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Fulbright 2013-2014


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hi all,


yet another lurker coming out of the woodwork.


I applied for a full grant to Belgium. my FPA told me that, last year, applicants to Belgium heard back on March 5. well, three weeks later and I'm still waiting for that email... and getting crazier every day... this wait is absolutely soul-crushing.


SERIOUSLY!  I thought since we didn't even have to give the Germans our translated essays/ application that we would be notified earlier than usual. Wishful thinking I guess! This waiting is definitely increasing my daily wine intake...thank god for two three buck chuck!

I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one turning to wonderful cheap wine to soothe my nerves! after class every day, my thought process usually goes something like this: "I guess I should work on my thesis now. but I didn't hear back from Fulbright again. fuck it, I'm getting more wine." the irony that my thesis is about substance use problems is not lost on me...

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I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one turning to wonderful cheap wine to soothe my nerves! after class every day, my thought process usually goes something like this: "I guess I should work on my thesis now. but I didn't hear back from Fulbright again. fuck it, I'm getting more wine." the irony that my thesis is about substance use problems is not lost on me...


Hahaha, aww. Us poor souls! They better hurry up! :P

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While we wait, I never did ask, what are your plans for Finland? I'm looking at the transformation of the Finnish Education system through a genealogical/pragmatic historical methodology, if I get accepted (knock on wood). I have affiliation with the University of Yvaskla


I applied for a full grant in order to do some math research, mainly. You'd be surprised at how much more productive a group can be when physically together for a long period of time, as opposed to occasional Skype sessions and such. I'd also like to observe the education system there, since I plan on being a professor in the future. Have you heard of this documentary called The Finland Phenomenon? I just saw a screening of it last week, and it was pretty fascinating. But it also got me more attached to the country, which I should really minimize in case I don't get the Fulbright...

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I was hoping to come here and find other Armenia applicants, but it seems that I am the first one. At least I have more company in this waiting game. :]


Another Caucasus applicant! We are few and far between.  I applied to Georgia. 

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Soooo maybe I missed this... but is there a chance that Germany applicants also receive a salary in addition to the stipend? Like the Austria person? Because that would be phenomenal.

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Top of the morning post again.  A dentist appointment in the morning and going to lecture.  That should keep my mind off things for a bit, especially when they stick the needle in my mouth to numb it up.  :-)

Edited by JackG
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Soooo maybe I missed this... but is there a chance that Germany applicants also receive a salary in addition to the stipend? Like the Austria person? Because that would be phenomenal.


The website just says: "A monthly stipend of 800 Euro, health insurance and Fulbright international travel benefits will be provided." Still, not bad. When I lived in Germany, my rent for my studio was less than 200 Euro a month and my food budget was about 30 Euro a week. That would leave upwards of 400-500 Euro for research, travel and entertainment per month.

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hi everyone, 


This is my first time posting but I was hoping you all could help me with a quick question. I've been recommended for an ETA to Turkey and I will definitely accept the position if I'm selected. However, my sister just got engaged last week and is planning her wedding for next May. I know most of us haven't done a Fulbright year yet, but do any of you know if it would be frowned upon to take work off for about a week and a half at some point during the month of May so I can fly back to the states to attend my sister's wedding festivities? I'm the Maid of Honor and my sister has already told me she will be upset if I'm not there for the whole week of luncheons and showers and fittings that comes before the ceremony. I don't mean to jump the gun by assuming I'll be selected, but she asked me to try and find out before she books her date. So, anyone know if our contract permits leaving for that sort of thing? Or is it up to us to work it out with the University that we're placed with during our stay? 




