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Classics 2011


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Greetings! :D

It's that time of year, most deadlines have come and gone and the nail-biting has commenced. Since there's been a general trend of doing one big yearly thread I thought I'd start it since results should start coming in within the next few weeks.

Soooo...any reflections on the process? For those of us still in UG, how much has the stress of compiling applications packages drained your ability to concentrate on your remaining classes?

I'll start. I found the process to be relatively smooth once I got over the nervous procrastination bit, but it had been a huge distraction for all of Fall semester. I am a bit disappointed though because I had planned to apply to many more schools but with my husband having a great job and not wanting to leave it, I had to slash my list down to the 2 schools that are closest. Fortunately, they're also my favorite programs. It is KILLING me to know that with only two apps out there my chances of getting in are very small, but I guess I'd rather apply to two schools that are a great fit than applying to over a dozen schools where my fit would be dubious at best.

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I only applied to two Ph.D programs also. Makes me very nervous.

It is KILLING me to know that with only two apps out there my chances of getting in are very small, but I guess I'd rather apply to two schools that are a great fit than applying to over a dozen schools where my fit would be dubious at best.

I know, I feel the exact same way!

Best of luck to you!

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I applied to 12 programs and just got some good news from one of them (I was nominated for a university fellowship). Still waiting to hear on all the others though, and I'm guessing it will be at least a week or two. Where did everyone apply? Has anyone else heard anything yet?

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Out of curiosity, did anyone here apply to UBC (British Columbia) this year? I'm actually a Religious Studies guy, but at UBC Classics and Religion are part of the same department. I heard back from them on Jan12, and I've been wondering if they've contacted others yet, or if anyone else from this forum is thinking about going there.

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Out of curiosity, did anyone here apply to UBC (British Columbia) this year? I'm actually a Religious Studies guy, but at UBC Classics and Religion are part of the same department. I heard back from them on Jan12, and I've been wondering if they've contacted others yet, or if anyone else from this forum is thinking about going there.

I didn't apply there, so I'm not sure. Was it good news from them? If so, congratulations!

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It was indeed good news, and I was informed that I've been recommended by the department to be accepted into the PhD program, so now I'm just waiting on an official paper letter. I'm Canadian, and I'd rather stay in Canada, so I'm seriously considering going there. Because the program is very interdiscplinary, I'd be taking both Classics and Religious Studies courses. I actually really like that, because New Testament studies is currently deeply affected by what goes on in Classics these days. I was kind of hoping to see who else has been accepted there and what sorts of research interests they have. I assume that their first round of acceptances has probably gone out by now, but I can never be sure. It would be neat to hear from someone in the same department and cohort before actually even beginning the degree.

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Out of curiosity, did anyone here apply to UBC (British Columbia) this year? I'm actually a Religious Studies guy, but at UBC Classics and Religion are part of the same department. I heard back from them on Jan12, and I've been wondering if they've contacted others yet, or if anyone else from this forum is thinking about going there.

I applied to UBC for a Classics MA. Canadian like you, and decide to stay in Canada for an MA. Also applied to University of Alberta and University of Toronto for the MA program.

I talked to Hector Williams at UBC and he said that they were going through the PhD applications first and would start going through the MA ones soon enough. I guess I should be hearing back in early February. I don't think I have much of a chance of getting accepted there though since my research interests are not really covered by anyone on the faculty if Bablitz decides against me. Applied there just because I was told that after U of T they have the second-strongest language program in Canada.

Do you know anything about the MA application decisions?

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I haven't much about the MA applicants, except that they'll be loking at the MA applicants after they figure out how many PhDs they want to admit. I didn't hear that from Hector Williams though, that was just from the graduate administrator. I'm still waiting on the graduate unit to process my acceptance, so I still don't have a paper letter. I've heard they can take up to a month to get to that. I gather that UBC will contact you as soon as they've decided, which is what happened to me. In all likelihood, it's too early to know much about the MA applicants. I wouldn't worry too much just yet. If the graduate unit hasn't even processed the first round of PhDs, you're probably still well in the running.

I have to say, their faculty is really helpful and willing to answer questions. I really like the program alot, and having the Museum of Anthropology on the university campus is a big plus.

