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CUNY FL12 Acceptance

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I think you'll get the ECF too, and to answer your earlier question about the email itself, it seemed like it was a mass email in that it was quite basic, but was personally addressed, so there's still a chance. 18k and an invitation to the March 16 meet and greet thing. I don't know how you can do New York with this kind of funding, and I don't know how I would ever manage to finish in a reasonable number of years with the teaching load they expect of you plus extra to make up for the paltry funding. I love the faculty and the location, but this is definitely a tough one. Must put thinking cap on...

Well, I've always been a pretty working-class fella, so living low on the food chain ain't a problem for me. But the difference between a guaranteed 2/2 courseload over 5 years and a spotty adjunct/internship whatever thing is pretty big to me. It seems historically like they send out ECFs over the course of a few weeks, so I definitely am not in despair. I'm just frustrated I haven't heard anything.

If you decide that you want to go to CUNY (because it such an awesome program), let me know if you need advice about living in NYC, finding an apartment, etc. I've been here about 2.5 years now and I've been living in the Northeast for almost 10 years. I know my way around the city now.

If you decide to go to any of your awesome other acceptances, let CUNY know that you want your ECF to go directly to me. :D

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Well, I've always been a pretty working-class fella, so living low on the food chain ain't a problem for me. But the difference between a guaranteed 2/2 courseload over 5 years and a spotty adjunct/internship whatever thing is pretty big to me. It seems historically like they send out ECFs over the course of a few weeks, so I definitely am not in despair. I'm just frustrated I haven't heard anything.

If you decide that you want to go to CUNY (because it such an awesome program), let me know if you need advice about living in NYC, finding an apartment, etc. I've been here about 2.5 years now and I've been living in the Northeast for almost 10 years. I know my way around the city now.

If you decide to go to any of your awesome other acceptances, let CUNY know that you want your ECF to go directly to me. :D

Fair enough, my main concern is that (as a young female who is neither burly nor learned in martial arts) I would be forced to live in an unsafe area in order to accommodate the funding. Frustrating indeed, I can imagine. And thanks for that offer! I will most definitely take you up on it if I decide to go that way. At this point I think Vandy is taking the lead for me, but campus visits have to happen before I can make a solid decision. That, and I'm still waiting on my top two programs, or more honestly, my reach programs, before really getting down to the nitty gritty of choosing. Hopefully that notification happens soon, as I am pretty sure I am getting an ulcer.

Will do! "Dear Prof. Reid-Pharr. There's this guy I know from this chatroom about grad stuff and he would like my ECF please. Thanks! I really like your work! K Bye!" The End.

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I got accepted (email from POI last week) and today got an email saying I am among those awarded the Chancellor's Fellowship and invited to the March 16 open house. On that note, does anyone know (hearsay, previous experience) if it's kosher to request to spend that Friday night with a current graduate student? I currently live in Boston and while NYC is just a Bolt/Megabus away, I'm on a tight budget and my nearest cheap accommodation is my sister's apartment in New Haven. And I have little desire to take a late train to New Haven Friday night!

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I didn't get one, either, Trip! And I was the first one on the board to post an acceptance, so what's up with that? (Maybe they know I'm not going to go there anyway and are trying to make the decision easier on me...?)

I know what you mean... you almost wonder if you could leverage them into it if they knew you had choices...

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I felt like you would get one for sure, since they notified you so early, but I was afraid of saying so and then it not happening. Congrats!

Thanks! I knew there were no guarantees since I know other people who got early acceptances but no funding.

The ECF is not bad... the $18,000/yr is a bummer, but since I tutor, I could certainly make up the difference. Plus, I was thinking of moving to Bushwick anyway. B) This might be sealing it.

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Thanks Marlowe. I was gonna +1 your post, but I got a message that said "You have reached your quota of positive votes for the day." WHAT? We have a QUOTA? How are we supposed to support each other in the midst of all this drama???

I +1ed for ya trip, Trip. I'm sending out positive vibes (also hoping they come back to me). Congrats on the ECF!

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You bet! Maybe I'll see you there?

Quite possibly, though I am finding it difficult to schedule all of my campus visits as they're all over the place. And I still have a couple (top choice) schools to hear from before booking flights. WHY CAN'T THEY ALL JUST TELL ME TODAY. That way I will have my reading week to potentially non-stop cry.

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Quite possibly, though I am finding it difficult to schedule all of my campus visits as they're all over the place. And I still have a couple (top choice) schools to hear from before booking flights. WHY CAN'T THEY ALL JUST TELL ME TODAY. That way I will have my reading week to potentially non-stop cry.

Yes, it's so intense, all this waiting! I am also waiting on a couple of top choices, although I am not sure I'll do better than CUNY at this point, but we'll see... I'm going to be looking at all the schools pretty carefully. You have some crazy choices to make already... I can't imagine having to choose between Vanderbilt, Maryland, CUNY, and Madison.

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People, when were your deadlines?

Mine was January 15 and I'm freaking out.

And from this forum, I think I'm the only one who applied to Hispanic Lit at CUNY.

I know it's been only a month, but I have no idea how CUNY processes the acceptances/rejections/waitlistings.

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Got my acceptance today! So excited!

Woo! Congrats!! Are you going to the open house on the 16th? Maybe I'll see ya there!

Kind of a bummer that they made it for the exact same time as NeMLA. Fortunately my session is on Saturday, so I won't miss too much.

Edited by TripWillis
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