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alcoholic academic?

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Though I'm not in the field, I would say that excessive alcoholic consumption is a requisite not necessarily for people in English, but definitely for those in Creative Writing. All good writers have their vices, whether it be alcohol, opium, sexual perversion, etc. By the way, did any of you English peeps see Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris?" If not, I highly recommend it. It features cameos from a lot of famous dead writers!

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Because of health conditions right now, I cannot drink either alcohol OR CAFFEINE!!!!

... I don't think I will survive the semester, lol.

In this case, my lack of alcohol might hurt me...

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Though I'm not in the field, I would say that excessive alcoholic consumption is a requisite not necessarily for people in English, but definitely for those in Creative Writing. All good writers have their vices, whether it be alcohol, opium, sexual perversion, etc. By the way, did any of you English peeps see Woody Allen's "Midnight in Paris?" If not, I highly recommend it. It features cameos from a lot of famous dead writers!

I had a great time with this film!

Not happy at all with the ending though. But then again I didn't get why the flower girl should be in Midnight in Paris in the first place...(I rather disliked the ending of "500 days of summer" for the same reason.) Too soft perhaps?

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Because of health conditions right now, I cannot drink either alcohol OR CAFFEINE!!!!

... I don't think I will survive the semester, lol.

In this case, my lack of alcohol might hurt me...

ME TOO! It's pretty much the worst. I miss lattes and beer so much...not to mention I have painfully coherent memories of the past five weeks as a result of NOT drinking myself into oblivion.

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Yeah, the booze I can live without (I guess...) but the coffee thing has been really hard. I keep cheating by getting a hot chocolate and then adding like 1/4 cup of coffee.

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I've just been drinking tons of green tea. I had a green tea misto with almond milk, agave, and cinnamon the other day and that was pretty darn good. Not quite the same as a latte, but still pretty tasty.

What I really miss, over all things, is a good cuppa. But dairy is out for me right now and I never did manage to choke down a whole cup of orange pekoe with any kind of milk replacer (and I've tried almost all of them). Sigh.

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If you go to grad school in Utah, then yes. We drinking grad students are definitely, bizarrely in the minority.

This is funny, because a professor of mine who did his PhD in Utah always talks about him and all his friends being functioning alcoholics through grad school. Though I can see that they'd be in the minority, for sure.

ETA: When I visited Austin in December, I decided that my study spot would be a cafe that serves great coffee AND booze. Puttin' that stipend to good use.

...If I get in, of course.

Edited by bdon19
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This is funny, because a professor of mine who did his PhD in Utah always talks about him and all his friends being functioning alcoholics through grad school. Though I can see that they'd be in the minority, for sure.

ETA: When I visited Austin in December, I decided that my study spot would be a cafe that serves great coffee AND booze. Puttin' that stipend to good use.

...If I get in, of course.

Did you chat with anyone in the department while you were there? I love Austin; it is such a cool place.

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Did you chat with anyone in the department while you were there? I love Austin; it is such a cool place.

Unfortunately, I went during the week between Christmas and the New Year, so there weren't many people around the campus. However, I do have a professor who recently got her PhD there, and I've heard nothing but good things about the program and about the town from everyone I've talked to. Austin was the only place not in the midwest/East Coast that I applied to (I don't do well in hot places because I get intense migraines), but the awesomeness of it made up for its location. It really was one of the coolest cities I've ever been to.

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I rarely drink. If I do though, I drink wine. Grad school slowly but surely stopped my drinking. When I started I drank wine regularly....now I drink maybe once every 3-4 months...and that is just a glass or two because I have absolutely no tolerance now. Coffee, on the otherhand, I cannot live without.

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Personally, I think grad school would be sort of miserable without alcohol. I tend to drink a few glasses of wine while grading papers, for example. Then there's the weekly departmental happy hour, which is fun. Granted, some attend but don't drink, but I'm such a regular that the bartender knows my drink order.

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