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Anyone feeling his or her application was a diaster as I am now?


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I happen to open up my files and re-read my application materials this morning. In the past months I had a lot of conversations with all kinds of professors and presumably now have a better idea about what constitutes a good application. Then I realize, my own application material is completely a disaster - unable to convey what I wanted, have terrible narrative structure, and probably won't appeal to what professors are looking for. Feeling pretty sad now. I don't know if anyone's feeling the same

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I happen to open up my files and re-read my application materials this morning. In the past months I had a lot of conversations with all kinds of professors and presumably now have a better idea about what constitutes a good application. Then I realize, my own application material is completely a disaster - unable to convey what I wanted, have terrible narrative structure, and probably won't appeal to what professors are looking for. Feeling pretty sad now. I don't know if anyone's feeling the same

Calm down! You are just freaking out!

If you "had a lot of conversations with all kinds of professors" it means that you have prepared your application well!

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Calm down! You are just freaking out!

If you "had a lot of conversations with all kinds of professors" it means that you have prepared your application well!

Thanks. Well, sort of. I happen to have "a lot of conversations" after I handed everything in...

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I stopped looking over my application materials because they are already in. It only creates more anxiety. There are moments when I feel really good about my chances, and there are other moments when it feels hopeless.

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As I tailored each SOP to each school I would make it better and better, so when I think back on the first place I submitted it to I worry that it was too disorganized, etc. Which is too bad, since the first school is one of my top choices.

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As I tailored each SOP to each school I would make it better and better, so when I think back on the first place I submitted it to I worry that it was too disorganized, etc. Which is too bad, since the first school is one of my top choices.

EXACTLY the same here. My last one is the best.. but it's only a safety with late due date...

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I stopped looking over my application materials because they are already in. It only creates more anxiety. There are moments when I feel really good about my chances, and there are other moments when it feels hopeless.

This pretty much sums up where I am with the whole situation. There's nothing you can change now, why go crazy over it?

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i can relate to all of these feelings of anxiety. but let's all just breath deeply and focus on the POSITIVE aspects of our applications. just for one moment stop thinking about that one grammatical error or the missing word in your resume and think about all of the really strong elements of your apps - all of those elements which gave you the confidence to apply in the first place. every time i start stressing i just think about the great things i could bring to a phd program. holding onto those thoughts helps me get through this stressful time. also, once i hit send the apps were no longer under my control, so no amount of stressful energy will change anything.

i'm not trying to be trite or clichéd, but i'm sure your applications are fine.

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i can relate to all of these feelings of anxiety. but let's all just breath deeply and focus on the POSITIVE aspects of our applications. just for one moment stop thinking about that one grammatical error or the missing word in your resume and think about all of the really strong elements of your apps - all of those elements which gave you the confidence to apply in the first place. every time i start stressing i just think about the great things i could bring to a phd program. holding onto those thoughts helps me get through this stressful time. also, once i hit send the apps were no longer under my control, so no amount of stressful energy will change anything.

i'm not trying to be trite or clichéd, but i'm sure your applications are fine.

Very well said!!!

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I feel pretty good about the last couple applications I submitted, but when I think back to what draft my statement of purpose and writing samples were in for applications 1 and 2, I can only shudder.

Me too! My last SOPs were excellent. My first, not so much. Not at all, in fact! Yikes.

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I stopped looking over my application materials because they are already in. It only creates more anxiety. There are moments when I feel really good about my chances, and there are other moments when it feels hopeless.

I worked on my writing sample for a year and am now revising it again, so there's no getting around that, but I have resisted the urge to go back and look over my SOP... the only thing that can come from that is regret and anxiety.

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EXACTLY the same here. My last one is the best.. but it's only a safety with late due date...

Same here. It figures that the earlier deadlines (for me at least) were the most competitive schools and the later ones are more safety like.

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On some days, I feel like my application showcased all of my strong suits. Those are the good days. Or perhaps they are the more idealistic days. Most of the time, I stress over grammar mistakes and the lackluster efforts that the adcomms are sure to see in my writing sample. Sigh. This is my first cycle, and I don't know if I have the gumption to gear myself up for round two. Good luck to you! And I'm sure we're all unnecessarily giving ourselves premature heart attacks.

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I also feel like my application was a complete disaster. I'm going crazy reading my SoP over and over again, and to be honest, it could have been so much better :mellow: I think that what we are feeling is completely normal. It's natural to oscillate between two extremes: saying things like "my application is great, and I'm definitely getting in", and then the next day thinking: "my application is terrible; they are gonna put me in the "reject" pile right away." Such is life.

I'm also wondering if I should have taken (and submitted) TOELF scores with my application. My native language is English, but I did my undergrad in a primarily Spanish speaking institution. I did my B.A in English, and I also have a post-grad diploma in TESOL. I'm an EngIish teacher, for god's sake! I'm just worried that they are just gonna use it as an excuse to reject me. :( Sorry for my long rant, I'm just a big ball of anxiety right now.

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Oh yeah, I'm right on that boat. When I read about how much more prepared people were when they submitted their apps -- coupled with the fact that I'm still not confident I have anything more than a competitive application (and for some schools it is more of a prayer that they misplace my name on the Accepted column ;) -- I can't help but wonder why the hell I'd stand out from the pack.

At this point, you just have to keep yourself busy for another month. It's helping me keep whatever sanity I have left. :P

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I happen to open up my files and re-read my application materials this morning. In the past months I had a lot of conversations with all kinds of professors and presumably now have a better idea about what constitutes a good application. Then I realize, my own application material is completely a disaster - unable to convey what I wanted, have terrible narrative structure, and probably won't appeal to what professors are looking for. Feeling pretty sad now. I don't know if anyone's feeling the same


I'm pretty sure it's normal to feel like you won't get in anywhere and you submitted the worst application in the history of mankind at this point. At least I hope it is...

and me too

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Feeling the same way. I got rejected from one school WAY early, which sent me into freakout mode, but also helped me discover a really rad program sorta last minute. I submitted a completely different portfolio etc to that school as a result. It ended up being a positive in a way, even if I'm convinced that none of the first five applications I sent in will possibly accept me.

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