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Well, I have been nothing but polite in the three instances that I called sshrc in the past month or so, and they didn't seem to mind my asking about the results. I didn't call the school of graduate studies yet.

That being said, delayed gratification in academia for me has been more of the work-two-months-on-a-paper-feeling-at-times-miserable-and-then-high-at-the-end kind. Not of the kind where you have to decline a preferred admission offer and decide over the next weekend about relocating the week after because of sshrc's one month delay in providing the results.

On the practical reasons for calling sshrc (i.e.: "still, what difference does it make if you call?"): perhaps it doesn't help more than it helps pressing an elevator's button compulsively when you're in a hurry, but it's a coping strategy. Besides, it seems to me that there's only administrative work to be done to post the results (the decisions are obviously made by now), so, my hypothesis is that receiving many calls might determine them to move their asses. Or, if not, they get the message: "YOU'RE FUCKING LATE!!!" (from our polite, educated selves over the phone).

Haha--this is what I wanted to say but didn;t have the patience to type it out--you're awesome violet!

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gah! I cannot get ANYTHING ELSE DONE. I'm supposed to be producing a major final report for work and all I can do is hit "gradforum" on my toolbar ONE HUNDRED TIMES AN HOUR.

I'm sure my supervisor will love it when I say, um, sorry, I need more time, I, um, have developed the logic of a goldfish. Is it now? Now? Maybe now? Maybe this time? Is it now? (bangs head against fishbowl)

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Haha--this is what I wanted to say but didn;t have the patience to type it out--you're awesome violet!

I agree!

Also, in my experience, my department and FGS are just as anxious as the grad students to have these results. They understand completely why we feel the need to call and ask if they have had any news. As for SSHRC... violet has said it all.

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gah! I cannot get ANYTHING ELSE DONE. I'm supposed to be producing a major final report for work and all I can do is hit "gradforum" on my toolbar ONE HUNDRED TIMES AN HOUR.

I'm sure my supervisor will love it when I say, um, sorry, I need more time, I, um, have developed the logic of a goldfish. Is it now? Now? Maybe now? Maybe this time? Is it now? (bangs head against fishbowl)

I feel your pain. I have a major paper to hand in in a matter of days....I can't even think about it until I have this news.

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I finished weeks ago and am unemployed and bored. Don't know if that's better or worse... :?

I am turning off the computer and going to vote! and then to buy delicious chocolate! and then to read a George Eliot novel and stop slacking! and there will be no obsessive forum checking for.... oooh.... at LEAST an hour and a half.

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Have any of the MA students actually received their letters in the mail yet? I am in the GTA and still nothing.

Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat. If SSHRC mailed the letters last Thursday (like they said), I'm sure we would have received them by now. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the letters were mailed today...

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Unfortunately, I'm in the same boat. If SSHRC mailed the letters last Thursday (like they said), I'm sure we would have received them by now. At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if the letters were mailed today...

My contact told me the letters were being mailed last Friday... But still, I feel as though someone would have received them by now. Something tells me they were not sent last Friday. Hopefully we receive them by the end of this week.

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Hi All,

I have been following this forum for some time now as I - with the rest of you - anxiously awaited SSHRC PhD results. I just wanted to let you all know that I received an email from my Grad Chair yesterday afternoon and she had the SSHRC results. Unfortunately for me, the news was bad. But, I thought you might want to know that your schools must have the results by now. I hope this helps you and that you have better luck than I did!

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Hi All,

I have been following this forum for some time now as I - with the rest of you - anxiously awaited SSHRC PhD results. I just wanted to let you all know that I received an email from my Grad Chair yesterday afternoon and she had the SSHRC results. Unfortunately for me, the news was bad. But, I thought you might want to know that your schools must have the results by now. I hope this helps you and that you have better luck than I did!


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Hi All,

I have been following this forum for some time now as I - with the rest of you - anxiously awaited SSHRC PhD results. I just wanted to let you all know that I received an email from my Grad Chair yesterday afternoon and she had the SSHRC results. Unfortunately for me, the news was bad. But, I thought you might want to know that your schools must have the results by now. I hope this helps you and that you have better luck than I did!

Edit: silly me, I re-read your post and see that you stated these were PhD results. I'm sorry to hear that the results were not positive for you. Unlike MA results, there will be a lot more long faces as we hear the PhD decisions in the coming days.

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Hi All,

I have been following this forum for some time now as I - with the rest of you - anxiously awaited SSHRC PhD results. I just wanted to let you all know that I received an email from my Grad Chair yesterday afternoon and she had the SSHRC results. Unfortunately for me, the news was bad. But, I thought you might want to know that your schools must have the results by now. I hope this helps you and that you have better luck than I did!

So sorry you got bad news this year brewer, but thank you very much for sharing. Incidentally, would people mind saying which schools do and do not tell students about results as you find out? It would be really helpful in minimizing annoying calls to people who won't tell anyway.

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Also, in my experience, my department and FGS are just as anxious as the grad students to have these results. They understand completely why we feel the need to call and ask if they have had any news. As for SSHRC... violet has said it all.

Yes, our faculty is anxious for the results as well. Our manager sent us an email stating that the delay also affects internal funding so the letters they send out regarding funding packages (usually by the end of May) will be further delayed.

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So sorry you got bad news this year brewer, but thank you very much for sharing. Incidentally, would people mind saying which schools do and do not tell students about results as you find out? It would be really helpful in minimizing annoying calls to people who won't tell anyway.

I'm at the University of Saskatchewan.

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Thanks, Brewer, and I'm sorry to hear your results were less than you hoped.

I'm waiting until we get three confirms, then I'm going to send an e-mail out to the admin people here (who didn't even respond to my last e-mail a couple of weeks ago asking if they had a timeframe, so I am not optimistic).

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Someone who knows their contact needs to call before we'll get confirmation...so if that's you, please don't wait for confirmation. Anyone else at University of Saskatchewan? Seems like they might have the best chance of finding out.

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