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The waiting is the hardest part


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I'm not that fancy (or financially inclined), so I stick to two buck chuck ($2 bottle of charles shaw wine from trader joe's), or miller lite. After many months on the chuck though, I'm at the point where the nasty hangovers aren't worth it. I think this weekend I might purchase an $8 bottle since it is payday :D

Oh, and when I go out drinking it's Jameson and soda, shots of (chilled) Jose Cuervo, and whatever is on tap!

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Yeah, those are only for when I'm clearheaded enough to remember where my jigger is. After that point has passed, I'm perfectly happy sucking down bottles of Woodchuck for the rest of the evening.

And I think we're going out for tapas tomorrow, and my favourite tapas place has these amazing fried bacon-wrapped dates. So this weekend I should have plenty of preoccupations to keep me from being a frizzy stressball.

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Five out of the six schools I applied to are on the west coast. It kills me that I won't find out about admission when I first wake up in the morning because it's 3 hours earlier there. Sometimes I wish they would wake up at 4 in the morning so I can know at 7 AM if I got accepted!

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Vodka tonics are my "not girly" drink, although I might end up drinking some chocolate liquoer straight... fun stuff.

Straight vodka is my "not girly" drink. I love that I've trained my roommate to say, "Hey, want to have a Russian shot?" (meaning that we have a short toast and drink at the same time, I hate when people just pour and unceremoniously gulp it down).

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Good morning and Happy Monday everyone! May this week bring more news to those who have news and bring the first notifications to those who haven't!

I sure hope so I just found out that yet another one of the program i applied to starting contacting people over the weekend. so thats 6 out of 10 that have starting contact people, people that are not me. It sucks I had my grad party over the weekend too and everyone kept asking about it and i had nothing to tell them.

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Best super girly drink I had for the first time this weekend: mudslide:

equal parts vodka, bailey's, kahlua, and cream (Half and half).

ANother good drink I made for the first time: ginger caipirnha:

muddle mint leaves, ginger slices and sugar in lime juice. Add rum and gingerale.


Made the weekend fly right by.

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