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Communication/Media Studies Ph.D Programs Fall 2012--Apps, Decisions, and Waiting...

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Agreed! This feels more hellish than purgatory--but at least there's hope, which I guess is the important difference. Like most of us, I'm also feeling pressure to make other life decisions that depend on hearing from grad school(s). I'm just hoping that the schedules for all these things line-up, or I may have to pass on one opportunity just to keep another alive.

"Other life decisions..." - exactly! I'm a planner by nature, and not knowing where I'll be going to school is stressing me out. Regardless of where I land, I'll need to take at least some evening courses, which means I need to drastically alter my childcare arrangement and perhaps even hire additional childcare for the evenings because my husband travels often for work. I would really like to get a jump on that, but until I know what school I'll be at, I can't really do much. Grr. I realize they're inundated with applications, and I've worked in higher ed long enough to know that nothing happens fast in our world. But it's still hard.

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I totally agree with you guys... I just told my Mom how tired I am of waiting because this hovering in limbo phase is really getting on my nerves. I am a planner and I need to do some planning on when to look for someone to take over my apartment or when to ask my prof for a statement about my not yet complete master's degree etc. etc.

It's literally making me sick...

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Luckily, entering a PhD program might actually give me MORE time with my new son :) But, I certainly understand the complexities and difficulties of figuring out child care!

I can't complain too much about my own situation. I don't need to decide between schools, but rather between school and two job offers. Taking the lesser of the two jobs would preserve my ability to enter a PhD program at some point in the near future. The other job is higher risk and potentially higher reward than the first (taking over as director of a small non-profit organization), but due to its high profile nature, I would have to commit to the choice and see it through. I'm trying to hold the funders of the second job at bay until my application decision is finalized--as pursuing a PhD really is my dream career path. Again, it's in no way a bad situation to be in, but it does have its stresses.

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FYI - I just got my official rejection email from UMass and it said that they received over 160 applications and only accepted 12 people. So now I don't feel so bad! Judging by the number of acceptances I saw on the results page, I think a majority of those 12 are here at Grad Cafe. So congrats to you.

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Good intel! Hmmm, that's actually fewer applications than last year. I'm a bit surprised given the down economy. I guess that means I'm on the UMass wait list (of indeterminate size and ranking.) Time to sit tight and hold on to a glimmer of optimism. Congrats to those accepted!

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Good intel! Hmmm, that's actually fewer applications than last year. I'm a bit surprised given the down economy. I guess that means I'm on the UMass wait list (of indeterminate size and ranking.) Time to sit tight and hold on to a glimmer of optimism. Congrats to those accepted!

Absolutely - if you haven't been rejected yet, then there is still hope! I can't imagine everyone extended an offer will accept. Good luck. I know the waiting process is rough.

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@ rowsdower: Congrats!

@ monde: I haven't heard back either but I think this week might be the week of decisions. Although my chances are lower than low I'd still like to know ;)

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LaBruna, I was admitted to Pitt's department of communication yesterday over the phone.

Good luck


I've only gotten one rejection so far, but all of the programs I've applied to have sent out acceptance letters (except Temple, haven't heard from them yet). Looks like I've got a lot of time to wait around on waitlists, huh?

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Has anyone heard back from UPenn Annenberg for Fall 2012 admissions yet? Trying to avoid "watching the pot," so to speak, but anxious for news of at least when I can hope to know.

Someone posted on the results survey that he/she has been accepted ;) Oh well, so another rejection for me today :D

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Has anyone heard back from UPenn Annenberg for Fall 2012 admissions yet? Trying to avoid "watching the pot," so to speak, but anxious for news of at least when I can hope to know.

Someone posted an acceptence from UPenn in the results survey today. Hopefully, we'll hear from them soon as well.

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Someone posted on the results survey that he/she has been accepted ;) Oh well, so another rejection for me today :D

What's that thing you say when two people say the same thing at once? I know that in Hebrew it is "chips on you!" (it doesn't make sense in Hebrew either) :)

The fact that you haven't heard anything does not mean you've been rejected. After all, only one person said they heard back so far. It could take them a while to get to everyone.

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I am not building my theory on the fact that someone else heard back first but on my scores, missing publications and the other 400 applicants for the 20 openings :D

I don't even know if there is a German expression for saying something at the same time... how should I know it in English? hehe

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Hey Everyone,

I was hoping someone a bit more familiar with Comm programs and (perhaps) the job market might be able to help me out and give me some information.

After the wave of rejections, I've been accepted to NCSU's Comm, Rhet, and Digital media PhD program. I am getting good vibes from U of Utah's Comm program and from UC-Boulder's Comm program. Also, as far as I know, I am still in the running at Temple (Mass Media and Comm) and U Illinois U-C (Comm).

(My explicit rejections were from U Minnesota, Indiana U, and UNC Chapel Hill. I think I have implicit rejections from NYU, and two non-comm programs at UC San Diego and Carnegie Mellon.)

Anyhow, NCSU is a perfect fit for me as far as research goes. There are at least 8-10 people there that I could easily work with. However, I can't find much information on their job placement record and am not sure just how reputable they are in the Media and Comm community. If anyone could perhaps give me some info about where the schools I still have a shot at stand as far as getting a tenure-track position (preferably research-based) later on, I would really appreciate it.

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I've only gotten one rejection so far, but all of the programs I've applied to have sent out acceptance letters (except Temple, haven't heard from them yet). Looks like I've got a lot of time to wait around on waitlists, huh?

