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The Silence is Killing Me!


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Silence via statuses, silence through emails, silence through physical mail! aaah!

2 of my applications were due Jan 15 & I still haven't heard...I finally tried calling the departments today--surprise: SILENCE! Got the stupid answering machines. :angry:

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Silence via statuses, silence through emails, silence through physical mail! aaah!

2 of my applications were due Jan 15 & I still haven't heard...I finally tried calling the departments today--surprise: SILENCE! Got the stupid answering machines. :angry:

Spring break I suspect ... relax a little bit till Monday then resume the campaign of hounding them down!

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Spring break I suspect ... relax a little bit till Monday then resume the campaign of hounding them down!

:o :o :o I forgot about spring break!!!! *cries*

I emailed them since I doubt they'll ever answer their phones & I refuse to play a one-sided game of phone-tag. -_- One had an automated reply, apparently their adcom isn't meeting until "early" March...! Makes me feel a bit better knowing that I'm not rejected (yet). :unsure:

&& thank you Oseirus. :)

Edited by RKS
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:o :o :o I forgot about spring break!!!! *cries*

I emailed them since I doubt they'll ever answer their phones & I refuse to play a one-sided game of phone-tag. -_- One had an automated reply, apparently their adcom isn't meeting until "early" March...! Makes me feel a bit better knowing that I'm not rejected (yet). :unsure:

&& thank you Oseirus. :)

you are VERY welcome! :)

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All of my questions have been answered and I am now aiming for 2013 admission. So why am I still on here? It seems that I am caught in the emotions of all of you sitting on the edge of your seats waiting to hear back. In a perfect world, we'd all get in somewhere. Someone would see our endless potential and eagerly pull out a blank check to cover all expenses, just so we could fullfill our dreams of higher education.

Unfortunately, life ain't like that...

April cant come fast enough, it seems! Good luck guys. I'm looking forward to reading some great acceptance stories as a precursor to my own for next year :D

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All of my questions have been answered and I am now aiming for 2013 admission. So why am I still on here? It seems that I am caught in the emotions of all of you sitting on the edge of your seats waiting to hear back. In a perfect world, we'd all get in somewhere. Someone would see our endless potential and eagerly pull out a blank check to cover all expenses, just so we could fullfill our dreams of higher education.

Unfortunately, life ain't like that...

April cant come fast enough, it seems! Good luck guys. I'm looking forward to reading some great acceptance stories as a precursor to my own for next year :D

Hang in there buddy!

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It seems that the Humanities hear back from programs earlier. I've applied to 5 schools and haven't heard back from any yet. Looking at the results page few others have (at least from these same schools).

All I've had was 1 skype interview.

No emails, status updates, or anything yet.

Only good news so far is I just whacked that mosquito that somehow sneaked in my room. It's been taunting me for the last 30 minutes!

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It seems that the Humanities hear back from programs earlier. I've applied to 5 schools and haven't heard back from any yet. Looking at the results page few others have (at least from these same schools).

All I've had was 1 skype interview.

No emails, status updates, or anything yet.

Only good news so far is I just whacked that mosquito that somehow sneaked in my room. It's been taunting me for the last 30 minutes!

If it's any consolation, even when we hear back not all of us get the clear picture & are stuck in a holding pattern, where we KNOW we are going somewhere but just where isn't clear

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If it's any consolation, even when we hear back not all of us get the clear picture & are stuck in a holding pattern, where we KNOW we are going somewhere but just where isn't clear

It's not consolation. :P

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Hang in there buddy!

Thanks Oseirus! I'm actually okay with being rejected this year. I kind of knew it would happen so I braced myself for it. I have finally made peace with the fact that I goofed off during undergrad and ultimately closed doors in the process. Next year will be different--I think I will be a lot more emotional about this process. As long as I get at least a high B+, I should be able to get in somewhere.

For you, will you only go where the funding is good or are you opting for your top choice regardless of funding?

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Thanks Oseirus! I'm actually okay with being rejected this year. I kind of knew it would happen so I braced myself for it. I have finally made peace with the fact that I goofed off during undergrad and ultimately closed doors in the process. Next year will be different--I think I will be a lot more emotional about this process. As long as I get at least a high B+, I should be able to get in somewhere.

For you, will you only go where the funding is good or are you opting for your top choice regardless of funding?

Well I am still debating because there are some funding options (besides loans) that are still open that I'm trying to figure out all the details to, so I can't quite say that I will go or not go. I have basically become the Hamlet of grad school applicants.

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How about this? You're more likely to find a job after you graduate? :-)

Because that's what my only option will be? Gee, thanks for the encouragement. :D

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Because that's what my only option will be? Gee, thanks for the encouragement. :D

LOL this day and age? I will GLADLY take that encouragement only if it's written in unicorn's blood, notarized AND in triplicate

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oseirus: Welcome in my world. we should write a book about our inner thought processes :-).

Oh I would def. need an editor, a filter, and lots of altoids to keep me calm ... but that book would be a BLOCKBUSTER ... by which I mean I can safely say we'd sell 48 copies ... my mother would 30 of them ... you're due for the other 18

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I can officially say that prolonged silence is a good thing. I submitted my apps to Pratt and Carnegie Mellon on January 5 and 15 respectively. I received acceptances from both this very week. That's TWO months later.


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I can officially say that prolonged silence is a good thing. I submitted my apps to Pratt and Carnegie Mellon on January 5 and 15 respectively. I received acceptances from both this very week. That's TWO months later.

Hmm. Well, here's hoping.

Also, congrats!

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