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Top of the morning post again.  A dentist appointment in the morning and going to lecture.  That should keep my mind off things for a bit, especially when they stick the needle in my mouth to numb it up.  :-)


I've never wanted to go to the dentist so badly before...or at all for that matter. :P

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hi everyone, 


This is my first time posting but I was hoping you all could help me with a quick question. I've been recommended for an ETA to Turkey and I will definitely accept the position if I'm selected. However, my sister just got engaged last week and is planning her wedding for next May. I know most of us haven't done a Fulbright year yet, but do any of you know if it would be frowned upon to take work off for about a week and a half at some point during the month of May so I can fly back to the states to attend my sister's wedding festivities? I'm the Maid of Honor and my sister has already told me she will be upset if I'm not there for the whole week of luncheons and showers and fittings that comes before the ceremony. I don't mean to jump the gun by assuming I'll be selected, but she asked me to try and find out before she books her date. So, anyone know if our contract permits leaving for that sort of thing? Or is it up to us to work it out with the University that we're placed with during our stay? 





I think typically you can take up to two weeks, though it's generally during break periods (e.g. Christmas). However, you may be able to get that approved by IIE.

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I was hoping to come here and find other Armenia applicants, but it seems that I am the first one. At least I have more company in this waiting game. :]


Another Caucasus applicant! We are few and far between.  I applied to Georgia. 


Hey there Caucasus friends... I applied to Azerbaijan! For an ETA. 

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So we have to wait for every country to send in there stuff before we hear?! Crazy...Panama only had 7 people! Looks like they didn't get notified until May 9th last year... PLEASE be sooner than that! The last thing I need is to be thinking about that during finals ;)

To be honest, I'm not sure why - bu it would seem that way. I applied last year and didn't get it - the wait sucked!! We were literally almost the last to hear... Almost all of Sub-Saharan Africa found out before we did! It was crazy. But if you look at the notifications (I think 09-10) they found out March 27th. So... We could find out anytime between now and um... May...

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on the google doc, i saw that someone applied as an ETA to multiple countries. how does that work?

When an ETA program isn't EXACTLY a Fulbright. For Austria, Fulbright combines their ETA with a Full Grant. Their Austrian American Educational Commission counterpart, in turn, has separate program that is identical to other Fulbright ETA programs, except that it isn't one. This makes it possible for applicants with a background in German to apply to both Fulbright Germany ETA and Fulbright Austria USTA at the same time.

Edited by der Träumer
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Sorry if this has been covered and I just missed it. But does anyone know any details about how the sequester is affecting fulbright? I spoke with Walter over the phone today and forgot to ask him. I know that "most the program will be unaffected" but that definitely still worries me.. Especially since my program is one of the smaller ones. I did ask if my foreign committee has turned in their decision to iie to which he said that he doesn't know but they send out notices within a day or two after the foreign committee gets their decisions in.

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Hi. first time poster.  My question is about mandatory PDOs. Is there any information as to dates for these? Are they conducted by region? Some eastern european countries mention mid July.  My son has been recommended for an ETA to Ukraine. I ask because it is his grandparents 60th wedding anniversary and there are plans afoot for a party and we'd like it not to interfere with the PDO if , fingers crossed, he were to be accepted. (logistical nightmare to set a date given the grandkids range from elementary to college). I don't want to even mention this issue to him. He's so busy right now finishing up his thesis etc...same reason I would never tell him I stumbled onto this forum! He'd probably try to read the forum from page 1! And it does seem to increase anxiety. I know I feel more anxious now.  Good luck to all of you!

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Sorry if this has been covered and I just missed it. But does anyone know any details about how the sequester is affecting fulbright? I spoke with Walter over the phone today and forgot to ask him. I know that "most the program will be unaffected" but that definitely still worries me.. Especially since my program is one of the smaller ones. I did ask if my foreign committee has turned in their decision to iie to which he said that he doesn't know but they send out notices within a day or two after the foreign committee gets their decisions in.

I don't think anyone has any kind of definitive answer.

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I've never wanted to go to the dentist so badly before...or at all for that matter. :P

Haha, it wasn't too bad.  This time they didn't hit nerve, so a painless event albeit a bit sore.  Trying not to day dream too much about Germany, while waiting for news.  Does anyone have a good cocktail they like to make in these trying times?   

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