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MFA 2012 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!


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What's up with UC San Diego's Visual Arts Department? I have not been able to access their portal for submitting the portfolio. I submitted my app to UCSD's main grad school and received the access password to the art department's application a few weeks ago. I wrote to BJ inquiring why their site is down but I have yet to hear back. Has anyone heard back from them? They have been quite disorganized throughout this whole process, and I am starting to worry what their actual program will be like!

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What's up with UC San Diego's Visual Arts Department? I have not been able to access their portal for submitting the portfolio. I submitted my app to UCSD's main grad school and received the access password to the art department's application a few weeks ago. I wrote to BJ inquiring why their site is down but I have yet to hear back. Has anyone heard back from them? They have been quite disorganized throughout this whole process, and I am starting to worry what their actual program will be like!

you aren't alone! I've been emailing and trying to get the password still. Is it the same login for everyone or something personal they set up?

This is exactly why schools go to an outside resource like slide room. I'll keep in touch if I get any progress.

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Two completely different perspectives!

I'm speaking FINANCIALLY. You're looking at success meaning as growth conceptually ect. in your work (so sure where you live can be a factor)...but to me success means being able to pay my bills doing what I love ;) I guess I've been one of the "lucky" ones in that sense. My surroundings have consistently been irrelevant to my art and my income. Interesting though. This actually points out why I'm pursuing Grad school. I love discussion and different perspectives.

I know that you were speaking financially, and I generally agree with your points regarding financial success. That's why I said that I "somewhat" disagreed.

But it also depends upon the medium. I live in a small rural community in very financially conservative Utah. There is no chance to make a living locally with fine art photography. There is simply no local market for it. In the capital city of Utah, experienced and well known photo artists are selling works for $300. Good luck living on that. With painting there is more opportunity here. But even so, the painting prices are depressed and there are lots of artists here. Very few can live on their art. Of course online opens doors anywhere.

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That's great! Congratulations!

Merci! Bonne chance à vous dans votre processus de demande ainsi! J'espère que vous entrez dans une école que vous voulez vraiment. :)

Aimez-vous le programme de M.A. à la Sorbonne?

(Pardonnez-moi ma mauvaise grammaire française!)

Edited by gph012
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Merci! Bonne chance à vous dans votre processus de demande ainsi! J'espère que vous entrez dans une école que vous voulez vraiment. :)

Aimez-vous le programme de M.A. à la Sorbonne?

(Pardonnez-moi ma mauvaise grammaire française!)

Vous parlez très bien français! Le programme de la Sorbonne est interessant, on fait beaucoup de projets et c'est un MA professionnel donc je travaille pour un magazine d'art contemporain. Mais ça ne me donne pas beaucoup de temps pour faire de la peinture...!

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How's this for a freakout? I realized today that one of my images somehow got replaced with a terrible and blurry version of itself. Welp, better luck next year I guess.

oh no! That's so stressful, but I would try not to worry too much about it. It's only one out of all of your images and you never know!

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Just getting all my stuff ready to mail and at the last minute I thought, "I'd better check that cd, just to make sure. I'm sure it's fine, but." IT WAS BLANK. I opened the last one that I had sealed as well, since I had checked the first two but not the last two. IT WAS ALSO BLANK. AHHHH! I can't believe I came so close to sending those.

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How's this for a freakout? I realized today that one of my images somehow got replaced with a terrible and blurry version of itself. Welp, better luck next year I guess.

Maybe they'll think it's even better blurry. Like, artsy?
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not sure really. I guess it kinda sliped away when I was reducing where I wanted to apply. I see the application fee was only 50 bucks - but I cant bother my recommenders anymore.

Oh, that's too bad. I think that would've been a good option for you.

I wouldn't assume UC Davis is a done deal. It's possible your file could still end up being reviewed and someone could say, "Wow, he's great--just get him to finish his file by sending transcripts." Stranger things have happened. It depends on whether there is a graduate office that is prohibited from forwarding incomplete files.

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Am wondering if there are any negatives to listing admission results ect. and if schools are able to identify who it is that is giving out "information" ....after speaking with a mentor who told me to be very careful of the information you put out in forums as schools do read them and opinions can be formed before going into interviews/judging, ect. After speaking with him it made me a bit paranoid about staying as anonymous as possible. Thoughts?

On a different note I'm pretty freakin' excited!! I received a call from one of my TOP choice universities for an in person interview. Will list the school once I receive a solid offer but really feeling fantastic!!!!!

Hope others are starting to receive good news!

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@LovelyPainter: congrats! that's great news. (Id love to know what school when you feel comfortable telling)

@caus. Yay! you must feel relieved. I'm getting closer. How long did it take before you got your portfolio logins after you submitted the ucsd application? I just finished that part this morning.

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Am wondering if there are any negatives to listing admission results ect. and if schools are able to identify who it is that is giving out "information" ....after speaking with a mentor who told me to be very careful of the information you put out in forums as schools do read them and opinions can be formed before going into interviews/judging, ect. After speaking with him it made me a bit paranoid about staying as anonymous as possible. Thoughts?

On a different note I'm pretty freakin' excited!! I received a call from one of my TOP choice universities for an in person interview. Will list the school once I receive a solid offer but really feeling fantastic!!!!!

Hope others are starting to receive good news!

Would you want to go to a school that would cancel your admission for posting about it?

Also, I really don't think many faculty know about this site or really care to.

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just curious - did anyone mention critical theory or philosophers in any of their statements? I didn't but I feel I should have...

I talked about what I talk about. There is no need to shoehorn yourself into a philosophical dialogue if it isn't relevant to your work. Even if it is relevant to your work, that does not mean that you necessarily think about it in context of your approach etc. I just talked about what my motivations are, what I think about, why I do it.. etc

To be clear: I have a philosophy degree, and it has certainly influenced my work over the years, but I didn't see any need to talk about myself in the framework of other people.

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Freak-out forum? I'm worried that I didn't apply to enough programs... But they are all very parallel with my research goals - interdisciplinary design programs. This is my first go-around. I am confident about my intent on graduate school - I need an outlet for heavy research and making and an academic setting makes sense, especially in the context of my work. I am curious as to where other people are in their lives. I haven't been out of undergrad for very long and other opportunities / areas of my life are desperately disappointing at this point. Mid-twenties life crisis. Must find optimism.

Edited by Mindfields88
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