Hey LaBrunaFurba,

Just wanted to let you know that I am pretty sure that Temple hasn't even sent out their first wave of acceptance letters yet. They seem to be having a lot of coordination problems this year, as they've already lost undergrad transcripts I've sent them three times already, and it seems that other people have had similar issues. Hopefully this makes the wait a little bit easier. :)

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What's that thing you say when two people say the same thing at once? I know that in Hebrew it is "chips on you!" (it doesn't make sense in Hebrew either) :)

I say, "Jinx!" When I was a kid my mom would say, "Jinx, you owe me a Coke!"

Yeah, it doesn't make sense. :)

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Hey LaBrunaFurba,

Just wanted to let you know that I am pretty sure that Temple hasn't even sent out their first wave of acceptance letters yet. They seem to be having a lot of coordination problems this year, as they've already lost undergrad transcripts I've sent them three times already, and it seems that other people have had similar issues. Hopefully this makes the wait a little bit easier. :)

Thanks for the update on Temple, AlexG. They were one of the few schools that DIDN'T have a problem with my transcripts!

Also, I saw you were rejected from Indiana... how/when did you receive that? That's one of my top choices so I'm anxious to know my status, though it's obvious I didn't get one of the first acceptances. Congrats on NCSU - I love that program! Still waiting to hear from them, too...

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Thanks for the update on Temple, AlexG. They were one of the few schools that DIDN'T have a problem with my transcripts!

Also, I saw you were rejected from Indiana... how/when did you receive that? That's one of my top choices so I'm anxious to know my status, though it's obvious I didn't get one of the first acceptances. Congrats on NCSU - I love that program! Still waiting to hear from them, too...

That's good as far as Temple goes. You are probably still in the running there. As far as Indiana, I just happened to email a couple professors right as they were making their final cuts and sending out acceptances, so I was told by someone not on the acceptance committee that I had been cut. If you email them, they should be able to tell you your status. And thanks! I really like NCSU too. My only concern there is job placement. I don't know too much about which Comm degrees are marketable, and I can only find partial info on one year (2007, I believe) of their job placement record. I'd like to have at least a shot at getting a gig at research university with a graduate program.

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Hi everyone! Long-time lurker, first time poster. I'm an applicant to UDub for Comm PhD and I saw a lot of rejections on the results survey (very sorry...). I've heard nothing at all, and I didn't get any e-mails. I checked the website and it just says "submitted." Has anyone here been accepted to UDub Comm PhD? Or, if not, does anyone have info on when we'll hear some news? I'm grateful to be in the running for a spot, but feel like I'm in the "purgatory" to which some of you are referring.

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Anyhow, NCSU is a perfect fit for me as far as research goes. There are at least 8-10 people there that I could easily work with. However, I can't find much information on their job placement record and am not sure just how reputable they are in the Media and Comm community. If anyone could perhaps give me some info about where the schools I still have a shot at stand as far as getting a tenure-track position (preferably research-based) later on, I would really appreciate it.

This isn't much of an answer-- but I currently attend what I consider to be a pretty reputable research school and my professors are from all over the map. Many have told me that it wasn't as much about where they got their degree as it was about the connections they made in the academic world ( at conferences, meeting people through joint research projects, etc.) I imagine that regardless of where you end up, finding a good job will depend on your personal record and the connections you've made along the way. My advice would be to go wherever you feel is the best fit!

Side note for anyone wondering-- UC-Boulder decisions should be coming in the next few days, according to the very nice and helpful graduate coordinator.

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This isn't much of an answer-- but I currently attend what I consider to be a pretty reputable research school and my professors are from all over the map. Many have told me that it wasn't as much about where they got their degree as it was about the connections they made in the academic world ( at conferences, meeting people through joint research projects, etc.) I imagine that regardless of where you end up, finding a good job will depend on your personal record and the connections you've made along the way. My advice would be to go wherever you feel is the best fit!

Side note for anyone wondering-- UC-Boulder decisions should be coming in the next few days, according to the very nice and helpful graduate coordinator.

@mrpbn7 Thanks for the heads up. And yeah, that answer is helpful, and ideally would be how you land the better jobs (solid research, pubs, networking, etc.). I'm just at a university now that seems to close doors for you, rather than opening them. I'd like to go somewhere that warrants enough respect that hiring committees, journals, etc. will give my work a fair chance before dismissing it (if not give it an unfair chance in my advantage :) ).

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This isn't much of an answer-- but I currently attend what I consider to be a pretty reputable research school and my professors are from all over the map. Many have told me that it wasn't as much about where they got their degree as it was about the connections they made in the academic world ( at conferences, meeting people through joint research projects, etc.) I imagine that regardless of where you end up, finding a good job will depend on your personal record and the connections you've made along the way. My advice would be to go wherever you feel is the best fit!

I have to agree. The most important thing is to find a good fit, with people who will not only allow you to do the research you want to, but who have the background necessary to actually guide you through that research and help you to excel. Looking for a job on a faculty is a lot like looking for a place in a PhD program; it's all about fit. If you're a media studies expert, then a department looking for someone with an expertise in organizational communication is not going to want you, regardless of where you went to school or how many publications/presentations you have.

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One idea--select some of the departments that you respect and then look at the CV's of the faculty (you can even narrow it down to the younger faculty.) That should give you some idea of who is hiring from where. I agree with the above comments though that professional relationships and your own reputation will likely matter the most.

My favorite story of a seemingly random event that almost changed my own future happened at a professional conference over ten years ago. I got into a friendly argument with a professor during the Q&A session after I presented a paper. My advisor was making frantic hand gestures, urging me to shut up. But I was young and foolish then... Afterward, the professor in question came up and introduced himself. Turns out he was chair of a department at Penn State. I'll never forget his words, "If you ever want to get your PhD, give me a call," as he handed me his business card. I wish I took him up on it! And just for reference, the program that I was in at the time was an upstart, applied social science masters degree, and not ranked very highly reputation-wise.

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