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Fall 2013 Applicants?


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Thanks, New England Nat. Still hoping to hear from OSU.
Ah, wishful thinking...
Accepted guys, congrats! What stream have you applied to? Anyone planning to study Russian History at OSU?

Edited by reed155
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Thank-you for all the great advice.. it's so nice to hear and learn from people who have gone thorugh this process before. You have reminded me to go talk things over with a friend before I get any decisions... that way I can instruct her that she may need to remind me of my rational pre-acceptance/pre-refusal self!


Some days I'm weirdly zen about it all, other days quite optimistic, and others very pessimistic. It's like a rollercoaster of emotions! However, I managed to have an amazingly productive week despite the background nerves.


Congratulations to all who received acceptances this week, and good luck to everyone else! It certainly seems like the floodgates have started to open, just that little bit...

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Congrats to the UCI, OSU, and Duke admits! :D




alskfjdklfk;da AHH.

Ahhhhh!  Exciting and nerve-wracking all at once!


It certainly seems like the floodgates have started to open, just that little bit...

Looks like it!  Here's hoping we all hear back soon... :)


(reloads OSU page) "Under consideration" x_X


Even though York UK says the same thing, I got a private email from the head financial aid officer and my POI -- I'm in! :D  So at least this season isn't one big goose egg.

Congrats on York - how exciting!  Such a beautiful city and a great university. :)

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Congratulations to those who have heard - exciting times!


My week has been SO unproductive. I actually sucked it up and apologized to my officemate/supervisor yesterday for being spaced out since Tuesday; luckily for me he took it well and commiserated. Gah.

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(reloads OSU page) "Under consideration" x_X


Even though York UK says the same thing, I got a private email from the head financial aid officer and my POI -- I'm in! :D  So at least this season isn't one big goose egg.


Congrats on York! I'm so jealous!  :P When do you think we'll hear from Oxford? I'm not optimistic about them, but curious as to when they notify typically.

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Totally agree on the inability to focus.  I gave up yesterday as a lost cause and watched Disney movies on one screen and constantly checked my email in the other. (I have a problem.)  Heading out of my apartment to do thesis work today to prevent a repeat.

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(reloads OSU page) "Under consideration" x_X


Even though York UK says the same thing, I got a private email from the head financial aid officer and my POI -- I'm in! :D  So at least this season isn't one big goose egg.

Congrats on York! I haven't been on the real campus (only the film studies campus) but the city is gorgeous (for a British university city) and I've never heard anything but good things about the university.

Congrats, congrats!

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I got an offer from Duke, with full fellowship! So excited! Anyone else heard from Duke? 


Also, since I am an international applicant, I am generally curious to know what kind of reputation does Duke have within the History circles in USA. Since most of the other departments that I have applied to are anthropology, I am not exactly able to figure out where to place the Duke History programme. Could anyone here please help me out with this?

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Here is the overall department rankings list from US News and World Report.  It's not an unproblematic rating list but it will give you a general impression.  The important thing to remember is that a department's reputation is field specific and your own adviser is even more important, and there are no ranks of individual advisers.  Also there are trade offs with having "super famous but absentee" or "very supportive" or "up and coming but young" or "legendary but about to retire".  All these things have trade offs.

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JHU acceptance was me. I am thrilled because this means I am going to go get my PhD after all! As I said in the results note -- it was an informal email from a POI who had received word I was admitted. She also mentioned everything official was coming next week, so fret not (although ok, it's hard not to) if you haven't heard yet.

Edited by lafayette
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JHU acceptance was me. I am thrilled because this means I am going to go get my PhD after all! As I said in the results note -- it was an informal email from a POI who had received word I was admitted. She also mentioned everything official was coming next week, so fret not (although ok, it's hard not to) if you haven't heard yet.


CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! :D

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JHU acceptance was me. I am thrilled because this means I am going to go get my PhD after all! As I said in the results note -- it was an informal email from a POI who had received word I was admitted. She also mentioned everything official was coming next week, so fret not (although ok, it's hard not to) if you haven't heard yet.


Awesome. Thanks for keeping us up to date. And congratulations. It's all down hill from here (well, at least as far as the application process goes!)

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JHU acceptance was me. I am thrilled because this means I am going to go get my PhD after all! As I said in the results note -- it was an informal email from a POI who had received word I was admitted. She also mentioned everything official was coming next week, so fret not (although ok, it's hard not to) if you haven't heard yet.


Yay! Congratulations!! I'm so happy for you  :lol:


Take a long, deep breath everyone - we shall hear something.....soon.

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Congrats on Johns Hopkins!

Everyone, I really did *try* to shift us a month ahead. But the area where the Rift is is under construction (go figure!) so I couldn't manipulate it. :(

One of my choices is to stay at my study abroad school for another year and do a one year British Master's. My best friends here at Aber know this fact full well and keep poking me with "So, you're staying another year, right?" Even if they don't say it, I know they're thinking it which makes it even worse. Thankfully, that decision SHOULD come within the end of this upcoming week. IF not...

Deep, deep breath!

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Are there many of you who are in/applied to PhD programs without an MA? I'm a couple of years out of college and I'm applying to mostly PhD programs (one MA). That seems a little uncommon around here? I wonder how adversely I should expect that to effect my results.

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Are there many of you who are in/applied to PhD programs without an MA? I'm a couple of years out of college and I'm applying to mostly PhD programs (one MA). That seems a little uncommon around here? I wonder how adversely I should expect that to effect my results.

While I did get a M.A., I sort of think of it as I HAD to, as I didn't major in history as an undergrad. I knew I wouldn't be competitive in the slightest, so it was my time to right that and actually take some history courses. Personally of those I know who are in humanities PhD programs, all of them went from undergrad to a PhD program (some immediately, some with years between). I really don't think not having one rules you out at all. I was just glad for the opportunity to do some work post-undergraduate to show what I wanted to do / was actually capable of.

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Congratulations to all of the newly accepted applicants!!  


Also, if any ancient historians check this page, they should totally head over the the classics page as well.

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Here is the overall department rankings list from US News and World Report.  It's not an unproblematic rating list but it will give you a general impression.  The important thing to remember is that a department's reputation is field specific and your own adviser is even more important, and there are no ranks of individual advisers.  Also there are trade offs with having "super famous but absentee" or "very supportive" or "up and coming but young" or "legendary but about to retire".  All these things have trade offs.


Indeed.  There are trade offs.  It is best to ask around in your field about your potential advisers.  I would also be conscious of their potential for tenure if they are assistant professors.  Make sure you have a second person in the department to be your co-adviser (sometimes there is a policy that a tenured professor has to supervise both of you).


Your adviser's name does matter a lot in terms of connections.  I sent an e-mail to somebody who manages this particular fellowship that both my MA and PhD adviser told me about (PhD adviser had the fellowship) and he e-mailed me to send regards to my PhD adviser among a few other things that I should know.


Are there many of you who are in/applied to PhD programs without an MA? I'm a couple of years out of college and I'm applying to mostly PhD programs (one MA). That seems a little uncommon around here? I wonder how adversely I should expect that to effect my results.

More and more programs want MA students with projects in hand.  But there are a few that want "raw potential."  Wisconsin is known for that.  But most programs want MAs because they finish faster overall given all these budgets cuts and pressures from AHA and universities to cut down time-to-degree.  in my department, less than 25% come in with just a BA.  In any case, don't fret because you will do whatever it takes to get that PhD! (Well, with little debt as possible) :)

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