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Fall 2012 Applicant Chit Chat


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I'm also one of those who got admitted to the University of Chicago today. I received two personalized emails from my POI and from the chair, as I contacted both of them during the application process. They both mentioned that I got a five-year fellowship and that History Day is on the weekend of March 4th-6th. They offer to cover some part of the traveling expenses, but considering that I live abroad, it will probably cover less than half of my plane tickets, so I don't think I will go.

Good luck to all of you who are still waiting! I'd also like to mention that I applied to 8 programs last year and got straight rejections from all of them. This year, I got two acceptances so far, and haven't heard any bad news yet. Anyway, I just want to say that everything is possible, even if it takes more time and efforts than what you were first planning on.

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I got my Illinois rejection- I would not have gone there over UW-M, but I dont have confirmaiton of funding at UW either...

so now I have one as-of-yet unfunded admit, one official rejection, one informal 2nd hand-hand rejection (My MA advisor's contact at UNC said I'm a no-go b/c there is no suitable advisor) and one passive rejection (No interview at Yale)...

On the whole, I'm not feelin' so great about things at the moment...

...nows a good time to check out for a bit- I'm takin' a nap!

Hey I just took a nap too. :) *hugs*

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Congrats to the Yale acceptances!! I went there for undergrad (and majored in history - shocker!) so I'm happy to answer any questions about New Haven, campus life, etc. Obviously don't know a ton about the grad program though.

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Congrats, Chicago admits! Would you be willing to share your subfields?

Do you guys think Chicago is done? Sure seems like it...

Thank you! That was honestly so unexpected. I am planning on specializing in modern European history. I have no idea if they are done sending their acceptances yet, but I hope not and wish you the best.

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I haven't posted much, but I also got into Yale! Amazing. I had an interview a couple of weeks ago. My POI called me out of the blue in the evening and said, "Is this a good time to talk?" Umm, yes, I suppose it is.

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