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How soon after interview do you typically hear word of decisions?


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After interviews I'd guess it wouldn't take long for decisions to be made. I had an interview toward the begining of this month but I haven't heard anything. Has anyone else had experiences like this? Or not like this?

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It depends. Anywhere from the next day to a few weeks. I guess a lot of it is determined by where you fit into how they will dole out acceptance/funding offers.

Hang tight. I'm sure you will hear a decision you like soon enough.

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I agree that it depends on the school entirely - I heard back 2 days after the interviews were over. I don't think it hurts to ask when you can expect a response.

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  • 1 year later...

I got a call from my POI last Thursday (that would constitute my interview, I suppose) and got the call offering me a spot the next morning. My contact actually told me that the committee was pretty much sold before the call, so the quick turnaround was natural.


I realize this answer sucks, but "it probably depends"; don't count yourself out (or in!) until it's definite.

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I had an interview at one of my top choices two weeks ago and am still waiting... and turning myself crazy!!


I heard from another student that they are making final decisions this week- but naturally there is still a lull after that. And to make matters worse I emailed my POI after we met to thank him, etc, and he said that they will let me know "in a few months"...!! I'm hoping that this is a typo :/

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I had an interview at one of my top choices two weeks ago and am still waiting... and turning myself crazy!!


I heard from another student that they are making final decisions this week- but naturally there is still a lull after that. And to make matters worse I emailed my POI after we met to thank him, etc, and he said that they will let me know "in a few months"...!! I'm hoping that this is a typo :/

I'm in the same boat. I interviewed three weeks ago and nothing. They told me they'd let me know "by the end of the month" - I assumed that meant January, I suppose it meant February? Lots of people say no news is good news but so far I have learnt from experience that this is not the case, so yeah - lots of restlessness and fidgeting for now.

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