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Fulbright 2013-2014


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Based on the spreadsheets, it looks like I'll probably be in Germany when they release the ETA selections... I suppose that's probably for the best; I can head to the nearest Kneipe and either celebrate or drown my sorrows in a nice Hefeweizen :)

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Based on the spreadsheets, it looks like I'll probably be in Germany when they release the ETA selections... I suppose that's probably for the best; I can head to the nearest Kneipe and either celebrate or drown my sorrows in a nice Hefeweizen :)


Bitte ein dunkeles Hefeweizen! Wo genau in Deutschland wärest du?

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Bitte ein dunkeles Hefeweizen! Wo genau in Deutschland wärest du?
Hamburg, Marburg oder in der Nähe von Göttingen. Leider ist diese nur eine kurze reise (29. März bis 7. April); ich besuche meinen Freund.
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I just found this forum (cause you know i wanted to find out something).

I was recommended but I don't know which country ... I did a multi country ETA for Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Poland. 

Yeah, I just wanted whoever applied to these countries to know that I'm eagerly waiting for a response, too.


Well bye.... and I'll post some news in a few months (hopefully good)

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Hey guys, first time poster here.  Just wondering if anyone else was recommended for an ETA to Turkey? 

If you look back a page it looks like user ajax12 is recommended for a research grant. Its good to know them as well!

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Hey there: just a friendly reminder,


Whether or not you succeeded to the next level in the Fulbright don't forget to send round thank you cards to your recommenders. As someone who has had to write lots of recommendations I can tell you that it is really nice when someone acknowledges that you spent valuable time plugging their attributes. Smooths the pavement for the next time you have to ask too!  :)



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Hi all.


I have been recommended for the ETA to India.  Are there any other of us here?


On the spreadsheet from last year, there is no notification date for the ETA, so I am wondering if any of you might know when the final decisions were released and also if they were sent by email or post.


Cheers to all, and best of luck to all other finalists!

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Hello there. Long time lurker here, but this is my first time posting.
I was recommended for the ETA in Bosnia-- any others out there for Bosnia? 


Congrats to everyone who was recommended! 

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I just found this forum (cause you know i wanted to find out something).

I was recommended but I don't know which country ... I did a multi country ETA for Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Poland.

Yeah, I just wanted whoever applied to these countries to know that I'm eagerly waiting for a response, too.

Well bye.... and I'll post some news in a few months (hopefully good)

What is a multiple country ETA? As a candidate for the Czech Republic (alone), I am confused as I thought ETA apps were for just one country and you were only allowed one app.

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Hey there: just a friendly reminder,


Whether or not you succeeded to the next level in the Fulbright don't forget to send round thank you cards to your recommenders. As someone who has had to write lots of recommendations I can tell you that it is really nice when someone acknowledges that you spent valuable time plugging their attributes. Smooths the pavement for the next time you have to ask too!  :)



Psssh. Done and done. I did that months ago. But yeah, you are right ;)

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Hello there. Long time lurker here, but this is my first time posting.

I was recommended for the ETA in Bosnia-- any others out there for Bosnia? 


Congrats to everyone who was recommended! 


Good luck to you. I hope you get Bosnia. I am doing my MA thesis and actually going to move there for the last two months of my program for field research at AUBiH. Keep me posted on your results definitely in the coming months, good luck! Do you know any Bosnian-Serbo-Croatian?

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Hey guys, first time poster here.  Just wondering if anyone else was recommended for an ETA to Turkey? 


Yeah, I'm recommended for an ETA to Turkey as well. I'm living in Chicago too, but I just moved here so I applied at-large from Oregon. Good luck!


Just to clarify the only thing we need to do before the final selection is send official transcripts to IIE, right? 

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Good luck to you. I hope you get Bosnia. I am doing my MA thesis and actually going to move there for the last two months of my program for field research at AUBiH. Keep me posted on your results definitely in the coming months, good luck! Do you know any Bosnian-Serbo-Croatian?

Thank you! It is nice to know you are rooting for me :) What kind of research are you doing, if you don't mind me asking-- and did you get some sort of grant to study at the American University? And to answer your question, I do know a little bit of BCS (my university offers a class, and I'm currently taking level 2 introductory BCS) but I am definitely not fluent. Working on it though! 

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Hi all.


I have been recommended for the ETA to India.  Are there any other of us here?


On the spreadsheet from last year, there is no notification date for the ETA, so I am wondering if any of you might know when the final decisions were released and also if they were sent by email or post.


Cheers to all, and best of luck to all other finalists!


Hello! I've been recommended for the ETA in India as well. Unfortunately, I also have not been able to find much on when final decisions are released. I did see that in 2011, a university posted that one of their students had been accepted on 3/29 (I think. I'm sure it was the end of March). For 2012, the only postings I saw were in May. It's not much, but maybe it'll help a bit.

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Does anyone have any information on UK phone interviews?


I found some good stuff online, but was wondering if anyone knows anything that may be helpful. My FPA set up a practice interview with me, but I have not been contacted by the Fulbright Commission about a phone interview as of yet.... does anyone know what the deal is? 



I wish I knew. Also a recommended UK Fulbrighter waiting and hoping I got one! (As far as I can tell, we should be notified in the next 2 weeks if we got one? And if we didn't, that probably means we didn't get it.)

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