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My boyfriend is applying to the University of Chicago for Classics (I've kind of been lurking on thegradcafe, even though I'm not applying to grad school; I'm just so anxious and this makes me feel better haha). Anyone else applying to UChicago? Any idea when we can expect to start hearing from them? I am dying just having to wait like this!

And here I was thinking I'd be able to avoid the stress of the application process--silly me!

P.S. You people are Classics majors: Do you prefer the plural "forums" or "fora"?

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"Forums". "Fora" is pretentious.

My boyfriend is applying to the University of Chicago for Classics (I've kind of been lurking on thegradcafe, even though I'm not applying to grad school; I'm just so anxious and this makes me feel better haha). Anyone else applying to UChicago? Any idea when we can expect to start hearing from them? I am dying just having to wait like this!

And here I was thinking I'd be able to avoid the stress of the application process--silly me!

P.S. You people are Classics majors: Do you prefer the plural "forums" or "fora"?

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So, a few days ago I received an acceptance email from Wisconsin soon followed by another saying I've been nominated for a fellowship which the "majority" of those nominated are awarded. This sounded hopeful to me, but after scrolling through the forum for the 2010 application season, it seems like the consensus is getting funded at Wisconsin isn't very likely. Can anybody shed some light on this for me?

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Oh, got it. Thank you. I did not apply to Yale, but was wondering if you had contacted the department.... I suppose I'm getting a bit stir crazy waiting for all the other schools!

Congrats on getting to the interview round!

@alyssa: I got a phone call and an email. It sounded to me like they have already contacted about 15 folks who they are inviting to visit.

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Elcielo -- may I ask where you heard the good news from?

Yeah, it was FSU. I got a more official acceptance from them now too, so now I have a place to go no matter what. Very excited!

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Hmm. All info, save my name and email, has disappeared from my status page when I log into UF's status check. It could just be a glitch, but I'm not taking this as a very good omen. Anybody else try to log in to check their status with UF today?

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Congrats! I applied there as well, but haven't heard anything yet. Not a huge deal -- but I just want to hear SOMETHING.

Yeah, it was FSU. I got a more official acceptance from them now too, so now I have a place to go no matter what. Very excited!

Has anyone else heard anything at all? I know it's still a little early, but it's my second time around with applications, and the stress of going through this whole process again is KILLING me. I turned down a funded PhD offer at a program I had little interest in (and a few unfunded offers) last time for a terminal MA program. I've absolutely hated my program the entire time and feel that it has done more of a disservice for my career than help. I hate that I feel I have wasted the past two years and feel even less confident and prepared than the last time I applied. There is no way to know how a program will be until one actually experiences it, and I thought I had made the best decision at the time -- but it's hard not to have regrets and to re-think past decisions when re-living the process again.

Good luck, everyone. Holding my breath that next week will be the week...

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For any archaeologists in here it looks like UCLA/Cotsen is sending out decisions.

I received an acceptance on Thursday but no funding decisions have been made. That will come about in March.

Now I sit back and anxiously wait to hear from Stanford, Penn, and Brown......

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For any archaeologists in here it looks like UCLA/Cotsen is sending out decisions.

I received an acceptance on Thursday but no funding decisions have been made. That will come about in March.

Now I sit back and anxiously wait to hear from Stanford, Penn, and Brown......

@Rendar: Congrats on UCLA! It looks like we're applying to some of the same schools (Penn, Brown, Stanford...IPCAA too?).

Have you heard when these schools will be sending out letters? It looks like mid-February from last years posts...

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Thanks for the congrats! It's been definitely a nail biter. I took my time in the MA program here at Alberta for various reasons and was worried that would kick me in the butt. I'm still rather worried about languages in regards to my other applications. Don't even get me started on the GRE, haha.

I didn't apply to Michigan on the basis of Faculty. My supervisor and I sat down way back in August and identified 10 places with good/excellent programs and then I whittled the list down to four based upon where I thought I could get support for my research goals. For that reason Stanford is top of my list (Josiah Ober). Also I wanted to keep my application expenditures down to around $400, especially after the $200 ETS charged (did I mention I hate the GRE?).

As for when the rest of them make decisions you and I are thinking the same. That mid-Feb point seems to be the magic time for acceptance notices. I just emailed a friend who is at Brown asking her to poke around.

OH, by the way....did you get that transcript upload error on Penn's application? I'm wondering if I should phone them and confirm they got my transcripts.

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