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Fulbright 2013-2014


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I was recommended for an ETA in Andorra! I was recommended and eventually selected as an alternate last year, so perhaps this will be my year :)

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I just want to give big big internet hugs to all the people who were rejected.

It's really difficult to hear, I know, after waiting and waiting, putting things on hold, telling friends and family. It's rough.
But try again! This was my second time, and I felt SO MUCH more confident applying this time than I did last. I may not make it through the next round, but at least I made it a little further this time!! Just keep a positive attitude , and it doesn't hurt to mention in your  essays that you are going to keep trying until you get it. For what it's worth, the FPA on my campus had to apply like.. seven times?! I think, before he was awarded a grant! Crazy, I know!

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Bleh I know this is conceited/full of myself. But I wish I could know why I was rejected. I had a really really strong application. (I thought?) I applied for voice, and I just won a huge national vocal competition (which I would say is more competitive, at least in the vocal field, than the Fulbright...) I also studied German for a number of years, have done summer programs in Germany, and come from a top university and a top masters program. My recommendations were overflowing with praise. I had an affiliation letter from a top conservatory. I know they say you can't ask, but I wish I knew so I could have a better application next year...


Yes, they should really tell people why. The Fulbright application isnt easy, so I always looked at a lot of really smart, dedicated, skilled, amazing people applying. We are all competing and it comes down to those 3 people reviewing us in the room. Did they like something about me? It is a really confusing process. I am willing to bet that almost 80% of the applicant pool is well qualified and deserves to go. It just comes down to those reviewers and whose application they connected with. I know this gives you no tangible feedback but I know a lot of people who would never attempt to even apply to the Fulbright. I learned a lot through the last two applications that made the whole thing worth it. 

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Heck yeah that's a silver lining! I put my graduation back to study in Germany for a semester, and I would do it again in a HEARTBEAT!!

It was so worth it! :) Keep trying!

Thanks! Good luck in the next round!

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I want to know the same. Because, I want to know if it is because of my profile, or because of my project. Cosi e la vita...


Bleh I know this is conceited/full of myself. But I wish I could know why I was rejected. I had a really really strong application. (I thought?) I applied for voice, and I just won a huge national vocal competition (which I would say is more competitive, at least in the vocal field, than the Fulbright...) I also studied German for a number of years, have done summer programs in Germany, and come from a top university and a top masters program. My recommendations were overflowing with praise. I had an affiliation letter from a top conservatory. I know they say you can't ask, but I wish I knew so I could have a better application next year...


How long have you spent in the countries cumulatively? My FPA said that they prefer <6 months, otherwise you've already had extensive opportunities in that country (so a simple study abroad wouldn't hold you back, but a master's degree done in that country might). That isn't 100%, but it's a factor.

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I have been recommended for a full grant to Fiji (in terms of applicantion, the "country" is actually South Pacific Islands Nations though)!!!!!!!!


I am sorry to hear of those rejected.. I hope all works out in your favor.

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How long have you spent in the countries cumulatively? My FPA said that they prefer <6 months, otherwise you've already had extensive opportunities in that country (so a simple study abroad wouldn't hold you back, but a master's degree done in that country might). That isn't 100%, but it's a factor.


No, it was less than 6 months. I spent two months in Austria/Germany and most recently a month in Germany.

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I just want to give big big internet hugs to all the people who were rejected.

It's really difficult to hear, I know, after waiting and waiting, putting things on hold, telling friends and family. It's rough.

But try again! This was my second time, and I felt SO MUCH more confident applying this time than I did last. I may not make it through the next round, but at least I made it a little further this time!! Just keep a positive attitude , and it doesn't hurt to mention in your  essays that you are going to keep trying until you get it. For what it's worth, the FPA on my campus had to apply like.. seven times?! I think, before he was awarded a grant! Crazy, I know!

The application was definitely a learning process! I already know of many things I can do differently and while disappointing, the denial isn't discouraging this time around. I hope my FPA doesn't mind me bothering her about next year so early :)

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How long have you spent in the countries cumulatively? My FPA said that they prefer <6 months, otherwise you've already had extensive opportunities in that country (so a simple study abroad wouldn't hold you back, but a master's degree done in that country might). That isn't 100%, but it's a factor.


I have spent less than six months, about three months in total for preliminary field research. The Fulbright was an application to fund doctoral research within Italy, which is why I'm not too upset (since I have applied to other grants; plus having applied to Fulbrights in the past, as well as Marshall and other grants when I have been in undergraduate, I am well versed to rejection).

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I have been recommended for an ETA in Malaysia.


I also oversee the admissions process for a large, more selective university. We release our decisions March 1, and at least 2-3 times per day I have to tell them to be patient. I have now experienced first-hand how, well, not fun that is.


I am sorry for those of you who were not recommended. Sometimes students at my university are not admitted and it can really be a head scratcher. From everything I have read, it seems Fulbright does a pretty thorough job in their review. Often times, it just can't really be explained other than the pool of applicants one competes against, which is entirely outside one's control. 


