. :-)

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In other news, I found a blog of someone who got accepted to Yale last year... on the second Thursday of the month...

If the past is any indication, we may very likely hear from Yale tomorrow! Someone on here posted that they visited Yale on March 2nd, and Melissa in the office there had indicated that they wanted to be done by this Friday (tomorrow), in order for faculty to be gone during the Spring Break next week.

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I am the one who attend YDS on the 2nd, and what Phenomenologist says is correct. Melissa made it appear that we all should be hearing the news tomorrow. Though, I would to clarify one thing: YDS is already on spring break and some of the faculty are traveling next week.

May the ground of our being keep us rooted in reality tomorrow, whatever news might be coming our way!

If the past is any indication, we may very likely hear from Yale tomorrow! Someone on here posted that they visited Yale on March 2nd, and Melissa in the office there had indicated that they wanted to be done by this Friday (tomorrow), in order for faculty to be gone during the Spring Break next week.

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Geez...i didn't even apply to YDS or HDS, and I keep checking this topic every other hour in anticipation for everyone!!! i can only imagine how ya'll feel!!!!

Don't get me started ;)

I've even thought about skipping classes today in anticipation, LoL :lol:

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A buddy in my program called HDS this morning to ask if decisions would be posted today, and they replied that they couldn't answer that, and they still weren't sure if decisions would be finalized by today. I don't know if this is to cover their bases, or if they really don't know. So it sounds like they may or may not actually be posted today at 5 est.

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