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A couple questions for those with pending interviews: Have schools requested specific work to be shown to them at the interview? Has anyone been asked to bring work in progress?

Not the two places I have interviews with (UChicago and UCLA)...I have heard of some people (my friends, mainly) saying a school might request to see new work, but that has not been my experience so far (i.e., no requests to bring more stuff with me...as a matter of fact, they have said not to bring ANYthing with me). Plus, I'm pretty sure most places will judge you on the work you submitted, but ask you the kinds of things you are working on currently (without showing physical samples).

The latter makes more sense to me because they figure you sent your best work (a "You made your bed, you lay in it" kind of thinking). Plus, the meetings are so short (15-30 min's), they don't have time to look at new work and have you try and explain it...

Edited by OutWest
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I have the same question. Besides the e-portfolio that we submit, does everyone think we should bring more works other than the portfolio?

For my interview at MassArt they said I could bring 4 examples of my work - new, in progress, or work that I submitted.

I would just bring work that has the same thread of intent to the work you submitted in your portfolio. Stupid example: if you submitted all figurative work...probably not the best idea to bring a landscape...but who knows, it's all so subjective.

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A couple questions for those with pending interviews: Have schools requested specific work to be shown to them at the interview? Has anyone been asked to bring work in progress?

MassArt requested that at least 4 original works be brought with me, which can include work submitted in the portfolio and/or newer work.

haha @leetimko you beat me to it!

Edited by lfwd
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MassArt requested that at least 4 original works be brought with me, which can include work submitted in the portfolio and/or newer work.

haha @leetimko you beat me to it!

Best of luck with your interview lfwd! are you going in person?

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Best of luck with your interview lfwd! are you going in person?

Just saw you live in Boston so I'm assuming yes hah.

Thanks! And yea, in person. How about you? Also, did you get any confirmation of a date and time? I picked three options but haven't heard back yet on which time slot...

Good luck to you too!

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Thanks for the input, all. I've been in the studio with a renewed concentration post application, wondering if *new-new* work is worth subjecting to the harsh glare, and so forth.

Some schools ask for website urls, which tempts one to post up whatever has happened in the studio post-deadline.

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Thanks! And yea, in person. How about you? Also, did you get any confirmation of a date and time? I picked three options but haven't heard back yet on which time slot...

Good luck to you too!

Yeah I'm going to make the drive up to do it in person, I'm in PA so it's about a 5 and a half hour drive but worth it, I really love Boston. I picked three times as well, all on the 23rd and no I haven't heard anything back yet about a confirmation, I'm assuming some time next week...I hope. I'm excited, nervous, and numb all at the same time.

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You can technically accept this offer and the other offers, as long as they know and are abiding by the Council of Graduate School rules of the April 15th deadline being the binding contract for final offers.

Any input would be appreciated because I'm sure more than one of us is in a similar situation. Thanks.

You shouldn't "accept" any offers unless you are sure that is your final decision. Just tell them you have other offers to consider and that you expect follow the April 15th deadline. If they say no, then you have to reconsider your options, but usually its less reputable schools that want to force the issue before April 15th so they can accept waitlisted people quicker.

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I noticed people got invitation interviews to CalArts [congrats!]

has anyone heard from their MFA graphic design program?


I got a request for an Interview from them yesterday. I'm really nervous about it. Has anyone heard anything about what their interview process is like?


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ME TOO! but for sculpture, they also offered me a TA position and the possibility of their fellowship(the committee meets on the 17th)

:) YAY

(it was my backup school!)

Congrats! I got accepted to Iowa in sculptur as well with a TA-ship. :)

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I got a request for an Interview from them yesterday. I'm really nervous about it. Has anyone heard anything about what their interview process is like?


Hi! yeah I got an interview invitation from them too [MFA GD] - I'm afraid though that I will be phone-interviewing.

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A couple questions for those with pending interviews: Have schools requested specific work to be shown to them at the interview? Has anyone been asked to bring work in progress?

Hi! at Yale, the MFA graphic design program requests you bring finished work and work in progress, AND sketches of your finished work, to show your work methods.

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