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Fulbright 2013-2014


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This is interesting-- I was looking at the Fulbright website and found that the number of applications for each country for the 2013-2014 cycle is listed:




Wow, thanks for posting that information. I'm surprised it's already available.


Seeing how few applicants Eastern Europe generally received this year takes some of the excitement out of being a finalist, but it is encouraging seeing how close I may be...

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Wow, thanks for posting that information. I'm surprised it's already available.


Seeing how few applicants Eastern Europe generally received this year takes some of the excitement out of being a finalist, but it is encouraging seeing how close I may be...


I was thinking the same thing about Malaysia ETA as well, but it is important to consider how many people were discouraged from applying, those who started applications but didn't finish, and those who applied but didn't get passed the university to the national screening. I have my CELTA and am qualified to teach ESL anywhere in the world, and I currently work in higher education, so I have options that may not be available to college seniors without ESL or post-undergraduate professional experience.


Anyone could apply for teaching positions in China, South Korea, etc, as an ETA with Fulbright is effectively the same day-to-day work as teaching through a company or government school. The main subjective difference is the prestige attached to a Fulbright, which is why I ultimately applied for it. I reason if I am going to do similar work, may as well do it for something with name-brand recognition. Employers or graduate school admissions committees won't really care whether a given year was more or less competitive, objectively, than another. There aren't asterisks attached to totals when schools brag about the number of their students or alumni are Fulbright scholars depending on the selectively of an application period, and your family and friends will certainly not be any less proud of you because of it...


I'll be stoked if I get one even if the numbers of applications are historically lower than years past, and like you say, I was encouraged as well by the lower numbers. It is still, likely, a highly qualified applicant pool, which is a privilege to be a part of anyways.

Edited by BlueLightSpecial
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This is in regards to the first or second round?  I still haven't been notified about my first round (Full, UK).  I am starting to feel like the internet has devoured my notification email.

 Did you apply through your University? The adviser you worked with should know if you were recommended or not. 

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I was thinking the same thing about Malaysia ETA as well, but it is important to consider how many people were discouraged from applying, those who started applications but didn't finish, and those who applied but didn't get passed the university to the national screening. I have my CELTA and am qualified to teach ESL anywhere in the world, and I currently work in higher education, so I have options that may not be available to college seniors without ESL or post-undergraduate professional experience.


Anyone could apply for teaching positions in China, South Korea, etc, as an ETA with Fulbright is effectively the same day-to-day work as teaching through a company or government school. The main subjective difference is the prestige attached to a Fulbright, which is why I ultimately applied for it. I reason if I am going to do similar work, may as well do it for something with name-brand recognition. Employers or graduate school admissions committees won't really care whether a given year was more or less competitive, objectively, than another. There aren't asterisks attached to totals when schools brag about the number of their students or alumni are Fulbright scholars depending on the selectively of an application period, and your family and friends will certainly not be any less proud of you because of it...


I'll be stoked if I get one even if the numbers of applications are historically lower than years past, and like you say, I was encouraged as well by the lower numbers. It is still, likely, a highly qualified applicant pool, which is a privilege to be a part of anyways.


Well said! 

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This is in regards to the first or second round?  I still haven't been notified about my first round (Full, UK).  I am starting to feel like the internet has devoured my notification email.

In regards to the second round.

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I did mine via Skype. It was actually a surprisingly stress-free experience; she even said that it was not to talk about the typical interview questions, though we did talk about the program and teaching a bit, but really just to see that we could get along in the language. (Like, I talked about what I was hypothetically do on my first day of class, but also got asked about what I do in my free time and what TV shows I watch.) Oksana was very nice and friendly to talk to, so don't worry! 


Are you also a graduating senior? 


I graduated last spring ('12). I had my interview with Marina rather than Oksana, but you were right, it wasn't nearly as stressful as I'd anticipated. 


I just wish we knew how many finalists there are/what are chances are now for Russia. Best of luck to you!

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I have to wait another month to find out?

I'm applying for a full research grant in the UK in music. I did my audition in December and got my notification in January, but it's all I can freaking think about!

Any other performing/visual arts applicants for the UK?

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I've updated the Fulbright Notifications spreadsheet and now it is available for everyone to edit! So if you haven't already--please add or update your information! (I'll still maintain it and keep it neat)




Let's get this rolling. Good luck to everyone during these anxious days!

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Yes. I applied and was accepted. What about others?




No news from Fulbright on my side (though I've got a phone interview with my school on Friday), but I was just curious as my school informed me that Fulbright had asked them to look at my application, so I know that there's been movement on my stuff at least, even if I'm not hearing from them!

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UK partnership folks- question for you. Have you already applied/been accepted to your school, apart from the Fulbright?


I was accepted by my school but haven't heard about the interview yet. The wait is killing me!

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I guess by "by Thursday the 14th" they meant "ON Thursday the 14th"!


Btw did you guys notice that on the projected awards that there were 46 awards listed instead of 36? I thought that was a little strange. But hey, the more, the merrier, I suppose!

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pbo do the chatroom thing with me!


Haha I'm at work, so I can't! If you're still on when I get home from work in a few hours I totally will, though. I'm in CST (I'm in Chicago)

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ok general shout out, UK peeps, get on chat so I can stress out with you! 

Sadness. You're not on chat anymore!


Also, I got accepted like 2 days ago to the partnership one- I hadn't applied until like a month ago though...

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Dr. Herp, are you sure that is a good idea? I know in years past when everyone was allowed to edit, there were a lot of headaches because people kept changing things around. I don't know, just my thoughts. 


Porshyen, yeah--could definitely be headache, but seems ok so far. I'll go back if it appears to be a headache--luckily I can revert to a previous edition fairly easily if necessary. I've been checking the revision history to make sure all is copacetic. I've also used protected ranges to prevent the older sheets from being edited. If it gets out of hand, I can definitely go back to the old way!

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It's possible that this question has been asked before, but just thought I would ask - does anyone know if IIE can confirm receipt of our transcripts? I'm applying for an ETA in South Korea, and called yesterday but was told only that we would be notified if our transcripts were missing. Maybe I'm just OCD, however I was hoping to confirm that they had arrived sooner than later.

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It's possible that this question has been asked before, but just thought I would ask - does anyone know if IIE can confirm receipt of our transcripts? I'm applying for an ETA in South Korea, and called yesterday but was told only that we would be notified if our transcripts were missing. Maybe I'm just OCD, however I was hoping to confirm that they had arrived sooner than later.


For those of you worried if they have received your transcript or not, and if they say they will notify you in the event that it is not received, that is what they mean. This question has also been answered multiple times in previous pages. I would recommend for applicants to chill out on the transcript front. I am sure IIE is inundated with phone calls exactly of this inquiry. 

Edited by BlueLightSpecial
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