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Fulbright 2012-2013


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How long must we wait?!?

I believe they will come at 6pm EST

Did Cara say that the emails for everybody would go out, or just German ETA applicants?....

Jermaine and Cara both just said notifications for stage 1 would be sent out by end of the day today. I am assuming, from previous year info, that everyone will be notified.

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Okay, I'm going to have to agree with msafiri and say that this board is getting a little neurotic. I applied too and I think it is really just...personality differences. Whatever happens, happens. If you don't have a back-up plan yet, you will find one. Everything happens for a reason, and yes, being proactive helps, but if we don't get it, raise money to go to the country yourself...apply directly through a university there. Sure, it'd be nice having the grant but if you really want something, go for it. You'll get it. It's the Law of Attraction.

Take a deep breath, everyone, and EAT THE COOKIE.

EAT THE COOKIE is going to be my new personal mantra (and I'm not even waiting to hear about Fulbright... I'm in my own personal funding hell). lol

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Okay, I'm going to have to agree with msafiri and say that this board is getting a little neurotic. I applied too and I think it is really just...personality differences. Whatever happens, happens. If you don't have a back-up plan yet, you will find one. Everything happens for a reason, and yes, being proactive helps, but if we don't get it, raise money to go to the country yourself...apply directly through a university there. Sure, it'd be nice having the grant but if you really want something, go for it. You'll get it. It's the Law of Attraction.

Take a deep breath, everyone, and EAT THE COOKIE.

I have to admit, I am calmer than I have ever been... because I know by the end of the day I will have an answer one way or another... However, I just find it a little unsettling how there are Fulbright advisers out there able to tell there students something... I don't know why other schools can't... who knows... Not to take away from the people who know they've made it to the second round... Shout out to them Congrats!! :D:lol: But... Do you realize that everyone who knows on this forum found out from their adviser not from an actually letter!?!?! My school is telling me that they won't know until I find out... Clearly, after hearing that some schools know... From here and on Twitter.... I am finding it hard to believe that MY school doesn't know anything... However, continues to give me the same reaction... Nevertheless, I am happy and still calm... but almost tempted to ask a person from another school that are telling their students to look up my status!!! :P lol

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lkahmil, I am really tempted to e-mail my FPA and ask - but really, I just feel like a begging child who is pulling at the pants of an adult saying "WHEN ARE WE GOING, WHEN ARE WE GOING?!" Patience is a virtue. If we can't wait this long, how are we going to make it through the next few months if we DO get a recommendation? I mean, really.

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@wilghal Hey neighbor! If we both magically end up with grants, I will be swinging by for a visit.

Molly and others -- Congrats to those who have heard already!

And thank you to everyone who has posted on this board for all these months -- it was really helpful when I was putting together my app. I should have caved and created an account back then, but for some reason didn't.

Thanks also for the notification gossip. As an at-large candidate, I'm not privvy to what seems like a great university system of assisting in drafting these grants.

Premature question: So for the 2nd round notifications, there's no standardized time frame, right? Each country / region notifies their awardees separately? So this is the only time that we can all freak out a little bit together, knowing that the notification is only a few hours away?

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lkahmil, I am really tempted to e-mail my FPA and ask - but really, I just feel like a begging child who is pulling at the pants of an adult saying "WHEN ARE WE GOING, WHEN ARE WE GOING?!" Patience is a virtue. If we can't wait this long, how are we going to make it through the next few months if we DO get a recommendation? I mean, really.

I think we are looking at it differently at this point... I agree with you in a way... but at this point when you have students that know... It's like playing a game of dodgeball and we are picking teams... Everyone else is getting picked and no one is calling on you...

I'm not mad... I felt better when no one knew... but now it's just a matter of which school is going to tell... to me at this point it's not a Fulbright thing... Fulbright is being consistent we still don't have letters... At this point it depends on which school you went to... I e-mailed my adviser ONCE... after I got my reply I knew I wasn't going to get ANYWHERE with them...

I go to a great school!!! I just didn't go to the one that tell their students before the letters.

At the end of the day, I think what everyone is feeling is not like before when everyone didn't know... I think it's different... and only going to get worst because there are people that know before they get to know... That's all... i.e. the reason for everyone acting like this is because today is the day to find out and people already know their status...

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I emailed my advisor last night and she has not gotten back to me, which is pretty characteristic of her to be so aloof. Congrats Molly, I'm desperately waiting for my Germany response. If it comes at 6pm, I will hear about it at work, which will make it difficult to hold in my emotions either way (have not told my boss about this and wont until I hear the full thing).

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EAT THE COOKIE is going to be my new personal mantra (and I'm not even waiting to hear about Fulbright... I'm in my own personal funding hell). lol

Good luck!

I am so much calmer now that I called and found out when to start expecting the email. :)

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Good luck!

I am so much calmer now that I called and found out when to start expecting the email. :)

I agree!! The more information you know the better you feel!!! One way or another TODAY IS THE DAY... and we don't have to wait until next week or Jan. 31!!! :P:D

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lkahmil, I agree with your sentiments somewhat, but was it really the FPA's responsibility to tell the students early when the rest of us haven't gotten notification? No. They probably had several students nagging at them and just gave in. So I am going to be patient and wait.

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I literally found this forum today, as my first post states. I only today thought, "Hmm...I wonder if there are forums for people who have applied?" I did a search on Google and that led me to this forum. Other than today, I had already settled into waiting until January 31st. It's good to know that the wait should be over by the end of today.

Once I began reading this forum and once it became clear that applicants will know either way today if they're moving on to the final round my nerves took over. I think that's a natural occurrence for some. I think I made it through October - December without thinking about it because of my PhD applications. I was definitely very wrapped up in that process.

I do wish everyone the best of luck!

Regardless, I personally still have to wait on other decisions for other opportunities and 2012 feels like a good year to me. :)

Edited by feibeinei
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I got impatient and went to my FPA's office. He sat down, logged into the Fulbright system and actually showed me the screen with the results. Probably in violation of some rules, but I can say with certainty that it's not just a Germany thing.

So let me get this straight you can login in to some system and see ALL APPLICANTS??? Like applicants from other schools lol :D

Just spoke to a finalist who mentioned her going to the second round on twitter... I asked her what she applied for... She applied for a ETA and her school rep told her as well...

I am now getting replies on Twitter about ETA's as well... and other applicants

So does that mean only ETA's today?!?!?

I can admit that I HAVEN'T checked my e-mail for it because no one here has mentioned letters... So far today has been fun!!! I am sticking to this forum for updates and the latest.!!! lol :P

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Well I just got an e-mail back from my advisor. I made it to the final round for the German ETA! So excited ;) Funny though, I thought a weight would've been lifted. Now I'm already thinking about having wait until March!!!

Good luck to everyone!

PS-I wonder if we'll actually get the official e-mails today?

Congrats Molly--I hope I'm right there with you! I heard the notifications come out in the evening.

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Congrats to everyone who has found out that they have made it to the next round!! I am eagerly awaiting my notification, sadly I will be in class then, but at least it will take my mind off my e-mail for a little while.

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