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List of things to do instead of checking admit status


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The schools should make an RPG in which the hero is our almighty WannabeGrad. There are 10 big levels, and you have to collect data, documents and LORs instead of coins like Super Mario. You fight one member of the admission committee after completing each level. And to stay alive, you have to refresh your status every 30 seconds (it's like checking inbox). If you fail to defeat the last boss - your POI - there's a consolation prize - you get another game (a new acceptance) for free via snail mail in March!

I should do this, really. This is my new research proposal, could be good for Comp. Sci., Psychology etc.

You just made my day!!!

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What I should do:

Finish my thesis (Master's)

Assure adviser that I'll finish my thesis.

Back-up what I've already written for my thesis.

What I'll actually do:

Pretend to be busy writing my thesis while I'm obsessively checking GC, email, and app statuses.

Lol!!! This should be turned into a PhD Comic.

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Listen to the same song on repeat in order to master it for karaoke night.

Go to batting cages and let the crack of the bat hitting the ball release some tension.

Take real boxing lessons (none of this cardio kick-boxing stuff).

Get the band back together.

Watch ALL the netflix.

Clean all the things! (No, seriously. I need to clean my house.)

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Physical activity is a good stress burner, so:

Go for a walk.

Go for a run.

Climb a mountain.

Learn to salsa/swing dance.

Dig a hole as deep as you can--if you get rejected from everywhere, you'll have somewhere to hide.

Buy a broadsword and learn to use it, just in case the zombie apocalypse really happens.

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Spending time with my husband,

Looking at websites about & talking about grad school,


Catching up on all the Academy nominated films I didn't get to see in theaters,


Writing for my website,

Reading ALL the rage comics,

Playing the Sims 3 (controlling my virtual reality is pretty awesome)

Among other things!


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Haha first off, love this topic!

What I do/should do (other than checking my email and status 1000000 times a day):

Finish writing my master's thesis

Publish master's thesis

clean up lab space

start up another project/continue current project for another publication?

clean up dorm room (yes I still live in one for the convenience)

watch ridiculous anime that has nothing to do with graduate school

get lost in the world of Song of Ice and Fire for the second time (yay 2nd season is coming on HBO!)

learn japanese or german...either would be fun!

Edited by kgumps2012
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Here are my strategies:

1. Wash dishes. You can't check your email while washing dishes without damaging your laptop or smartphone, and you can't check your application statuses and Grad Cafe from ALL THE PLACES at ALL THE TIMES without your technology.

2. Sit on your bedroom floor and eat cereal straight from the box. A lot of cereal.

3. Call a fellow applicant and tell them to get off Grad Cafe because it's unhealthy, but oh, if you're already on it, can you check this one school of mine and tell me if anything has changed in the past 3 minutes?

4. Stare at a wall and think about all the horrible things that could go wrong in your interviews. When you've thought of everything, think again. You'll come up with something else.

5. If you're in college, remember that second semester seniors are technically still students. Consider doing something for one of your classes. Laugh at the mere thought.

6. Watch YouTube videos of ostriches.

7. Read Twilight. Yes, the waiting game has broken me.

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Right now things that I am are doing to keep myself busy at the moment.

1) Watching Murder, She Wrote, and playing the game of how many guest stars ended up in Star Trek or Lord of the Rings

2) Reading for all of my classes

3) Catching up on all of my own reading from stuff from christmas

4) Playing video games (including a Diablo 3 beta)

5) Looking for a job for after this semester

6) Eating lots of chocolate :D

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1. Just finished cleaning out over 4,000 old email messages and organizing them.

2. Set up a twitter account.

3. Downloaded and organized old photos.

4. Planned parts of my summer European vacation.

5. Started reading gradcafe forums.

6. Occasionally looked at the 100+ pages to read for tonight.

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5. If you're in college, remember that second semester seniors are technically still students. Consider doing something for one of your classes. Laugh at the mere thought.

Baha. My day today and every day.


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my power went out for the past 24 hours, my blackberry died shortly thereafter and i couldn't check grad cafe/email. i ended up staying up late telling stories with my roommates by candlelight, and had the most relaxing night i've had since starting this process. sadly, it's back on now, so here i am.

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