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Ahhh I should add... congrats, Goldie!

For someone who's been waiting forever and started long time ago, I'm going to be one of the last ones to decide. April 15th... can you come fast enough? This has been a long, torturous process already.

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Ahhh I should add... congrats, Goldie!

For someone who's been waiting forever and started long time ago, I'm going to be one of the last ones to decide. April 15th... can you come fast enough? This has been a long, torturous process already.

I feel you -- I like all of the programs that I'm still considering. There is definitely an absolute forerunner, but each program has its own ultra-compelling leg-up over the others. I'm hoping that after I visit the last two this month, it'll be easier to make that final decision!

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Goldie, feel free to tell Rutgers that you met this friendly monster on the internet, and she doesn't bite too much. :)

Good luck with the thesis. Hard to stay focused when good things are happening and the weather is beautiful! (70 degrees in NY today, what the hey?)

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Congrats on the recent acceptances and to Goldie for choosing Northwestern! I hope that the board stays active, I have really enjoyed the dynamics on this board. :)

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Thanks, everyone! It definitely feels wonderful. Now to the hard stuff. Like, you know, making it through the PhD. But first: finishing my MA thesis.

I feel you, Goldie -- I have one more chapter to crank out and just under a month to do it...! Erp. :)

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Thanks, everyone! It definitely feels wonderful. Now to the hard stuff. Like, you know, making it through the PhD. But first: finishing my MA thesis.

So does this mean we're losing you Goldie? Or are we going to do that whole post-graduation thing of 'oh yeah, we'll def stay in touch' and then 15 years down the road (i.e., in 2-3 years) we see you at the supermarket (or in this case at the mythical AHA conference) and you look worn down from the 3 kids (3 weeks straight of staying up to do all-night research) and then we just remember the good days? OR are you going to still REALLY stick around here? Inquiring minds would like to know.

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18 people accepted to UMass MA/PhD program. . . About 3 of them have posted their "Accepted" results on this site. . . One of them sounds like they're going from the forums.

To the other 17 people. . . please don't go. UMass is a great place, but I want to go. The coming weeks on the wait list are going to slowly drive me insane.

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Hey guys - completely unrelated, but I had to miss UChicago's History Day this past weekend for my brother's wedding (pesky family) so I thought I'd drop a line here to see if anyone who did attend could PM me any highlights/lowlights/surprising bits of information gleaned from the activities. I'm visiting on my own in a couple weeks, but any info would be much appreciated!!

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Oseirus, where'd you get those funny skills?

Wouldn't call it a skill ... just an unfortunate side effect of being a terrible who needed to deflect attention from the questions raised in any given class ... but thank you for making my day though Monster :-)

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Wouldn't call it a skill ... just an unfortunate side effect of being a terrible who needed to deflect attention from the questions raised in any given class ... but thank you for making my day though Monster :-)

Oh it's not just a skill. He has a natural talent that has been honed from birth. One day he will rise up and free all internet forums from the dull droning of serious posts with his uncanny ability to make it all entertaining. He. Is. The Chosen One.

On another note pertaining to that mystical AHA conference. I went to the one in Chicago in January. That place is crazy. Sooo many people bustling around the lobbies and hardly anyone in the actual panels. It was pretty obvious that people are only there to see old friends and critique other scholars in their panels if they are feeling particularly vindictive.

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Congrats to Goldie and everyone else who is wrapping up and making final decisions!

Mine just got a little easier - funding rejection FINALLY came in the mail from Wisconsin (dated March 5). Still no word at all from UCSB and and NYU! It's driving me nuts!

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Good morning and good day to you all ... so now that we're coming to the end of this application season what will happened to the band ... also how many people are still out in the cold unsure of where they are going?

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ME! I'm unsure and out in the cold.

and probably will be for a while... Rutgers said not to expect to hear anything til April, still waiting on NYU PhD and a few MA programs. It's okay. I know I'll have my options with MA programs, and what happens happens. Praying for NYU and Rutgers, though.

Well, at least the link in my signature is funny enough to distract me for a few more days. I highly recommend it. (Netanyahu posted it onto his official Facebook page. I guess he and his media team have a sense of humor?)

Edited by uhohlemonster
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I am on the waiting list for my top choice (and honestly I only have 1 crappy back up). But I'm only applying to MA programs. . . No fancy PhD rejections.

I'm not sure exactly how good my chances are. I went to my top choice for Undergrad, and I have a professor on the AdComm who is 100% in my corner, along with a Prof who gave me a LoR who is using her political capital to try and help me get in, but it's an uphill battle. . . . My overall GPA is crap because of mistakes I made 10 years ago. . . .But my last two years (which I just finished last year) are pretty darn good.

Unfortunately, I get the feeling I'm going to be left waiting until April. This is going to drive me insane.

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I feel your pain. I don't think my application or credentials are the most competitive but they're certainly not the least. All I'm getting is continued silence while others have heard from the programs. Nothing even from POIs who seemed interested in the fall. It's like I'm lacking something esoteric but glaring to adcoms.

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I just wanted to thank everyone for their support this year. Like goldie, I too am done with the process, and wish everyone who is still waiting for results the best of luck.

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For those of you still waiting from them, I should tell you that I applied to the dual program with History/Hebrew Judaic Studies, so we wouldn't be hearing the same day necessarily.

:D this just made my weekend

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And finally, after many an anxious hour, Notre Dame has wait-listed me. It was a very polite and complimentary wait-list email, and a far better thing than the rejections I got everywhere else. But now all my hopes hang upon one fickle wait-list.

So if you so happen, peradventure, to be sitting prettily upon a Notre Dame offer that you just haven't quite deigned to turn down yet, I heartily encourage you to strike while the iron is hot, lest the people like myself of the world should have to go back to being lawyers.

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