Good luck to everyone who was recommended!

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Bleh I know this is conceited/full of myself. But I wish I could know why I was rejected. I had a really really strong application. (I thought?) I applied for voice, and I just won a huge national vocal competition (which I would say is more competitive, at least in the vocal field, than the Fulbright...) I also studied German for a number of years, have done summer programs in Germany, and come from a top university and a top masters program. My recommendations were overflowing with praise. I had an affiliation letter from a top conservatory. I know they say you can't ask, but I wish I knew so I could have a better application next year...

I know, it's hard not knowing why. I think the most you can do is talk to you FPA's really. Were you applying for a Full scholarship or an ETA? I hope this doesn't sound mean, but maybe you put too much emphasis on your amazing credentials, and not enough on your project? That would be my only guess, because you sound like a good candidate! I know I was kind of hesitant to apply, because I went to a state school, but my FPA's kept telling me that they try to keep a balance of state schools/ top private schools. So maybe it had something to do with that as well? Just keep trying!

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The application was definitely a learning process! I already know of many things I can do differently and while disappointing, the denial isn't discouraging this time around. I hope my FPA doesn't mind me bothering her about next year so early :)

Yess! keep that attitude, and lots of luck for the next time around!! And the sooner you start, the more rounds of revisions you can cram in! I know last time, I felt like I could keep working my essays. This time around, I felt like my advisor and I both got to a point where we felt like it was ready to go!  It also has a lot to do with where you are in life. Last time, I really wanted to go, but I didn't think my reasons for wanting to go were as solid. If I dont' make it through the final process, I can only imagine that I would feel that much stronger about applying for a third time!

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Not Recommended!


My first time around and I didn't get Fulbright and then turned around and got admitted to a fully-funded graduate program here in Budapest, Hungary for the same time duration.  Didn't get Fulbright this go round so I feel as the same is going to be repeated so I'm not upset or sad I'm content and looking for what's next because I've applied to several fellowships and my next master's is fully-funded already at G-town! Good luck to all those recommended and yeah those who like myself who didn't get recommended don't give up, but definitely when applying to this NEVER put your eggs in one basket, always apply to everything you qualify for.  At least that's what I do.  Who knows I may apply again to Fulbright 20 years from now when it's doctoral program time after my FSO career...we'll see! :D


Cheers everyone!

Edited by legallyproper
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I applied to work with the University of Padua about the social aspects of renewable energy in Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto. My "field" is environmental social science - but I basically blend Science and Technology Studies with human geography  What about you?

I study theoretical and computational chemistry and my project would be to use these methodologies to study multiple sclerosis at the University of Florence.

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Email from my FPA (a minute ago):



I know this is a big disappointment.  You will receive an official email from xxx and myself shortly, but I also wanted to send a personal note to say this:  you did everything right.  You worked incredibly hard and your work was strong.  Fulbright can be a tricky, fickle beast.  It's an awesome opportunity, but it's also awesomely competitive, and we never know exactly what that committee was looking for that particular year. 
You have great things ahead of you.  Onward and upward!"
The advice is right the best who knows is going to be your FPA. Fulbright you fickle beast :)
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I know, it's hard not knowing why. I think the most you can do is talk to you FPA's really. Were you applying for a Full scholarship or an ETA? I hope this doesn't sound mean, but maybe you put too much emphasis on your amazing credentials, and not enough on your project? That would be my only guess, because you sound like a good candidate! I know I was kind of hesitant to apply, because I went to a state school, but my FPA's kept telling me that they try to keep a balance of state schools/ top private schools. So maybe it had something to do with that as well? Just keep trying!


No it's okay, I understand. I think that is partially true, that I was too focused on the fact that I was very qualified for it. 


Also, I really don't want to talk to my FPA. She was completely unpleasant and rude to me the entire process. My current school, where I'm getting my masters, does not get many Fulbright applicants because it is a conservatory, so most people are not about to propose complex academic projects. My undergraduate university was very supportive and even helped me with my application even though I had to apply through my current school where I am getting my masters. She tried to convince me not to apply for no reason except that "I am going on vacation in July and won't have time to edit your application." She would take WEEKS to respond to my emails/requests and even told me the wrong location of my interview and I had to find out through one of my interviewers. 


She is known around the school for being a horrible administrator and extremely unhelpful, and because my school is so small (an administrative staff of about five people) she basically got the job of being the Fulbright advisor because she won many years ago. Sooo, long story short, I have zero interest in reaching out to her and asking what she thinks went wrong, because I'm sure she'll be really rude/horrible about it. She even said I was such a bad writer that she didn't believe my first language was English (I was an English major from Princeton, and my professors were so excited by my analysis/writing that they tried really hard to get me to get my PhD in English, and even said they'd help me get into Yale, soooo... yeah. I think that comment is a bit out of line.) 


Pardon my super long comment :( I'm in a bad mood right now lol 

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